Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : TM_301.ZIP
Filename : TLXMOVE.HST

Output of file : TLXMOVE.HST contained in archive : TM_301.ZIP
*** Telix Directory Mover History ***

TLXMOVE version 3.00 was the first real public release. Prior versions
were used by only myself and a few others I knew.

Version Date Notes
------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------

3.01 10-16-92 :Fixed problem with HOME and END keys not moving
records correctly.
:Fixed HELP screen to correctly display that only
the ENTER key (not the SPACE as well!) will pick up
a record. SPACE selects the currently highlit
:Did some slight tweeking to fix the status bar jumping
about irratically during some processes.
10-09-92 :Fixed problem with sorting by name. Now converts
name to uppercase so lowercase names will fall into
their correct places.

3.00 10-08-92 :First real public release.
:Changed appearance (again!) for better look and feel.
:Added better mouse support and push buttons!
:Added ability to specify location and name of .FON file
on the command line in registered versions.
:Added name and location of TELIX.FON file to top line
:Added help screen
:Changed HOME and END keys to only go to the top and
bottom of the screen.
:Added CTRL-HOME and CTRL-END keys to go to the top and
bottom of the listing. (What the HOME and END keys
used to do.)
:Added CTRL-PGUP and CTRL-PGDN keys to scroll the
listing up and down one record at a time

2.20 09-04-92 :Updated copyright information and address
:Fixed problem where PGUP and PGDN were hosing if there
were less than a screenful of records.
:Added an arrow character to mark the current tagged
:Added a check for the TELIX.FON file on disk.
:Added new window'd error messages.
:Changed '/N' switch for no sound to '/NS'.
:Added 'F2 Sound' to the bottom help bar.
:Updated the documentation.

2.10 09-12-91 :Added /NM switch to suppress mouse checking.
:Fixed bug where checking for mouse button pressed with
no mouse attached was getting into an endless loop!
:Added new look screens for appearance!

2.00 01-13-90 :Added faster screen writes
:Added mouse routines
:Added Sound (default=ON unless /N is used as a parameter)

1.02 10-24-89 :Fixed problem with PgUp and PgDn when moving records

1.01 09-15-89 :Fixed PGDN/PGUP so highlight stays on same line
:Converted from QuickBASIC to Turbo PASCAL 4.0. Now
runs faster and code size is a LOT smaller!

1.00 07-13-89 :QuickBASIC First Release! Created because I was
getting tired of having to arrow all the way down to
the bottom of my directory listing to call my favorite

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : TM_301.ZIP
Filename : TLXMOVE.HST

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: