Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WNSRC173.ZIP

Output of file : WINFRACT.MAK contained in archive : WNSRC173.ZIP
# If you are using MSC 6.0 and/or the Windows 3.0 SDK,
# un-comment one or more of the following:
# MSC6 = YES
# SDK30 = YES

# un-comment the following for debugging:

LINKER = link
AS = masm
CC = cl

CDEBUG = /Oxw /Ob2 /Gs
!ifdef MSC6
CDEBUG = /Oxw /Gs
!ifdef DEBUG
CDEBUG = /Zi /Od

!ifdef DEBUG
$(AS) /ML /ZI $*;
$(AS) /ML $*;


$(CC) $(OPTIONS) $*.c

Optsize = $(CC) $(OptS) $*.c

all: winfract.hlp res

rc -r $*.rc

winfract.hlp: winfract.rtf mathtool.rtf
hc winfract

winfract.res: winfract.rc mathtool.rc mathtool.h coord.dlg winfract.h \
dialog2.h zoom.dlg
rc -r winfract.rc

winfract.obj: winfract.c winfract.h

mathtool.obj: mathtool.c winfract.h mathtool.h

profile.obj: profile.c winfract.h

dialog.obj: dialog.c winfract.h fractint.h

dialog2.obj: dialog2.c winfract.h dialog2.h fractint.h

select.obj: select.c select.h

windos.obj: windos.c winfract.h fractint.h

windos2.obj: windos2.c fractint.h

wintext.obj: wintext.c

mainfrac.obj: mainfrac.c fractint.h

calcfrac.obj: calcfrac.c fractint.h fractype.h

fractals.obj: fractals.c fractint.h fractype.h

fractalp.obj: fractalp.c fractint.h fractype.h

fracsubr.obj: fracsubr.c fractint.h fractype.h

lorenz.obj: lorenz.c fractint.h fractype.h

testpt.obj: testpt.c fractint.h

parser.obj: parser.c

jb.obj: jb.c fractint.h

lsys.obj: lsys.c fractint.h

lsysa.obj: lsysa.asm

prompts.obj : prompts.c fractint.h fractype.h

help.obj : help.c fractint.h helpdefs.h

cmdfiles.obj: cmdfiles.c fractint.h fractype.h

plot3d.obj: plot3d.c fractint.h

3d.obj: 3d.c fractint.h

loadfile.obj: loadfile.c fractint.h

decoder.obj: decoder.c fractint.h

encoder.obj: encoder.c fractint.h

gifview.obj: gifview.c fractint.h

tgaview.obj: tgaview.c fractint.h

f16.obj: f16.c fractint.h

line3d.obj: line3d.c fractint.h

miscres.obj: miscres.c fractint.h fractype.h

miscovl.obj: miscovl.c fractint.h

mpmath_c.obj: mpmath_c.c mpmath.h

fpu387.obj: fpu387.asm

fpu087.obj: fpu087.asm
$(AS) /e /ML fpu087;

mpmath_a.obj: mpmath_a.asm

wgeneral.obj: wgeneral.asm

calcmand.obj: calcmand.asm

calmanfp.obj: calmanfp.asm
$(AS) /e /ML calmanfp;

fracsuba.obj: fracsuba.asm

newton.obj: newton.asm
$(AS) /e /ML newton;

winfract.exe: lorenz.obj parser.obj jb.obj testpt.obj miscres.obj \
plot3d.obj 3d.obj line3d.obj loadfile.obj decoder.obj mathtool.obj \
encoder.obj gifview.obj tgaview.obj f16.obj lsys.obj lsysa.obj \
mpmath_c.obj mpmath_a.obj fpu387.obj fpu087.obj cmdfiles.obj \
calcfrac.obj fractals.obj fractalp.obj fracsubr.obj newton.obj \
calcmand.obj calmanfp.obj prompts.obj help.obj \
fracsuba.obj winfract.obj dialog.obj dialog2.obj select.obj \
winfract.def windos.obj windos2.obj miscovl.obj wintext.obj \
wgeneral.obj mainfrac.obj profile.obj
link $(LDEBUG) /NOE @winfract.lnk

res: winfract.res winfract.exe
!ifdef SDK30
rc -k winfract
rc -k -30 winfract

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WNSRC173.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: