Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : PRCMSCRP.ZIP
Filename : GETMAIL.ASP

Output of file : GETMAIL.ASP contained in archive : PRCMSCRP.ZIP

;* *
;* GENIE.ASP - Stephen W. Decarie *
;* *
;* An ASPECT script for logging on to GENIE information service. *
;* and reading mail if there is any *

; define user_id " "
define entry "7" ; entry in you dialing directory must change
; modified to use metakey 9 - 92-11-03

proc main;
clear ; clear screen

if CONNECTED ; already logged on just force a read
goto force

locate 0 0 ; locate cursor at 0,0
box 0 0 4 22 14 ; draw box
atsay 2 2 14 "Logging onto GENIE." ; put message in box
locate 6 0 ; cursor to row 6
pause 1 ;
dial entry ;
transmit "HHH" ;
waitfor "#=" 30 ;
set duplex full ;
; transmit USER_ID ;
metakey 9;
transmit "^M" ; followed by a carriage return
set duplex half ; restore screen display

waitfor "Last" forever ; defines when to open temporary log
delete "log.tmp" ; delete previous mail check log if any
log open "log.tmp" ; open log file for the mail message
waitfor "Enter" forever ; keys on next line after Number letters
log close ; close this log
fopen 0 "log.tmp" "rt" ; open this log to read it as text
string teststr ; a string to contain file contents
integer len ;
fread 0 teststr 80 len ; read the file

fclose 0 ; close this log file

waitfor "continue?" 120;
pause 1;
transmit " ^M" ; a carriage return
waitfor "?" ;
; this is the mail processing
string file = "mail.txt" ;
delete file ;
if failure
fatsay 0 0 31 "Can't delete %s" file
endif ;

find teststr "No" ; if the string contains "No" then no mail
if not found ; there is mail to be read
log open file ;
pause 1;
transmit "rea" ;
transmit " ^M" ; a carriage return
waitfor "1?" forever ;
log close ;

execute "GENSTART.ASX" ; go back to menu


  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : PRCMSCRP.ZIP
Filename : GETMAIL.ASP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: