Dec 232017
Pass-Around Trivia. A Very nicely programmed game of Trivia. Plays 1 to 6 people.
File PASTRIVA.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Pass-Around Trivia. A Very nicely programmed game of Trivia. Plays 1 to 6 people.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ANIM.TRI 4925 1097 deflated
BIBLE.TRI 8192 1778 deflated
ENTER.TRI 29550 7316 deflated
FAM.TRI 13396 3426 deflated
GEO.TRI 13987 2899 deflated
HIST.TRI 19306 5022 deflated
MISC.TRI 13790 3383 deflated
SPORTS.TRI 20882 5194 deflated
TRIVIA.DOC 14395 4825 deflated
TRIVIA.EXE 34670 19039 deflated
TRIVIA.LOG 1840 238 deflated
TRIVIA.LST 620 242 deflated
TRIVIA.MOD 156 66 deflated
TRIVIA.PRO 2235 1065 deflated
TRIVIA.TIP 3481 1551 deflated
TRIVIA1.COM 35840 23493 deflated
WON.TRI 15760 4148 deflated

Download File PASTRIVA.ZIP Here

Contents of the TRIVIA.DOC file


Version 3.03

Copyright (c) 1989 PAS Software
All Rights Reserved

PAS Software
P.O. Box 3679
Federal Way, WA 98063

Toll-Free 1-800-553-3968
or Call: 206-838-3989

License Agreement

PASS-AROUND TRIVIA is protected by United States Copyright Law and
International Treaty provisions. All rights are reserved.
Non-registered users of PASS-AROUND TRIVIA are licensed only to use
the program on a trial basis for the sole purpose of determining
whether or not it meets their requirements. All other use requires

Any other use of non-registered copies of PASS-AROUND TRIVIA by any
person, business, corporation, government organization, or any other
entity is strictly forbidden and is a violation of this license

Registration permits a user a license to use PASS-AROUND TRIVIA on a
single computer.

All users are granted a limited license to copy PASS-AROUND TRIVIA for
the trial use of others, with the following additional conditions:

PASS-AROUND TRIVIA must be distributed in
unmodified, complete form, including this Reference
Guide and License Agreement.

PASS-AROUND TRIVIA may not be distributed in
conjunction with any other product, without written
permission from PAS Software.

No fee, other than a bonafide disk duplicating fee
not to exceed $6.00, may be charged for a
unregistered copy of PASS-AROUND TRIVIA.


PAS Software makes NO WARRANTY of any kind, express or implied,
including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or
fitness for a particular purpose. PAS Software shall not be liable for
any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising
from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by the

Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages. So the above limitation or exclusion may not
apply to you.

Pass-Around Registration

Simply register a Pass-Around software program. When you register, you
are assigned a personal registration number which you enter into your
copy of the program. Each time you share that program with a friend and
they register, your number will appear on their registration form. When
we receive that form or get the numbers by phone, your account is
credited $1.00.

Registered users are paid monthly, by the 10th of the following month.

PAS Software does not claim that any money will result from
registration. There are no guarantees of any kind.

PAS Software reserves the right to refuse registration to anyone,
provided the registration fee is not accepted.

PAS Software reserves the right to stop paying commissions to any
registered user that violates any law or regulation or causes any
damages to PAS Software.

PAS Software has incorporated SELF-CHECK(tm) into every Pass-Around
program. SELF-CHECK(tm) is a revolutionary way of protecting our
software from viruses. If a Pass-Around program catches a virus, the
next time you run it, it will tell you. All your programs should have


Thank you for trying Pass-Around Trivia. With its great graphics and
sound, we think you'll find Pass-Around Trivia to be a fun and exciting
game for the whole family.

To start the program, from the DOS A> type:

TRIVIA and press [Enter]

To start PASS-AROUND TRIVIA from your hard drive after installation:

1) Boot your computer as you normally would.

2) At the C>, type CD \TRIVIA and press [Enter]. This will take
you to the PASS-AROUND TRIVIA directory.

3) At the C>, type TRIVIA and press [Enter].


The General Trivia #1 question disk is included on this distribution
disk. Other trivia question disks are available and should be inserted
into your disk drive after the game board has been loaded.

"Would you like sound?" will appear on the screen. Press Y if you
would like sound or N for no sound.

"Would you like multiple choice answers?" You have the choice of
having answers given and you select the correct one or of having no
answers shown and you think of the answer. If you select "N" then the
next question will be skipped.

"Would you like the answer to be shown?" If you choose yes, each time
you incorrectly answer a question, the correct answer will be

"How many players?" Enter a number from 1 to 6.

"Name of Player #1" You may enter a name for each player who is playing
the game. If you do not enter a name, "Player 1,2,3, etc." will appear
on the screen. If you want the computer to play type COMPUTER as the
name. You can decide how smart the computer should be by setting it's
I.Q. An I.Q. of 1 is very low.

"Insert Trivia Module and press [Enter]" Press [Enter] for the default
drive. If you are running TRIVIA from a hard drive and wish to use
another TRIVIA module, insert the module into drive A: and press the
letter A.



The computer controls all functions of PASS-AROUND TRIVIA leaving you
free to play and enjoy the game.

Player 1 will start first. Press the space bar and the computer will
roll the dice. Player 1's token will move the correct number of


The object of the game is to accumulate the largest number of points
before any player lands on the "Final Question" which is located in the
middle of the screen.


Players are rewarded points for answering questions correctly, landing
on the $ square, or if another player lands on a "claimed" square, and
if the final question is answered correctly.

Players have points subtracted for incorrectly answering a question or
for landing on a "claimed" square.


Squares which have a question are identified by having an A,B,C or D in
them. These letters correspond to the category listed on the upper
right portion of the screen. Points for answering questions correctly
are as follows:

Level One - 500 Points
Level Two - 1000 Points
Level Three - 1500 Points
Final Question - 10000 Points

When a player lands on an A,B,C or D square, that category will be
shown on the upper right of the screen. A question will be displayed
with four possible answers if you are playing with multiple choice
answers, or just the question if you are not playing with multiple
choice answers.

If you are playing with answers shown, the computer will ask you for
your choice (1,2,3 or 4). You have 30 seconds to answer that question.
The 30 second clock will appear on the upper right of the screen. If
you answer the question incorrectly or if your time runs out, points
will be subtracted from your score.

If you are playing without the answer shown, you have 30 seconds to
decide on the correct answer and tell it to the other players. Press
the return key to see the correct answer. If your answer was correct,
press the "Y" key after the question "Were you correct (Y/N)" appears
on the screen. If your answer was not correct, press the "N" key after
the same question appears on the screen.

Points subtracted for incorrect answers are as follows:

Level One - 25 Points times the number on the dice
Level Two - 35 Points times the number on the dice
Level Three - 50 Points times the number on the dice

After a player answers a question correctly, then that player "claims"
the square. That player's token will appear on the square for the
remainder of the game. Each time another player lands on a "claimed"
square, points are subtracted from that player's score and points are
added to the player who has "claimed" the square as follows:

Level One - 125 Points
Level Two - 250 Points
Level Three - 750 Points


Bonus points are awarded each time a player lands on the "$" square and
when the first player reaches the "?" (FINAL QUESTION) square.

Bonus points for the "$" square are as follows:

Level One - 250 Points
Level Two - 500 Points
Level Three - 750 Points

Bonus points for the "?" are as follows:

Correct Answer + 10000 Points
Incorrect Answer - 10000 Points


The final question is located in the center of the game board and is
worth 10,000 points. The computer will determine a player's final
question from the subject category in which they achieved the most
incorrect answers. The player with the most points wins the game!


Use of Pass-Around Distribution Method

PAS Software will apply for patents on the use of the Pass-Around
distribution method in software products as soon as practicable.
"Pass-Around" is a trademark of PAS Software. If you would like
permission to use the Pass-Around distribution method and trademark,
call (206) 838-3989.

PASS-AROUND and SELF-CHECK are trademarks of PAS Software


PASS-AROUND TRIVIA is NOT a public domain or free program! It is being
distributed as Shareware. The Association of Shareware Professionals
(ASP) offers the following definition of Shareware:

Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try
software before buying it. If you try a Shareware
program and continue using it, you are expected to
register. Individual programs differ on details --
some request registration while others require it,
some specify a maximum trial period. With
registration, you get anything from the simple
right to continue using the software to an updated
program with printed manual.

Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and
commercial software, and the copyright holder
retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions
as stated below. Shareware authors are
accomplished programmers, just like commercial
authors, and the programs are of comparable
quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method
of distribution. The author specifically grants
the right to copy and distribute the software,
either to all and sundry or to a specific group.
For example, some authors require written
permission before a commercial disk vendor may
copy their Shareware.

So, Shareware is a distribution method, not a type
of software. You should find software that suits
your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial
or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting
your needs easier, because you can try before you
buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are
low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back
guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you
don't pay for it.

Registration licenses you to use PASS-AROUND TRIVIA. Any unregistered
use other than trial use to determine if PASS-AROUND TRIVIA meets your
needs is a violation of our license agreement and is forbidden.

The PASS-AROUND TRIVIA license authorizes use of one copy of
PASS-AROUND TRIVIA on one machine at a time. If you have multiple
computers, either standalone, networked, or multi-user, you need to
register one copy of PASS-AROUND TRIVIA for each workstation on which
it will be used.

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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