Dec 062017
Civilization Game File Editor - This program will allow you to edit saved games for civilization.
File CIVEDIT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Civilization Game File Editor – This program will allow you to edit saved games for civilization.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CIVEDIT.EXE 194164 85548 deflated
DEFAULT.FIL 952 447 deflated
README.TXT 1204 653 deflated

Download File CIVEDIT.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

Game: Civilization
Coder/Hacker/Doccer: C.k.
Beta Release Date: March 30th, 1993

I did some MINOR play-testing to see what works and what doesn't, and have
found that there is still much to do. This file contains misc. information
about the program and what is not included in the internal help file.

This program will allow you to edit civilization save games, it will edit the
civilization's city/unit/misc. attributes plus other stuff including the unit's
actual information for all the civ's in the game. There are many features that
I have seen incorporated in simple programs all over the place and the way this
program developed was that I originally wrote a program to edit the units and
felt like creating a program that edits all of the stuff that I've found in the
save file to date.

As it is with most editors, make backups of your save files before editing
them, thereby keeping unwanted edits to stay permanent. If anyone has any
information that I have not been able to gleen thus far, please relay it to
me on usenet (email address: [email protected]) or on Fast Trax (in san jose).

This program is freeware, so what you see is whatyaget!

L8r all

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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