Dec 132017
Version 5.6 of UI2 extensions for Clipper (Both A’86 and S’87). | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
ALLCLIP.CTL | 43436 | 17515 | deflated |
ALLCLIP.LIB | 53343 | 22291 | deflated |
ALLCLIP.TEM | 40606 | 8489 | deflated |
DEMO.DIC | 1252 | 540 | deflated |
DEMO.WW | 8235 | 2596 | deflated |
DEMO2.WW | 8159 | 2489 | deflated |
DOCS.TXT | 122273 | 36139 | deflated |
FAMILY.DBF | 383 | 144 | deflated |
FILT.UDF | 14493 | 3240 | deflated |
GEN_HELP.DBF | 558 | 203 | deflated |
GEN_HELP.DBT | 15400 | 3930 | deflated |
P_PHONE.DBF | 1108 | 336 | deflated |
P_PHONE.DBT | 2210 | 753 | deflated |
QUERY.DIC | 240 | 138 | deflated |
QUERY.WW | 6576 | 1937 | deflated |
READ.ME | 955 | 479 | deflated |
SEMINAR.TXT | 2217 | 1112 | deflated |
STATES.DBF | 915 | 454 | deflated |
VARFUNSC.CTL | 12183 | 4995 | deflated |
Download File UI_CLP56.ZIP Here
Contents of the READ.ME file
ALLCLIP.TEM -- The big casaba
ALLCLIP.CTL -- A library for above
VARFUNSC.CTL - My version of variables for Clipper.
ALLCLIP.LIB -- Link Library needed
The above are the only files you need for the system. For the
demo, the following files are included:
READ.ME -- This document
DEMO.WW -- The Demo .ww, to be loaded and compiled by ALLCLIP.
DOCS.TXT -- Documentation for system
DEMO.DIC -- The data dictionary for DEMO.WW
DEMO2.WW -- Second demo
P_PHONE.DBF -- The primary database for demos
P_PHONE.DBT -- Memo file for above
FAMILY.DBF -- Secondary database for DEMO2.WW
GEN_HLP.DBF -- The help database
GEN_HLP.DBT -- Memo file for above
STATES.DBF -- Database for pick window demo
For the QBE, the following files are required:
QUERY.WW -- WW file for QBE
QUERY.DIC -- Query dictionary
FILT.UDF -- Query function file
Finally, an advertisement:
December 13, 2017
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