Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WNSRC173.ZIP
Filename : MAINFRAC.C

Output of file : MAINFRAC.C contained in archive : WNSRC173.ZIP
non-windows main driver of Fractint for Windows -

#define PUTTHEMHERE 1 /* stuff common external arrays here */

void win_cmdfiles();

/* from MSC's */
#define FP_SEG(fp) (*((unsigned _far *)&(fp)+1))
#define FP_OFF(fp) (*((unsigned _far *)&(fp)))

#include "fractint.h"
#include "fractype.h"

int cmp_line(), pot_line();

LPSTR win_lpCmdLine;

extern int time_to_act;
extern int time_to_restart;
extern int time_to_reinit;
extern int time_to_resume;
extern int time_to_quit;
extern int time_to_load;
extern int time_to_save;
extern int time_to_print;
extern int time_to_cycle;
extern int time_to_starfield;
extern int time_to_orbit;

extern char FileName[];
char string004[2];

unsigned char textcolor[27];

extern int xdots, ydots, colors, maxiter;
extern int ytop, ybottom, xleft, xright;

int fractype;
extern int invert;

double ftemp, xxmin, xxmax, yymin, yymax;
long fudge;
double xfudge;

long xvalue, yvalue;
extern long lm, linitx, linity;
int maxit, bitshift;
extern int color, row, col;
extern int colorstate,colorpreloaded; /* comments in cmdfiles */

int calc_status; /* -1 no fractal */
/* 0 parms changed, recalc reqd */
/* 1 actively calculating */
/* 2 interrupted, resumable */
/* 3 interrupted, not resumable */
/* 4 completed */

extern int reset_periodicity;
extern int cpu;
extern int kbdcount;
extern int max_kbdcount;
extern int show_orbit;
extern int orbit_ptr;
extern int periodicitycheck;
extern int debugflag;
int integerfractal;
extern int distest;
int oktoprint = 0;
extern int bitshiftless1;
char usr_stdcalcmode, stdcalcmode;
int usr_distest;
int usr_floatflag, usr_periodicitycheck;

long creal, cimag;
long delx, dely, delx2, dely2, delmin;
long xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, x3rd, y3rd;
double dxsize, dysize; /* xdots-1, ydots-1 */
double delxx, delyy, delxx2, delyy2, ddelmin, xx3rd, yy3rd;
double param[4];
double potparam[3];
int diskvideo, savedac;
long calctime;
int mode7text, textsafe;

#define MAXLINE 2048

long far *lx0, far *ly0, far *lx1, far *ly1;
double far *dx0, far *dy0, far *dx1, far *dy1;
extern double far *temp_array;

extern unsigned char trigndx[4];

unsigned char dacbox[257][3];
extern unsigned char olddacbox[257][3];
double plotmx1, plotmx2, plotmy1, plotmy2;
extern int MPOverflow;
int dotmode;
extern int pot16bit;
int andcolor, resave_flag;
extern int timer_interval;
extern int active_ovly;

int extraseg;
int timedsave = 0;
int disk16bit = 0;
extern int initbatch;
float far initifs3d[32][13];
float far initifs[32][7];
extern unsigned char readname[];
int rowcount;
int adapter;
extern int showfile;
extern int initmode;
extern int overlay3d;
extern int display3d;
extern int filetype;
int comparegif = 0;
int diskisactive = 0;
extern int initsavetime;
int saveticks = 0;
int savebase = 0;
int zwidth = 0;
extern int (*outln)();
extern int out_line();
extern int outlin16();
static int call_line3d();
extern int line3d();
extern int gifview();
extern int tgaview();
int hasconfig = 0;
FILE *dacfile;
int reallyega = 0;
int loadPalette = 0;
int compiled_by_turboc = 0;

int sxdots,sydots;
int sxoffs=0,syoffs=0;
int viewwindow=0;
float viewreduction=1;
int viewcrop=1;
float finalaspectratio;
int viewxdots=0,viewydots=0;
extern int filexdots, fileydots, filecolors;
int frommandel;

int onthelist[100]; /* list of available fractal types */
int CountFractalList; /* how many are on the list? */
extern int CurrentFractal; /* which one is current? */

int Printer_Resolution, Printer_Titleblock, Printer_SFrequency;
int Printer_SetScreen, Printer_SStyle, Printer_Type;
int Printer_ColorXlat, Printer_SAngle, LPTnumber;
int EPSFileType, Print_To_File, Printer_CRLF;
int ColorPS;
int Printer_BFrequency, Printer_BStyle, Printer_BAngle;
int Printer_GFrequency, Printer_GStyle, Printer_GAngle;
int Printer_RFrequency, Printer_RStyle, Printer_RAngle;

int tabmode, video_type, no_color_text;

long l_at_rad; /* finite attractor radius */
double f_at_rad; /* finite attractor radius */

int active_system = WINFRAC; /* running under windows */
extern int win_display3d, win_overlay3d;

int iit = 0;
int vesa_detect;
int far videotable[2];
int release;
extern int win_release;
char busy;
int started_resaves = 0;
int gotrealdac = 1;
void (*outln_cleanup)();
extern int fpu;
int svga_type = 0;
int TranspSymmetry;

int made_dsktemp = 0;

compare_fractalnames( const void *element1, const void *element2)
int i, j, k;
j = *(int*)element1;
k = *(int*)element2;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (fractalspecific[j].name[i] < fractalspecific[k].name[i])
if (fractalspecific[j].name[i] > fractalspecific[k].name[i])
if (fractalspecific[j].name[i] == 0)

int i, k;
double temp1, temp2;
double dtemp;

outln_cleanup = NULL; /* outln routine can set this */

CountFractalList = 0;
for (k = 0; fractalspecific[k].name != NULL; k++)
if (fractalspecific[k].name[0] != '*' &&
(fractalspecific[k].flags & WINFRAC) != 0 &&
CountFractalList < 100)
onthelist[CountFractalList++] = k;
CurrentFractal = fractype;

lx0 = (long far *)&temp_array[0];
ly0 = (long far *)&lx0[MAXLINE];
lx1 = (long far *)&ly0[MAXLINE];
ly1 = (long far *)&ly0[MAXLINE];
dx0 = (double far *)&temp_array[0];
dy0 = (double far *)&dx0[MAXLINE];
dx1 = (double far *)&dy0[MAXLINE];
dy1 = (double far *)&dy0[MAXLINE];

extraseg = FP_SEG(dx0);

restoredac(); /* ensure that the palette has been initialized */

win_cmdfiles(); /* SSTOOLS.INI processing */

initmode = 1; /* override SSTOOLS.INI */

release = win_release;

dotmode = 1;
diskvideo = 0;
usr_distest = 0;

max_kbdcount=(cpu==386) ? 80 : 30; /* check the keyboard less often */

/* ----- */

calc_status = -1;
resave_flag = 1;
if (showfile != 0) {
strcpy(readname, FileName);
else {
if (strchr(readname,'.') == NULL)
time_to_load = 1;

if (debugflag == 17500) { /* force the release number for screen-shots */
extern int win_release;
win_release = 1750;

if (debugflag == 10000) { /* check for free memory */
char temp[50];
char *tempptr;
unsigned i,i2;
long j,j2;

sprintf(temp," %d bytes of free stack space",stackavail());

i = j = 0;
i2 = 0x8000;
while ((i2 >>= 1) != 0)
if ((tempptr = malloc(i+i2)) != NULL) {
i += i2;
sprintf(temp," %d NEAR bytes free", i);

if (debugflag == 70) fpu = 0;


/* ----- */

time_to_quit = 0;
if (debugflag == 23232) /* give the Windows stuff control first */
if (time_to_quit) {

time_to_reinit = 0;

savedac = 0; /* don't save the VGA DAC */

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if(param[i] == FLT_MAX)
param[i] = fractalspecific[fractype].paramvalue[i];
fractalspecific[fractype].paramvalue[i] = param[i];

/* Not used, MCP 8-6-91
ccreal = param[0]; ccimag = param[1]; */ /* default C-values */
frommandel = 0;

if (xxmin > xxmax) {
dtemp = xxmin; xxmin = xxmax; xxmax = dtemp;}
if (yymin > yymax) {
dtemp = yymin; yymin = yymax; yymax = dtemp;}

ytop = 0;
ybottom = ydots-1;
xleft = 0;
xright = xdots-1;
filexdots = xdots;
fileydots = ydots;
filecolors = colors;

time_to_restart = 0;
time_to_resume = 0;
time_to_orbit = 0;


if (calc_status == -99)
calc_status = 2; /* force a recalc */
calc_status = 0; /* force a restart */

maxit = maxiter;

if (colors == 2 && (fractype == PLASMA || usr_stdcalcmode == 'b'))
colors = 16; /* 2-color mode just doesn't work on these */

andcolor = colors-1;

/* compute the (new) screen co-ordinates */
/* correct a possibly munged-up zoom-box outside the image range */
if (ytop >= ydots) ytop = ydots-1;
if (ybottom >= ydots) ybottom = ydots-1;
if (xleft >= xdots) xleft = xdots-1;
if (xright >= xdots) xright = xdots-1;
if (xleft == xright || ytop == ybottom) {
if (xleft > xright)
{ i = xleft; xleft = xright; xright = i;}
if (ytop > ybottom)
{ i = ybottom; ybottom = ytop; ytop = i;}
temp1 = xxmin;
temp2 = xxmax - xxmin;
xxmin = temp1 + (temp2 * xleft )/(xdots-1);
xxmax = temp1 + (temp2 * xright)/(xdots-1);
temp1 = yymin;
temp2 = yymax - yymin;
yymin = temp1 + (temp2 * (ydots - 1 - ybottom)/(ydots-1));
yymax = temp1 + (temp2 * (ydots - 1 - ytop )/(ydots-1));
xx3rd = xxmin;
yy3rd = yymin;
xleft = 0;
xright = xdots-1;
ytop = 0;
ybottom = ydots-1;

delxx = (xxmax - xxmin) / (xdots-1);
delyy = (yymax - yymin) / (ydots-1);
delxx2 = delyy2 = 0.0;
ddelmin = fabs(delxx);
if (fabs(delyy) < ddelmin)
ddelmin = fabs(delyy);

dxsize = xdots - 1; dysize = ydots - 1;

if (calc_status != 2 && !overlay3d)
if (!clear_screen(1)) {
stopmsg(0,"Can't free and re-allocate the image");

if (savedac || colorpreloaded) {
memcpy(dacbox,olddacbox,256*3); /* restore the DAC */
colorpreloaded = 0;

dxsize = xdots - 1; dysize = ydots - 1;
sxdots = xdots; sydots = ydots;
finalaspectratio = ((float)ydots)/xdots;


bitshiftless1 = bitshift - 1;

if (time_to_load)
goto wait_loop;

if(showfile == 0) { /* loading an image */
if (display3d) /* set up 3D decoding */
outln = call_line3d;
else if(filetype >= 1) /* old .tga format input file */
outln = outlin16;
else if(comparegif) /* debug 50 */
outln = cmp_line;
else if(pot16bit) { /* .pot format input file */
outln = pot_line;
else /* regular gif/fra input file */
outln = out_line;
if(filetype == 0)
i = funny_glasses_call(gifview);
i = funny_glasses_call(tgaview);
if(i == 0)
else {
calc_status = -1;

if(showfile == 0) { /* image has been loaded */
showfile = 1;
if (initbatch == 1 && calc_status == 2)
initbatch = -1; /* flag to finish calc before save */
if (calc_status == 2) goto try_to_resume;
else { /* draw an image */


diskisactive = 1; /* flag for disk-video routines */
if (initsavetime != 0 /* autosave and resumable? */
&& (fractalspecific[fractype].flags&NORESUME) == 0) {
savebase = readticker(); /* calc's start time */
saveticks = (long)initsavetime * 1092; /* bios ticks/minute */
if ((saveticks & 65535) == 0)
++saveticks; /* make low word nonzero */
kbdcount = 30; /* ensure that we check the keyboard */
if ((i = calcfract()) == 0) /* draw the fractal using "C" */
buzzer(0); /* finished!! */
saveticks = 0; /* turn off autosave timer */
diskisactive = 0; /* flag for disk-video routines */

overlay3d = 0; /* turn off overlay3d */
display3d = 0; /* turn off display3d */

zwidth = 0;

if (!keypressed()) {



for (;;) {
if (time_to_act) {
/* we bailed out of the main loop to take some secondary action */
time_to_act = 0;
if (! keypressed())
time_to_resume = 1;
if (time_to_quit) {
if (time_to_starfield) {
time_to_starfield = 0;
if (time_to_load) {
strcpy(readname, FileName);
showfile = 1;
time_to_load = 0;
time_to_restart = 0;
overlay3d = win_overlay3d;
display3d = win_display3d;
if (win_load() >= 0) {
showfile = 0;
rowcount = 0;
ytop = 0; /* reset the zoom-box */
ybottom = ydots-1;
xleft = 0;
xright = xdots-1;
maxiter = maxit;
time_to_load = 0;
time_to_restart = 1;
if (calc_status == 2) {
calc_status = -99; /* special klooge for restart */
win_overlay3d = 0;
win_display3d = 0;
if (time_to_save) {
strcpy(readname, FileName);
if (readname[0] != 0)
time_to_save = 0;
if (calc_status == 2) {
calc_status = -99;
time_to_restart = 1;
if (time_to_print) {
time_to_print = 0;
if (time_to_cycle) {
if (time_to_reinit == 2) {
maxiter = maxit;
if (time_to_reinit)
goto reinit;
goto restart;
if (calc_status == 2) {
calc_status = -99;
time_to_restart = 1;
goto restart;


/* displays differences between current image file and new image */
/* Bert - suggest add this to video.asm */
int cmp_line(unsigned char *pixels, int linelen)
static errcount;
static FILE *fp = NULL;
extern int rowcount;
int row,col;
int oldcolor;
char *timestring;
time_t ltime;
if(fp == NULL)
fp = fopen("cmperr",(initbatch)?"a":"w");
if((row = rowcount++) == 0)
errcount = 0;
if(pot16bit) { /* 16 bit info, ignore odd numbered rows */
if((row & 1) != 0) return(0);
row >>= 1;
for(col=0;col oldcolor=getcolor(col,row);
else {
if(initbatch == 0)
fprintf(fp,"#%5d col %3d row %3d old %3d new %3d\n",
if(row+1 == ydots && initbatch) {
timestring = ctime(<ime);
timestring[24] = 0; /*clobber newline in time string */
fprintf(fp,"%s compare to %s has %5d errs\n",timestring,readname,errcount);

int pot_line(unsigned char *pixels, int linelen)
extern int rowcount;
int row,col,saverowcount;
if (rowcount == 0)
saverowcount = rowcount;
row = (rowcount >>= 1);
if ((saverowcount & 1) != 0) /* odd line */
row += ydots;
else /* even line */
if (dotmode != 11) /* display the line too */
for (col = 0; col < xdots; ++col)
rowcount = saverowcount + 1;

static int call_line3d(unsigned char *pixels, int linelen)
/* this routine exists because line3d might be in an overlay */

void win_cmdfiles() /* convert lpCmdLine into argc, argv */
int i, k;
int argc;
char *argv[10];
unsigned char arg[501]; /* max 10 args, 450 chars total */

arg[0] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
argv[i] = &arg[0];
argc = 1;
argv[argc-1] = &arg[1];

for (i = 0; i < 460 && win_lpCmdLine[i] != 0; i++)
arg[20+i] = win_lpCmdLine[i];
arg[20+i] = 0;
arg[21+i] = 0;

for (k = 20; arg[k] != 0; k++) {
while(arg[k] <= ' ' && arg[k] != 0) k++;
if (arg[k] == 0) break;
if (argc >= 10) break;
argv[argc-1] = &arg[k];
while(arg[k] > ' ')k++;
arg[k] = 0;



  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WNSRC173.ZIP
Filename : MAINFRAC.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: