Category : Science and Education
Archive   : AA-51.ZIP
Filename : KEPLER.C

Output of file : KEPLER.C contained in archive : AA-51.ZIP

/* Program to solve Keplerian orbit
* given orbital parameters and the time.
* Returns Heliocentric equatorial rectangular coordinates of
* the object.
* This program detects several cases of given orbital elements.
* If a program for perturbations is pointed to, it is called
* to calculate all the elements.
* If there is no program, then the mean longitude is calculated
* from the mean anomaly and daily motion.
* If the daily motion is not given, it is calculated
* by Kepler's law.
* If the eccentricity is given to be 1.0, it means that
* meandistance is really the perihelion distance, as in a comet
* specification, and the orbit is parabolic.
* Reference: Taff, L.G., "Celestial Mechanics, A Computational
* Guide for the Practitioner." Wiley, 1985.

#include "kep.h"

#if !BandS
extern struct orbit earth; /* orbital elements of the earth */

extern double eps, coseps, sineps; /* obliquity of ecliptic */
double sinh(), cosh(), tanh();
int embofs();

int kepler(J, e, rect, polar)
double J, rect[], polar[];
struct orbit *e;
double alat, E, M, W, temp;
double epoch, inclination, ascnode, argperih;
double meandistance, dailymotion, eccent, meananomaly;
double r, coso, sino, cosa;
int k;

/* Compute orbital elements if a program for doing so
* is supplied
if( e->oelmnt )
k = (*(e->oelmnt) )(e,J);
if( k == -1 )
goto dobs;
else if( e->celmnt )
{ /* call B & S algorithm */
(*(e->celmnt) )( J, polar );
polar[0] = modtp( polar[0] );
E = polar[0]; /* longitude */
e->L = E;
W = polar[1]; /* latitude */
r = polar[2]; /* radius */
e->r = r;
e->epoch = J;
e->equinox = J;
goto kepdon;

/* Decant the parameters from the data structure
epoch = e->epoch;
inclination = e->i;
ascnode = e->W * DTR;
argperih = e->w;
meandistance = e->a; /* semimajor axis */
dailymotion = e->dm;
eccent = e->ecc;
meananomaly = e->M;
/* Check for parabolic orbit. */
if( eccent == 1.0 )
/* meandistance = perihelion distance, q
* epoch = perihelion passage date
temp = meandistance * sqrt(meandistance);
W = (J - epoch ) * 0.0364911624 / temp;
/* The constant above is 3 k / sqrt(2),
* k = Gaussian gravitational constant = 0.01720209895 . */
E = 0.0;
M = 1.0;
while( fabs(M) > 1.0e-11 )
temp = E * E;
temp = (2.0 * E * temp + W)/( 3.0 * (1.0 + temp));
M = temp - E;
if( temp != 0.0 )
M /= temp;
E = temp;
r = meandistance * (1.0 + E * E );
M = atan( E );
M = 2.0 * M;
alat = M + DTR*argperih;
goto parabcon;
if( eccent > 1.0 )
/* The equation of the hyperbola in polar coordinates r, theta
* is r = a(e^2 - 1)/(1 + e cos(theta))
* so the perihelion distance q = a(e-1),
* the "mean distance" a = q/(e-1).
meandistance = meandistance/(eccent - 1.0);
temp = meandistance * sqrt(meandistance);
W = (J - epoch ) * 0.01720209895 / temp;
/* solve M = -E + e sinh E */
E = W/(eccent - 1.0);
M = 1.0;
while( fabs(M) > 1.0e-11 )
M = -E + eccent * sinh(E) - W;
E += M/(1.0 - eccent * cosh(E));
r = meandistance * (-1.0 + eccent * cosh(E));
temp = (eccent + 1.0)/(eccent - 1.0);
M = sqrt(temp) * tanh( 0.5*E );
M = 2.0 * atan(M);
alat = M + DTR*argperih;
goto parabcon;
/* Calculate the daily motion, if it is not given.
if( dailymotion == 0.0 )
/* The constant is 180 k / pi, k = Gaussian gravitational constant.
* Assumes object in heliocentric orbit is massless.
dailymotion = 0.9856076686/(e->a*sqrt(e->a));
dailymotion *= J - epoch;
/* M is proportional to the area swept out by the radius
* vector of a circular orbit during the time between
* perihelion passage and Julian date J.
* It is the mean anomaly at time J.
M = DTR*( meananomaly + dailymotion );
M = modtp(M);
/* If mean longitude was calculated, adjust it also
* for motion since epoch of elements.
if( e->L )
e->L += dailymotion;
e->L = mod360( e->L );

/* By Kepler's second law, M must be equal to
* the area swept out in the same time by an
* elliptical orbit of same total area.
* Integrate the ellipse expressed in polar coordinates
* r = a(1-e^2)/(1 + e cosW)
* with respect to the angle W to get an expression for the
* area swept out by the radius vector. The area is given
* by the mean anomaly; the angle is solved numerically.
* The answer is obtained in two steps. We first solve
* Kepler's equation
* M = E - eccent*sin(E)
* for the eccentric anomaly E. Then there is a
* closed form solution for W in terms of E.

E = M; /* Initial guess is same as circular orbit. */
temp = 1.0;
/* The approximate area swept out in the ellipse */
temp = E - eccent * sin(E)
/* ...minus the area swept out in the circle */
- M;
/* ...should be zero. Use the derivative of the error
* to converge to solution by Newton's method.
E -= temp/(1.0 - eccent*cos(E));
while( fabs(temp) > 1.0e-11 );

/* The exact formula for the area in the ellipse is
* 2.0*atan(c2*tan(0.5*W)) - c1*eccent*sin(W)/(1+e*cos(W))
* where
* c1 = sqrt( 1.0 - eccent*eccent )
* c2 = sqrt( (1.0-eccent)/(1.0+eccent) ).
* Substituting the following value of W
* yields the exact solution.
temp = sqrt( (1.0+eccent)/(1.0-eccent) );
W = 2.0 * atan( temp * tan(0.5*E) );

/* The true anomaly.
W = modtp(W);

meananomaly *= DTR;
/* Orbital longitude measured from node
* (argument of latitude)
if( e->L )
alat = (e->L)*DTR + W - meananomaly - ascnode;
alat = W + DTR*argperih; /* mean longitude not given */

/* From the equation of the ellipse, get the
* radius from central focus to the object.
r = meandistance*(1.0-eccent*eccent)/(1.0+eccent*cos(W));


/* The heliocentric ecliptic longitude of the object
* is given by
* tan( longitude - ascnode ) = cos( inclination ) * tan( alat ).
coso = cos( alat );
sino = sin( alat );
inclination *= DTR;
W = sino * cos( inclination );
E = zatan2( coso, W ) + ascnode;

/* The ecliptic latitude of the object
W = sino * sin( inclination );
W = asin(W);

/* Apply perturbations, if a program is supplied.
if( e->celmnt )
e->L = E;
e->r = r;
(*(e->celmnt) )(e);
E = e->L;
r = e->r;
W += e->plat;

/* If earth, Adjust from earth-moon barycenter to earth
* by AA page E2
* unless orbital elements are calculated by formula.
* (The Meeus perturbation formulas include this term for the moon.)
#if !BandS
if( (e == &earth) && (e->oelmnt == 0) )
embofs( J, &E, &W, &r ); /* see below */

/* Output the polar cooordinates
polar[0] = E; /* longitude */
polar[1] = W; /* latitude */
polar[2] = r; /* radius */


/* Convert to rectangular coordinates,
* using the perturbed latitude.
rect[2] = r * sin(W);
cosa = cos(W);
rect[1] = r * cosa * sin(E);
rect[0] = r * cosa * cos(E);

/* Convert from heliocentric ecliptic rectangular
* to heliocentric equatorial rectangular coordinates
* by rotating eps radians about the x axis.
epsiln( e->equinox );
W = coseps*rect[1] - sineps*rect[2];
M = sineps*rect[1] + coseps*rect[2];
rect[1] = W;
rect[2] = M;

/* Precess the position
* to ecliptic and equinox of J2000.0
* if not already there.
precess( rect, e->equinox, 1 );

#if !BandS
/* Adjust position from Earth-Moon barycenter to Earth
* J = Julian day number
* E = Earth's ecliptic longitude (radians)
* W = Earth's ecliptic latitude (radians)
* r = Earth's distance to the Sun (au)
int embofs( J, E, W, r )
double J;
double *E, *W, *r;
double T, M, a, L, B, p;
double smp, cmp, s2mp, c2mp, s2d, c2d, sf, cf;
double s2f, sx, cx, xyz[3];

/* Short series for position of the Moon
T = (J-J1900)/36525.0;
/* Mean anomaly of moon (MP) */
a = ((1.44e-5*T + 0.009192)*T + 477198.8491)*T + 296.104608;
a *= DTR;
smp = sin(a);
cmp = cos(a);
s2mp = 2.0*smp*cmp; /* sin(2MP) */
c2mp = cmp*cmp - smp*smp; /* cos(2MP) */
/* Mean elongation of moon (D) */
a = ((1.9e-6*T - 0.001436)*T + 445267.1142)*T + 350.737486;
a = 2.0 * DTR * a;
s2d = sin(a);
c2d = cos(a);
/* Mean distance of moon from its ascending node (F) */
a = (( -3.e-7*T - 0.003211)*T + 483202.0251)*T + 11.250889;
a *= DTR;
sf = sin(a);
cf = cos(a);
s2f = 2.0*sf*cf; /* sin(2F) */
sx = s2d*cmp - c2d*smp; /* sin(2D - MP) */
cx = c2d*cmp + s2d*smp; /* cos(2D - MP) */
/* Mean longitude of moon (LP) */
L = ((1.9e-6*T - 0.001133)*T + 481267.8831)*T + 270.434164;
/* Mean anomaly of sun (M) */
M = (( -3.3e-6*T - 1.50e-4)*T + 35999.0498)*T + 358.475833;
/* Ecliptic longitude of the moon */
L = L
+ 6.288750*smp
+ 1.274018*sx
+ 0.658309*s2d
+ 0.213616*s2mp
- 0.185596*sin( DTR * M )
- 0.114336*s2f;
/* Ecliptic latitude of the moon */
a = smp*cf;
sx = cmp*sf;
B = 5.128189*sf
+ 0.280606*(a+sx) /* sin(MP+F) */
+ 0.277693*(a-sx) /* sin(MP-F) */
+ 0.173238*(s2d*cf - c2d*sf); /* sin(2D-F) */
B *= DTR;
/* Parallax of the moon */
p = 0.950724
p *= DTR;
/* Elongation of Moon from Sun
L = DTR * mod360(L) - (*E - PI);

/* The Moon's position has to be precessed to J2000 */

/* Distance in au */
a = 4.263523e-5/sin(p);

/* Convert to rectangular ecliptic coordinates */
xyz[2] = a * sin(B);
cx = cos(B);
xyz[1] = a * cx * sin(L);
xyz[0] = a * cx * cos(L);

/* Convert to equatorial */
epsiln( J );
sf = coseps*xyz[1] - sineps*xyz[2];
cf = sineps*xyz[1] + coseps*xyz[2];
xyz[1] = sf;
xyz[2] = cf;

/* Precess the position
* to ecliptic and equinox of J2000.0
precess( xyz, J, 1 );

/* Rotate back to ecliptic coordinates */
sf = coseps*xyz[1] + sineps*xyz[2];
cf = -sineps*xyz[1] + coseps*xyz[2];
xyz[1] = sf;
xyz[2] = cf;

/* Convert to polar coordinates */
L = zatan2( xyz[0], xyz[1] );
B = asin( xyz[2]/a );

/* Distance from Earth to Earth-Moon barycenter
a = 5.18041e-7 / p;

/* Adjust the coordinates of the Earth
sx = a / *r; /* chord = R * dTheta */
*E += sx * sin(L);
*W -= sx * B;
*r += a * cos(L);

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : AA-51.ZIP
Filename : KEPLER.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: