Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : RAYSH386.ZIP

Output of file : QUICKREF.TXT contained in archive : RAYSH386.ZIP
Rayshade Quick Reference

[thing] Optional item Production
Thing Number or String (thing) Default value(s)
thing Keyword

Reals and integers may be written in exponential notation, with or without a
decimal point. Reals are truncated to integers when need be. Numbers may also
be written as expressions surrounded by a matched pair of parentheses.
Subexpressions may be parenthesized to control order of evaluation. Variables
may be defined and used in parenthesized expressions. Predefined variables
include time (current time) and frame (current frame number, 0 - frames-1), pi,
dtor (pi/180), rotd (180/pi). Available operators are '+' (addition),
'-' (subtraction and negation), '*' (multiplication), '/' (division),
'%' (remainder), '^' (exponentiation). Functions include sin, cos, tan, asin,
acos, atan, sqrt, hypot.

Strings are written as non-quoted strings that may include include the
special characters '/' ("slash"), '-' ("dash"), '_' ("underscore), and '.'
("period"), in addition to upper and lowercase letters and non-leading digits.

Command-line options (override options set in input file):

-A frame First frame to render
-a Toggle alpha channel -C cutoff Adaptive tree cutoff
-c Continued rendering -D depth Maximum ray tree depth.
-E eye_sep Eye separation -e Exponential RLE output
-F freq Report frequency -f Flip triangle normals
-G gamma Gamma exponent -g Use gaussian filter
-h Help -j Toggle jittered sampling
-l Render left eye view -m Produce sample map
-N frames Total frames to render -n No shadows
-O outfile Output file name -o Toggle opaque shadows
-P cpp-args Arguments for cpp -p Preview-quality
-q Run quietly -R xres yres Resolution
-r Right eye view -S samples Use Samples^2 samples
-s Toggle shadow caching -T r g b Contrast threshold
-u Toggle use of cpp -V filename Verbose file output
-v Verbose output -W lx hx ly hy Render subwindow
-X l r b t Crop window

File: /* Input file consists of...*/
[ ... ]


ObjItem: /* Items used in object definition blocks */

eyep Xpos Ypos Zpos /* Eye position (0 -10 0) */
lookp Xpos Ypos Zpos /* Look position (0 0 0) */
up Xup Yup Zup /* "up" vector (0 0 1) */
fov Hfov [Vfov] /* Field of view in degrees (horiontal=45) */
aperture Width /* Aperture width (0) */
focaldist Distance /* focal distance (|eyep - lookp|) */
shutter Speed /* Shutter speed (0 --> no blur) */
framelength Length /* Length of a singelf frame (1) */
screen Xsize Ysize /* Screen size */
window Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax /* Window (0 xsize-1 0 ysize-1) */
crop left right bot top /* Crop window (0 1 0 1) */
eyesep Separation /* eye separation (0) */

SurfDef: /* Give a name to a set of surface attributes. */
surface Name [ ...]

Surface: /* Surface specification */
/* Use gven attributes */
Surfname [ ...] /* Use named surface w/ optional mods. */
cursurf [ ...] /* Use cur. surface w/mods - see ApplySurf */

SurfSpec: /* Surface attribute specification */
ambient R G B /* Ambient contribution */
diffuse R G B /* Diffuse color */
specular R G B /* Specular color */
specpow Exponent /* Phong exponent */
body R G B /* Body color */
extinct Coef /* Extinction coefficient */
transp Ktr /* Transparency */
reflect Kr /* Reflectivity */
index N /* Index of refraction */
translu Ktl R G B Stpow /* Translucency, transmit diffuse, spec exp */
noshadow /* No shadows cast on this surface */

Effect: /* Atmospheric Effects */
mist R G B Rtrans Gtrans Btrans Zero Scale
fog R G B Rtrans Gtrans Btrans

Atmosphere: /* Global atmosphere */
atmosphere [Index] [...] /* Global index, effects */

applysurf /* apply surf to all following objs w/o surface */

Instance: /* Instance of an object */
[] []

Primitive /* Primitive object */
Aggregate /* Named aggregate */

ObjDef: /* define a named object */
name Objname

Primitive: /* Primitive object */
plane [] Xpos Ypos Zpos Xnorm Ynorm Znorm
disc [] Radius Xpos Ypos Zpos Xnorm Ynorm Znorm
sphere [] Radius Xpos Ypos Zpos
triangle [] Xv1 Yv1 Zv1
Xv2 Yv2 Zv2 Xv3 Yv3 Zv3/* flat-shaded triangle */
triangle [] Xv1 Yv1 Zv1 Xn1 Yn1 Zn1
Xv2 Yv2 Zv2 Xn2 Yn2 Zn2
Xv3 Yv3 Zv3 Xn3 Yn3 Zn3/* Phong-shaded triangle */
polygon [] Xv1 Yv1 Zv1
Xv2 Yv2 Zv2 Xv3 Yv3 Zv3 [Xv3 Yv4 Zv4 ...]
box [] Xlow Ylow Zlow
Xhi Yhi Zhi
cylinder [] Radius Xbase Ybase Zbase Xapex Yapex Zapex
cone [] Rbase Xbase Ybase Zbase Rapex Xapex Yapex Zapex
torus [] Rswept Rtube Xpos Ypos Zpos Xnorm Ynorm Znorm
blob [] Thresh Stren Rad Xpos Ypos Zpos
[Stren Rad X Y Z ...]
heightfield [] Filename


grid X Y Z [ ...] end

list [ ...] end

union [ ...] end
intersect [ ...] end
difference [ ...] end

/* CSG will only work properly when applied to closed objects, e.g.:
* sphere, box, torus, blob, closed Aggregate, other Csg object

Transforms: /* Transformations */
translate Xtrans Ytrans Ztrans
scale Xscale Yscale Zscale
rotate Xaxis Yaxis Zaxis Degrees
transform A B C
[Xt Yt Zt]

texture [Transforms] [ [Transforms] ...]

blotch Scale
bump Bumpscale
marble [Colormapname]
fbm Offset Scale H Lambda Octaves Thresh [Colormapname]
fbmbump Offset Scale H Lambda Octaves
gloss Glossiness
cloud Offset Scale H Lambda Octaves Cthresh Lthresh Transcale
sky Scale H Lambda Octaves Cthresh Lthresh
stripe Width Bumpscale
image Imagefile [ [ ...]]

range Lo Hi
tile U V


map uv
map cylindrical [Xorigin Yorigin Zorigin Xup Yup Zup Xu Yu Zu]
map planar [Xorigin Yorigin Zorigin Xv Yv Zv Xu Yu Zu]
map spherical [Xorigin Yorigin Zorigin Xup Yup Zup Xu Yu Zu]

light R G B [noshadow]
light Intensity [noshadow]

point Xpos Ypos Zpos
directional Xdir Ydir Zdir
extended Radius Xpos Ypos Zpos
spot Xpos Ypos Zpos Xat Yat Zat Coef Thetain Thetaout
area Xorigin Yorigin Zorigin Xu Yu Zu Usamples Xv Yv Zv Vsamples

samples Nsamp [jitter | nojitter]
/* Use Nsamp^2 pixel samples (3^2 jittered) */
background R G B /* Background color (0 0 0) */
outfile Filename /* Output file name (written to stdout) */
frames Nframes /* Number of frames to render (1) */
starttime Time /* Time corresponding to start of frame 0 */
contrast R G B /* Maximum contrast w/o supersampling */
maxdepth Depth /* Maximum ray tree depth (5) */
cutoff Factor /* Minium spawned ray contribution (.001) */
report [verbose] [quiet] [Freq] [Statfile]
/* Reporting mode (false false 10 stderr) */
shadowtransp /* Toggle object opacity affects shadows */

Definition: /* Variable definition */
define Name Expr /* Assign value for Name */

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : RAYSH386.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: