Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WNSRC173.ZIP
Filename : JB.C

Output of file : JB.C contained in archive : WNSRC173.ZIP
#include "fractint.h"
#include "mpmath.h"
#include "helpdefs.h"

extern int fullscreen_prompt(char *hdg,int numprompts,char * far *prompts,
struct fullscreenvalues values[],int options,int fkeymask,
char far *extrainfo);
void stackscreen(void);
void unstackscreen(void);

extern int row, col, xdots, ydots, bitshift, fractype;
extern int ixstart, ixstop, iystart, iystop, colors, helpmode;
extern double param[], xxmin, xxmax, yymin, yymax;
extern long delx, dely, ltempsqrx, ltempsqry, far *lx0, far *ly0;
extern struct lcomplex lold, lnew, *longparm;
extern llimit2;
static int bbase;
static long xpixel, ypixel;
static long initz, djx, djy, dmx, dmy;
static long jx, jy, mx, my, xoffset, yoffset;
static long jxmin, jxmax, jymin, jymax, mxmin, mxmax, mymin, mymax;
static long x_per_inch, y_per_inch, inch_per_xdot, inch_per_ydot;
struct Perspective {
long x, y, zx, zy;

struct Perspective LeftEye, RightEye, *Per;
struct lcomplex jbc;

#define NUM_VAR 17

static double fg, fg16;
static long
zdots = 128L,
shell = 30L,
origin = (long)(8.0 * (1L << 16)),
height = (long)(7.0 * (1L << 16)),
width = (long)(10.0 * (1L << 16)),
dist = (long)(24.0 * (1L << 16)),
eyes = (long)(0.0 * (1L << 16)),
depth = (long)(8.0 * (1L << 16)),
brratio = (long)(0.0 * (1L << 16));

int JulibrotSetup(void) {
int r;
int oldhelpmode;
struct fullscreenvalues d[NUM_VAR];
static char StereoFile[] = "";
static char GreyFile[] = "";
char *mapname;
static char *v[NUM_VAR] = {
"Julia from x", /* d[0] */
"Julia to x", /* d[1] */
"Julia from y", /* d[2] */
"Julia to y", /* d[3] */
"Mandelbrot from x", /* d[4] */
"Mandelbrot to x", /* d[5] */
"Mandelbrot from y", /* d[6] */
"Mandelbrot to y", /* d[7] */
"Number of z pixels", /* d[8] */
"Penetration level", /* d[9] */
"Location of z origin", /* d[10] */
"Depth of z", /* d[11] */
"Screen height", /* d[12] */
"Screen width", /* d[13] */
"Distance to Screen", /* d[14] */
"Distance between eyes (0 for Greyscale)", /* d[15] */
"Blue:Red Ratio (0 for Greyscale)", /* d[16] */

if(colors < 255) {
static char far msg[]=
{"Sorry, but Julibrots require a 256-color video mode"};

fg = (double)(1L << bitshift);
fg16 = (double)(1L << 16);

for (r = 0; r < NUM_VAR; ++r)
d[r].type = 'f';

jxmax = (long)((d[0].uval.dval = xxmax) * fg);
jxmin = (long)((d[1].uval.dval = xxmin) * fg);
jymax = (long)((d[2].uval.dval = yymax) * fg);
jymin = (long)((d[3].uval.dval = yymin) * fg);
mxmax = (long)((d[4].uval.dval = param[0]) * fg);
mxmin = (long)((d[5].uval.dval = param[1]) * fg);
mymax = (long)((d[6].uval.dval = param[2]) * fg);
mymin = (long)((d[7].uval.dval = param[3]) * fg);
d[8].uval.dval = (double)zdots;
d[9].uval.dval = (double)shell;
d[10].uval.dval = (double)origin / fg16;
d[11].uval.dval = (double)depth / fg16;
d[12].uval.dval = (double)height / fg16;
d[13].uval.dval = (double)width / fg16;
d[14].uval.dval = (double)dist / fg16;
d[15].uval.dval = (double)eyes / fg16;
d[16].uval.dval = (double)brratio / fg16;

oldhelpmode = helpmode;
helpmode = HT_JULIBROT;
if((r = fullscreen_prompt("Julibrot Parameters",
NUM_VAR, v, d, 0, 0, 0)) >= 0) {
jxmin = (long)((xxmax = d[0].uval.dval) * fg);
jxmax = (long)((xxmin = d[1].uval.dval) * fg);
xoffset = (jxmax + jxmin) / 2; /* Calculate average */
jymin = (long)((yymax = d[2].uval.dval) * fg);
jymax = (long)((yymin = d[3].uval.dval) * fg);
yoffset = (jymax + jymin) / 2; /* Calculate average */
mxmin = (long)((param[0] = d[4].uval.dval) * fg);
mxmax = (long)((param[1] = d[5].uval.dval) * fg);
mymin = (long)((param[2] = d[6].uval.dval) * fg);
mymax = (long)((param[3] = d[7].uval.dval) * fg);
zdots = (long)(d[8].uval.dval);
shell = (long)(d[9].uval.dval);
origin = (long)(d[10].uval.dval * fg16);
depth = (long)(d[11].uval.dval * fg16);
height = (long)(d[12].uval.dval * fg16);
width = (long)(d[13].uval.dval * fg16);
dist = (long)(d[14].uval.dval * fg16);
eyes = (long)(d[15].uval.dval * fg16);
brratio = (long)(d[16].uval.dval * fg16);
dmx = (mxmax - mxmin) / zdots;
dmy = (mymax - mymin) / zdots;
longparm = &jbc;

x_per_inch = (long)((d[1].uval.dval - d[0].uval.dval) / d[13].uval.dval * fg);
y_per_inch = (long)((d[3].uval.dval - d[2].uval.dval) / d[12].uval.dval * fg);
inch_per_xdot = (long)(d[13].uval.dval / xdots * fg16);
inch_per_ydot = (long)(d[12].uval.dval / ydots * fg16);
initz = origin - (depth / 2);
LeftEye.x = -(RightEye.x = eyes / 2);
LeftEye.y = RightEye.y = 0l;
LeftEye.zx = RightEye.zx = dist;
LeftEye.zy = RightEye.zy = dist;
bbase = (int)(128.0 * d[16].uval.dval);

helpmode = oldhelpmode;

if(d[16].uval.dval == 0.0)
mapname = GreyFile;
mapname = StereoFile;
if (ValidateLuts(mapname) != 0)
spindac(0,1); /* load it, but don't spin */

return(r >= 0);

int jb_per_pixel(void) {
jx = multiply(Per->x - xpixel, initz, 16);
jx = divide(jx, dist, 16) - xpixel;
jx = multiply(jx << (bitshift - 16), x_per_inch, bitshift);
jx += xoffset;
djx = divide(depth, dist, 16);
djx = multiply(djx, Per->x - xpixel, 16) << (bitshift - 16);
djx = multiply(djx, x_per_inch, bitshift) / zdots;

jy = multiply(Per->y - ypixel, initz, 16);
jy = divide(jy, dist, 16) - ypixel;
jy = multiply(jy << (bitshift - 16), y_per_inch, bitshift);
jy += yoffset;
djy = divide(depth, dist, 16);
djy = multiply(djy, Per->y - ypixel, 16) << (bitshift - 16);
djy = multiply(djy, y_per_inch, bitshift) / zdots;


static int n, zpixel, plotted, color;

int zline(long x, long y) {
xpixel = x;
ypixel = y;
mx = mxmin;
my = mymin;
if((row + col) & 1)
Per = &LeftEye;
Per = &RightEye;
for(zpixel = 0; zpixel < zdots; zpixel++) {
lold.x = jx;
lold.y = jy;
jbc.x = mx;
jbc.y = my;
ltempsqrx = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift);
ltempsqry = multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
for(n = 0; n < shell; n++) {
if(n == shell) {
if(brratio) {
color = (int)(128l * zpixel / zdots);
if((row + col) & 1)
(*plot)(col, row, 127 - color);
else {
color = (int)(multiply((long)color << 16, brratio, 16) >> 16);
(*plot)(col, row, 127 + bbase - color);
else {
color = (int)(254l * zpixel / zdots);
(*plot)(col, row, color + 1);
plotted = 1;
mx += dmx;
my += dmy;
jx += djx;
jy += djy;

int Std4dFractal(void) {
long x, y;
int xdot, ydot;

for(y = 0, ydot = (ydots >> 1) - 1; ydot >= 0; ydot--, y -= inch_per_ydot) {
plotted = 0;
x = -(width >> 1);
for(xdot = 0; xdot < xdots; xdot++, x += inch_per_xdot) {
col = xdot;
row = ydot;
if(zline(x, y) < 0)
col = xdots - col - 1;
row = ydots - row - 1;
if(zline(-x, -y) < 0)
if(!plotted) break;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WNSRC173.ZIP
Filename : JB.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: