Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : FS4WCS.ZIP
Filename : READFS4A.TXT

Output of file : READFS4A.TXT contained in archive : FS4WCS.ZIP
You should have the following files with this text file:

1. Copy DFS4A.BAT and FLTSIM4A.ADV to your C:\MARKII subdirectory.
Also copy READFS4A.TXT to C:\MARKII and print it out.

2. Copy FLTSIM4A.BAT and FLTSIM4A.RMP to your C:\REMAP subdirectory.

3. Switch to the C:\MARKII subdirectory and print the FLTSIM4A.ADV
file and study it in conjunction with this text file.


The FLTSIM4A.ADV file, once downloaded to the WCS II will perform the
following functions with the remapper in Mode 3 - Normal Flight
Mode. You will remain in one of the three modes all the time while
using this with FS4. If you want to see your original ADV functions,
then just look at the print out of the FLTSIM4A.ADV file, then
refer to the FS4 Manual and copy the functions each key that has
been assigned to each button will be performed when you press that
BTN TG z - toggle autopilot on/off.
BTN UB SCRLCK - Activate Scroll Lock - after pressing and releasing
the upper button, if you push the "hat" switch in any direction and
release it, it will cause your views to switch in that direction. If
you push the "hat" fwd after pressing and releasing the upper button,
for example your view will shift from the fwd view, to left 45 deg, and
the next time you press and release the upper button and then push the
hat fwd and release it, your view will return to fwd view. The next
time you press and release the upper button followed by pushing the
hat forward, your view will shift from fwd view to right 45 deg and
then the next time you use the upper button and hat fwd combination
of press and release your view will return to fwd. It will continue
to cycle this way each time you use a combination of an upper button
press/release followed by a push fwd/release of the hat.
The combination of a press/release of the upper button and a push to
the rear and release of the hat will cycle the rear, rear left, and
rear right 45 deg views in the same manner the the upper button/hat
fwd combination does. The upper button/left push and upper button/
right push on the hat will activate the left and right views in turn.
BTN MB ] - 3-D view on/off toggle. Press once for on and press
two times to toggle it off.
BTN LB l;- Turn cockpit and navigation lights on/off toggle.
BTN HU KP7 KP8 - If the hat is pushed fwd by itself, every other
press will cause the nose down trim to activate. This position of
the hat in conjunction with the upper button will cause view switching
to occur instead of nose down trim (see above - under BTN UB SCRLCK).
It's a dual function on the hat. The view shifts are accomplished
through the use of the remap program WCC.EXE and the remap TSR,
KBDRMP.COM. Load and examine FLTSIM4A.RMP in WCC.EXE to determine
how this is accomplished. Or refer to the text explanation of how the
remapper programs are used to accomplish this bit of keyboard magic.
BTN HR KP6 - By itself, pressing the hat right will cause right trim.
Due to the FS4 programming, you are only permitted two right trim
movement positions, but trimming right (or left) is not needed in
FS4 due to the FS4 aircraft tendency to self-return to level wings.
This is used mostly for view shifting in combination with the upper
button. (See above - under BTN UB SCRLCK).
BTN HD KP1 KP2 - If the hat is pushed to the rear by itself, every other
press will cause the nose up trim to activate. This position of
the hat in conjunction with the upper button will cause view switching
to occur instead of nose up trim (see above - under BTN UB SCRLCK).
It's a dual function on the hat.
BTN HL KP4 - By itself, left aileron trim, with upper button first,
left view. (See above - under BTN UB SCRLCK).
BTN 1 s - Window/view toggle. Note, if you are in outside view, you
can shift your outside view position using the upper button/hat
combination of presses as explained above in BTN UB SCRLCK.
BTN 2 - - Decrease zoom view. If you hold the shift key while pressing
and releasing this button you get fine zoom view decreases.
BTN 3 = - Increase zoom view. If you hold the shift key while pressing
and releasing this button you get fine zoom view increases.
BTN 4 SHFTD BSP SHFTU - Pan view up in any view. Press and release
upper button to return view to level.
BTN 5 SHFTD ENT SHFTU - Pan view down in any view. Press and release
upper button to return view to level.
BTN 6 d a - Calibrate Directional Gyro and calibrate Altimeter with a
single button press/release.
RKR UP j - Activate Remap Mode 1 - Comms/Nav Mode - see functions in
Remap Mode 1 explained below.
RKR MD r - Activate Remap Mode 3 - Normal Flight mode. This mode is
only used to ensure that the 8-way views are possible even with Mode 1
and Mode 2 turned off. In FS4 you fly with the TSR active in at least
one of the three modes at all times so the 8-way views are enabled.
The mode you are in.
RKR DN x - Activate Remap Mode 2 - Landing/Takeoff Mode - see functions
active in Remap Mode 2 explained below.

The FLTSIM4A.RMP Mode 1 - Comms/Nav Mode, when active by pressing the
WCS II rocker switch to the UP position will cause your WCS II and your
PFCS or FCS to perform the following functions:
BTN TG 1 - Use with BTN 4, for Nav radio 1 selection, & BTN 5
for VOR 1 selection. See the original ADV functions assigned
and what this mode remaps them to. Do the same for all the
Buttons listed below until you become familiar with the way the ADV
file & the RMP file work together to provide you with all this user-
defined functionality. You'll be an expert in no time.
BTN UB SCRLCK - Does the same as in the above BTN UB explanation -
refer to the description above for BTN UB if you wish to read this
BTN MB 2 - Use with BTN 4, for Nav radio 2 selection, & BTN 5
for VOR 2 selection. See the original ADV functions assigned and
what this mode remaps them to. Do the same for all the Buttons
listed below until you become familiar with the way the ADV file
& the RMP file work together to provide you with all this user-
defined functionality. You'll be an expert in no time.
BTN LB l - Does the same as in the above BTN LB explanation
refer to the description above for BTN LB if you wish to read this
BTN HU KP7 KP8 - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN HR KP6 - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN HD KP1 KP2 - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN HL KP4 - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN 1 c - Select Com radio then press Trig for COM 1 or MB for
Com 2 - press once to change frequency then press BTN 2 (down) or
press BTN 3 (up) for the digits left of the decimal, and press
twice to change frequency with a press of BTN 2 or 3 for the
digits to the right of the decimal.
BTN 2 - - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN 3 = - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN 4 n - Select Nav radio - see BTN 1 description - same functions
except for the Nav radio and frequency changing.
BTN 5 v - Select VOR indicator. see BTN 1 description - same functions
except for the VOR indicator and heading changing.
BTN 6 t - Select Transponder. see BTN 5 description - same functions
except for the Transpondor code changing. Also, press once for first
digit, then use BTN 3 or 4 (down or up) and twice for the second digit
and three times for the third digit, and four times for the fourth
digit each followed by pressing BTN 3 for down and BTN 4 for up.
RKR UP j - Activate remap mode 1 - Comms/Nav Mode - the mode you are

RKR MD r - Activate Mode 3 - Normal Flight Mode (described above in
the first section showing the button assignments and functions).
RKR DN x - Activate Mode 2 - Landing/Takeoff Mode (described below).

The FLTSIM4A.RMP Mode 2- Landing/Takoff Mode, when active by pressing the
WCS II rocker switch to the DOWN position will cause your WCS II and your
PFCS or FCS to perform the following functions:
BTN TG F7/F6 - Flaps toggle between 10 deg (F6) and 30 deg (F7) with
each succeeding press of each button.
BTN UB SCRLCK - Use the same as in other modes.
BTN MB F5 - Retract flaps.
BTN LB g - Extend/Retract landing gear.
BTN HU KP7 KP8 - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN HR KP6 - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN HD KP1 KP2 - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN HL KP4 - Same as Mode 3 above.
BTN 1 s - Cycles views.
BTN 2 - - Use to zoom view out.
BTN 3 = - Use to zoom view in.
BTN 4 o - Strobe lights on/off.
BTN 5 h - Carb heat on/off.
BTN 6 . a - Engage brakes (.) and calibrate Altimeter (a).
RKR UP j - Activate remap mode 1 - Comms/Nav Mode.
RKR MD r - Activate Mode 3 - Normal Flight Mode (described above in
the first section showing the button assignments and functions).
RKR DN x - Activate Mode 2 - Landing/Takeoff Mode (described below).
The mode you are now in.

Note: It would be a good idea, to use this series of files at first by
following the loading procedures and then entering FS4 and learning the
modes one mode at a time. For example, before following the loading
instructions below, simply print out the command matrix printed at the
end of this text file and then, follow the loading instructions and
after entering FS4, make sure the rocker is in the middle positition,
and try the Normal Flight Mode button functions and follow along in
the button function matrix as you press each button on the FCS/PFCS
and WCS II handle. The commands should activate what the matrix
indicates while in FS4 with the rocker switch ON THE MARK II HANDLE
in the middle position. If they don't, first try pressing the rocker
up and then return it to the middle position, selecting Mode 3 -
Normal Flight Mode again and try again. If they still don't do what
you expect, stop and think - what might you have done to make it not
work as expected. Remember, while flying FS4 you will ALWAYS
have the remapper active in one of the three modes with these files
loaded. You should never turn it off with the F12 (Remap ON/OFF key).

To view this RMP file switch to the C:\REMAP subdirectory and then
run WCC, when WCC starts, click on File, Load, Remap, and FLTSIM4A.RMP.
WCC will inform you that FLTSIM4A.RMP has loaded. Click on OK, and then
Click on Remap File at the top. Look at the Configuration by clicking
on Configuration.
You will see there are THREE remap modes. They are called Mode 1 -
RKR UP - Comms/Nav Mode. You will also see the number of modes is 3,
and the mode active when you start FS4 will be mode 3 - (Normal Flight).
This means exactly that, the Normal Flight mode will be active and
the buttons on your WCS II and FCS/PFCS will do what they have been
REMAPPED to by the FLTSIM4A.RMP file from the FLTSIM4A.ADV file original
keypress assignments. The remap program KBDRMP.COM causes the keys you
assigned to the FCS/PFCS buttons and WCS buttons to be remapped to the
keypresses you see in each of the modes in FLTSIM4A.RMP. You use the
remap programming program WCC.EXE to accomplish this yourself, so you
have total control over which buttons you wish to change by remapping them
to other buttons and to two buttons that can toggle between one keypress
and then another each time you press it. This toggle feature is used
to get the eight way views in each mode (for example Mode 1 - Comms/Nav
Mode where you will see I am telling KBDRMP.COM to remap the KP7 (7[numeric)
to remap itself to KP9 and then with the next press remap itself to KP7
again. The 1/3/1 you see in this mode accomplishes this on the rear
views. You will see this repeated in each mode so the 8-way views work
in all three modes and continue to work as long as you don't ever turn
the remap TSR off in flight by hitting the F12 key (you can turn it back
on by hitting F12 again) as shown at the bottom of the Remap File Config-
uration screen as the Remap On/Off Key. I have deliberately not assigned
the F12 key to any buttons on the WCS II or FCS/PFCS so that to turn the
TSR off you would hit it on the keyboard. I have never turned it off while
flying FS4.
You will also see this bit of keyboard magic in Mode 2 - Landing/Takeoff
Mode where I remap the z key (which toggle autopilot on/off in Normal
Flight Mode) to the F7 (Flaps 30 deg) and F6 (Flaps 10 deg down). This
permits you to use the trigger in FS4 to lower the flaps in two stages -
first press of the trigger in Landing/Takeoff mode puts the flaps to 10
deg down, and the second press will put them to 30 deg down. NOTE: due
to the toggle nature, the next time you activate Landing/Takeoff mode,
the flaps may go to 30 deg first - the cure whenever this happens is to
simply press the trigger again and they will return to 10 deg down and
will go to 30 degrees down with the next trigger press. This is just the
way a toggle works and should cause no problems if you watch the flaps
indicator when you press the trigger. If it goes to 30 deg - immediately
press the trigger a second time if you want them at 10 deg instead. You
will notice if you look at the FLTSIM4A.ADV file, in the Normal Flight
Mode, the z key is operated by the trigger - that will toggle autopilot
on/off, so if you want to switch to autopilot, press the trigger from
the Normal Flight Mode (RKR Middle) then, place the RKR Up and set your
COMMS & NAV radios to the frequencies you want, and the VOR 1 and 2 (note
that when you put the RKR Up you switch to Comms/nav mode and the trigger
is now a 1 and if used in conjunction with Button 5 on the WCS II handle,
you can select VOR 1 and then set it with BTN 2 or BTN 3 (look at the
FLTSIM4A.ADV printout - you'll see that BTN 2 is - and BTN 3 is = and
they are NOT remapped to something else in any of the remap modes, so they
can be used to set Com/Nav radio freqs, and VOR 1 & 2 headings, the
Transponder code numbers.
There is no need for me to explain the remapper and how it works any
further, since this is how it works and covers every thing it can do. The
rest is magic on your part. For example, if you look at the FLTSIM4A.ADV
printout, you will see I assigned the keys d and a to BTN 6. These
keys then, in Normal Flight Mode, will be generated with a single press
of BTN 6 when the Rocker switch on the handle is in the middle position
and you will then calibrate both your Directional Gyro and Altimeter with
a single press of BTN 6 on the WCS II handle.
When you place the Rocker switch on the handle down, I have remapped the
d key to the b key so that on touchdown, what happens when you press BTN
6 on the WCS II is you get brakes (it will also cal altimeter). Not a
bad option to have the ability to cal your altimeter as you are in your
descent for landing. The brake indicator will come on, but it won't
hurt anything since you are in the air. The brakes, too, are a handy
little item to have after you touch down and are racing down the runway
towards your doom. 8)
Look very carefully at the remap file FLTSIM4A in WCC and you will soon
learn just how easy it is to do this type of multi-function remapping.
I have found that it is generally best to assign a separate mode to each
position of the rocker switch. This is true in every sim I have done a
remap file for. You may use either a no-op key or a key that actually
does something useful assigned to both activate a mode in the remapper
files you create - it is up to you to decide if an option is desirable
when you also activate a remap mode. Sometimes it is, sometimes it is
not. What you MUST pay close attention to is that you do not inadvertently
remap a key you are using to activate a remap mode, or when you try to
generate that key to activate the mode and maybe something else, if you
have remapped it to another key already, it will generate the wrong key
and you'll get a result you didn't expect. For example, lets suppose the
l key turns the light on and off in FS4, and you wish to use it on the
rocker down position to both turn your lights on or off each time you
put the rocker down AND also activate a mode you assign to activate in
WCC by the l key. If you remap the l key to some other key, say the o
key (strobes) in the mode you are in with the rocker in the middle, when
you first put the rocker down, the remapper will generate an o, and you
will either turn your strobes on or off and the mode you set up to activate
with the l key won't activate. This can also have the undesirable effect
of causing your kids to run to your wife and say, "Mom, dad is using
naughty words, and pounding on his keyboard AGAIN!"
If you find this happening to you, then you might do what I do, I usually
dream up the basics for a remap mode, then create it and do the batch
file to load it (it explains how to do the batch file in the HELP screen
you get in WCC when you click on Help at the top). You can print this
help screen out by switching to the C:\REMAP subdirectory and printing
out the file README. Assign the mode to the middle rocker position and
call it the normal flight mode or something like that to start.
Then print out the *.ADV file you created, and write down the keys you
remapped the ADV assigned keys in a column to the right on the paper
you just printed the *.ADV file on (use the format X/Y for the toggle
keys you assign). Then you can better follow along with what is
happening. The buttons will generate the keys you see to the left
as printed out and the keys you see to the right when you activate the
mode you created. (I use a pencil so I can easily make changes.)
Fly the sim and think about other options you could add to the mode you
just created and also what other modes you could create and assign to the
up and down rocker positions. Then exit the sim, run WCC load the remap
file you just created and modify it by adding the two other modes.
You can have up to FIVE alternate modes and up to twenty key redefinitions
in each of the five modes. I rarely have more than three modes because I
like to assign them all to the three rocker positions for consistency and to
avoid increasing my blood pressure trying to remember 80-odd keypresses or
more. Remember, there are only 101 keys on the keyboard, and you can run
the risk of suffering "pilot information overload" while in flight with too
many key assignments on too many buttons. The miltary learned this early
in the development of the Throttle and Joystick HOTAS controls (which the
ThrustMaster WCS II and FCS/PFCS are copies of), so they limited the number
of buttons on the two controls to avoid getting pilots killed in air
combat engagements or ground attacks. The WCS II and FCS/PFCS are designed
the way they are for the same reason.
Refer to the Help file (README) for the remapper for other information, like
keys that cannot be remapped because of the way the IBM keyboard driver is
written, and for instructions on running WCC, creating remap modes, and
saving the remap files you create. There is an option in the creation
of the batch files where it will ask you if you will use the Pilot's Edge,
if you have the Mark II WCS, you should not need this fine utility, since
the WCS II will reprogram the same buttons it does for you, so do not use
it (say no) when you use the BAT file creation option to create the batch
file that will load the remap tsr and your remap file.
If you wish to load the remapper manually, or create your own batch file
using your favorite text editor, simply use this format:
C:\REMAP\KBDRMP (loads the remap tsr program KBDRMP.COM)
C:\REMAP\TBL_FLL YOURNAMED.RMP (loads the remap file you created)
C:\[FLTSIMDIRECTORY]\[FLTSIMPROGRAMNAME] (Same name you type to normally
start the flight simulation) I.E. FS or FS4 for Flight sim 4.
Then, finally add:
C:\KBDRMP (this will remove the remap from memory when you exit the sim).
Note also in the WCC help file that it tells you the remap TSR will not
coexist (run) with ill-behaved programs such as COMANCHE. Ill-behaved
programs do not like to coexist with TSR or other programs running.
COMANCHE is the only flight sim I've found so far that the remapper won't
work with - which I suspect has to do with it's 386/486 Native mode
programming method.
If you encounter other programs (flight sim, or TSR or other) that you
find it cannot work with, let us know and we will look into making it

Practice with this stuff loaded. There are over 40 functions you can
perform from your WCS II and FCS or PFCS, in addition to analog throttle
control. This will take a little time to learn. You can add even more
functions if you wish. Just create another mode or three with the
remapper and you can have enough functions to completely befuddle yourself
in the midst of a cross country flight. 8)

Now, to get started using this series of files:
1. Print out the button function matrix below, and make sure you have a
print out of FLTSIM4A.ADV handy.

1. If you have not already downloaded the FLTSIM4A.ADV file, then switch to
the C:\MARKII subdirectory and type DFS4A. The rest of the process will
be automatic, just follow the instructions as they are presented to you.

2. If you have already downloaded the FLTSIM4A.ADV file, then switch to the
C:\REMAP subdirectory and type FS4RMPA - again read the instructions and
perform them just as they ask you to. It is always a good idea to start
from the dos prompt in whatever subdirectory you are in and make sure the
handle on the WCS II is all the way back and you have clicked on Button 1
on the WCS II handle until you see characters generated. If you don't see
characters, don't be alarmed, it may be that you have programmed some key
like F7, for example onto button 1 and F7 will not produce anything at the
DOS prompt even if you press it on the keyboard - it's a non native key. If
if doubt as to whether your WCS II or FCS or PFCS are actually generating
characters, use KEYTEST in the C:\MARKII subdirectory.

Button function switch matrix:
For FCS or PFCS and WCS II while running FLTSIM4A.ADV downloaded and the
remap TSR running with FLTSIM4A.RMP loaded while flying Flight Simulator 4.0:

FLTSIM4A.ADV Comms Normal L/TO
No modes Mode 1 Mode 3 Mode 2
Active Active Active Active
BTN TG Autopilot *C/N/V 1 Autopilot Flap Stages
BTN UB View Trigger T+View Trigger T+View Trigger T+View Trigger
BTN MB 2nd 3-D Window *C/N/V 2 2nd 3-D Window Flaps Up
BTN LB Lights on/off Lights on/off Lights on/off Gears up/dn
BTN HU Trim/Nose Down +Fwd Views +Fwd Views +Fwd Views
BTN HR Right Trim +Right View +Right View +Right View
BTN HD Trim/Nose UP +Rear Views +Rear Views +Rear Views
BTN HL Left Trim +Left Views +Left Views +Left Views
BTN 1 Cycle Windows T*Comm Select Cycle Windows Cycle Windows
BTN 2 Zoom/decrease T*Decr Freq/head Zoom/decrease Zoom/decrease
BTN 3 Zoom/increase T*Incr Freq/head Zoom/increase Zoom/increase
BTN 4 Pan Up T*Nav Select Pan Up Strobes on/off
BTN 5 Pan Down T*VOR Select Pan Down Carb Ht on/off
BTN 6 Cal Gyro/Altim T*Trans Select Cal Gyro/Altim Brakes/Cal Alt
RKR UP Mode 1 on Mode 1 on Mode 1 on Mode 1 on
RKR MD Mode 3 on Mode 3 on Mode 3 on Mode 3 on
RKR DN Mode 2 on Mode 2 on Mode 2 on Mode 2 on

Note: BTN HU, HR, HD and HL if pressed and released by themselves all
operate trimming of the aircraft. If pressed after pressing the BTN UB,
the hat positions will operate one of eight view positions available
in FS4. Hat operates this way with modes 1, 2, and 3 on.

T* or T+ means first press this button to trigger a function on a button
marked with a * or +.

Happy flying,
Buzz Hoffman
Chief Test Pilot
ThrustMaster, Inc.

  3 Responses to “Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : FS4WCS.ZIP
Filename : READFS4A.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: