Dec 132017
Version 5.6 of UI2 extensions for Clipper (Both A'86 and S'87).
File UI_CLP56.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
Version 5.6 of UI2 extensions for Clipper (Both A’86 and S’87).
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ALLCLIP.CTL 43436 17515 deflated
ALLCLIP.LIB 53343 22291 deflated
ALLCLIP.TEM 40606 8489 deflated
DEMO.DIC 1252 540 deflated
DEMO.WW 8235 2596 deflated
DEMO2.WW 8159 2489 deflated
DOCS.TXT 122273 36139 deflated
FAMILY.DBF 383 144 deflated
FILT.UDF 14493 3240 deflated
GEN_HELP.DBF 558 203 deflated
GEN_HELP.DBT 15400 3930 deflated
P_PHONE.DBF 1108 336 deflated
P_PHONE.DBT 2210 753 deflated
QUERY.DIC 240 138 deflated
QUERY.WW 6576 1937 deflated
READ.ME 955 479 deflated
SEMINAR.TXT 2217 1112 deflated
STATES.DBF 915 454 deflated
VARFUNSC.CTL 12183 4995 deflated

Download File UI_CLP56.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file


ALLCLIP.TEM -- The big casaba
ALLCLIP.CTL -- A library for above
VARFUNSC.CTL - My version of variables for Clipper.
ALLCLIP.LIB -- Link Library needed

The above are the only files you need for the system. For the
demo, the following files are included:

READ.ME -- This document
DEMO.WW -- The Demo .ww, to be loaded and compiled by ALLCLIP.
DOCS.TXT -- Documentation for system
DEMO.DIC -- The data dictionary for DEMO.WW
DEMO2.WW -- Second demo
P_PHONE.DBF -- The primary database for demos
P_PHONE.DBT -- Memo file for above
FAMILY.DBF -- Secondary database for DEMO2.WW
GEN_HLP.DBF -- The help database
GEN_HLP.DBT -- Memo file for above
STATES.DBF -- Database for pick window demo

For the QBE, the following files are required:

QUERY.WW -- WW file for QBE
QUERY.DIC -- Query dictionary
FILT.UDF -- Query function file

Finally, an advertisement:


 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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