Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : RAYSH386.ZIP
Filename : NFF2SHAD.AWK

Output of file : NFF2SHAD.AWK contained in archive : RAYSH386.ZIP
# This awk script will convert an NFF-format input file (as output by
# Eric Haines' SPD) to something rayshade can understand.
# The World object will be enclosed in a single grid of 22*22*22 voxels.
# Example usage:
# mount | awk -f sped2shade.awk | rayshade > mountains.rle
# For best results, one should modify the output for all but the tetra
# and mountain databases to provide a tighter bounding box around the
# object of interest (tree, gears, etc.). This is done by moving
# ground polygons and the like outside of the topmost grid object.
# This will decrease ray-tracing time dramatically.
# Note that we have to make sure that the viewing paramters are output
# outside of the object definition block. We do this by printing
# the eye position, etc., at the very end of the output.
init = 0;
lights = 0;
print "maxdepth 4"
print "sample 1 nojitter"
print "cutoff 0."
print "report verbose"
substr($1, 1, 1) == "#" { print "/* " $0 " */"; next;}
$1 == "v" { next;}
$1 == "from" { eyex = $2; eyey = $3; eyez = $4; next;}
$1 == "at" { atx = $2; aty = $3; atz = $4; next;}
$1 == "up" { upx = $2; upy = $3; upz = $4; next;}
$1 == "angle" { fov = $2; next;}
$1 == "hither" {next;}
$1 == "resolution" {screenx = $2; screeny = $3; next;}

$1 == "l" { lightd[lights] = $2 " "$3 " "$4; lights++; next; }
$1 == "b" {print "background " $2 " "$3 " "$4; next; }
$1 == "f" {
if (init == 0) {
print "grid 22 22 22";
init = 1;
printf("applysurf ");
if (lights != 0)
aintens = sqrt(lights) / (4*lights);
aintens = .1;
dr = $2*$5;
dg = $3*$5;
db = $4*$5;
# this is a good guess....
ar = aintens*dr;
ag = aintens*dg;
ab = aintens*db;
if (ar != 0 || ag != 0 || ab != 0)
printf("\tambient %f %f %f\n", ar, ag, ab);
if (dr != 0 || dg != 0 || db != 0)
printf("\tdiffuse %f %f %f\n", dr, dg, db);
# This gets a little strange. We're given a color, Ks, and T.
# We need a specular color, a specular reflectivity (for reflected
# rays), and a transparency (for transmitted rays).
# In rayshade, reflected rays have intensity proportional to
# specular_color*reflectivity, transmitted proportaional to
# specular_color*transparency, and specular hilights to
# specular_color. Also, Ks + T >1 for some SPDs.
if ($6) {
sr = $2*$6;
sg = $3*$6;
sb = $4*$6;
printf("\tspecular %f %f %f specpow %f\n", sr, sg, sb, $7);
if ($6 < 1. - $8)
printf("\treflect 1.0\n");
printf("\treflect %f\n", 1. - $8);

if ($8 || $9)
printf("\ttransp %f index %f\n", $8, $9);

$1 == "c" {
x1 = $1;
y1 = $2;
z1 = $3;
br = $4;
printf("cone %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", \
br, x1, y1, z1, $4, $1, $2, $3);
$1 == "s" {
print "sphere "$5 " "$2 " "$3 " "$4;
$1 == "pp" {
if ($2 == 3)
print "triangle ";
print "poly ";
$1 == "p" {
# Polygon -- the vertices will print out in the default statement.
# If there are three vertices, make it a triangle.
if ($2 == 3)
print "triangle ";
print "poly ";
# Matched nothing (or is a vertex data) -- print it.
print "end"
# Output light definitions.
intens = sqrt(lights) / (lights);
for (i = 0; i < lights; i++) {
print "light " intens " point " lightd[i]
printf("eyep %g %g %g\n", eyex, eyey, eyez);
printf("lookp %g %g %g\n", atx, aty, atz);
printf("up %g %g %g\n", upx, upy, upz);
printf("fov %g\n", fov);
printf("screen %d %d\n", screenx, screeny);

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : RAYSH386.ZIP
Filename : NFF2SHAD.AWK

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: