Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WNSRC173.ZIP
Filename : ENCODER.C

Output of file : ENCODER.C contained in archive : WNSRC173.ZIP
encoder.c - GIF Encoder and associated routines
This module is linked as an overlay, use ENTER_OVLY and EXIT_OVLY.

#include "fractint.h"
#include "fractype.h"

/* MCP 10-27-91 */
extern int OperCancelled;
void OpenStatusBox(void);
void UpdateStatusBox(unsigned long Partial, unsigned long Total);
void CloseStatusBox(void);

/* routines in this module */

void encoder_overlay(void);
int savetodisk(char *);
int encoder(void);

extern char s_cantopen[];
extern char s_cantwrite[];
extern char s_cantcreate[];
extern char s_cantunderstand[];
extern char s_cantfind[];

static void _fastcall setup_save_info(struct fractal_info *);
static int inittable(void);
static int _fastcall shftwrite(unsigned char *color,int numcolors);
static int _fastcall raster(unsigned int);
static int _fastcall extend_blk_len(int datalen);
static int _fastcall put_extend_blk(int block_id,int block_len,char far *block_data);
static int _fastcall store_item_name(char *);

extern int initbatch;
extern char far *resume_info; /* pointer to resume info if allocated */
extern int resume_len; /* length of resume info */
extern char LName[];
extern char FormName[]; /* formula name */
extern char IFSName[];
extern int active_system; /* 0=dos, 1=windows */
extern int far *ranges;
extern int rangeslen;

extern int sxdots,sydots; /* # of dots on the physical screen */
extern int sxoffs,syoffs; /* physical top left of logical screen */
extern int xdots, ydots; /* # of dots on the logical screen */
extern int viewwindow; /* 0 for full screen, 1 for window */
extern float finalaspectratio; /* for view shape and rotation */
extern int viewxdots,viewydots; /* explicit view sizing */
extern int colors; /* maximum colors available */
extern int dotmode; /* so we can detect disk-video */
extern char overwrite; /* overwrite on/off */
extern int resave_flag; /* resaving after a timed save */
extern int started_resaves;
extern int timedsave; /* if doing an auto save */
extern int disk16bit; /* 16 bit continuous potential */

extern unsigned char dacbox[256][3]; /* Video-DAC (filled in by SETVIDEO) */
extern int gotrealdac; /* DAC valid? */
extern int daclearn, daccount; /* used by the color-cyclers */
extern int extraseg; /* used by Save-to-GIF routines */
extern int debugflag;

extern int gif87a_flag; /* if 1, supress GIF extension blocks */

extern int calc_status;
extern long calctime;
extern char stdcalcmode;
extern int fractype;
extern double xxmin,xxmax;
extern double yymin,yymax;
extern double xx3rd,yy3rd;
extern double param[4];
extern int maxit; /* try this many iterations */
extern int fillcolor; /* fill color: -1 = normal */
extern int inside; /* inside color: 1=blue */
extern int outside; /* outside color, if set */
extern int finattract; /* finite attractor option */
extern int forcesymmetry;
extern int LogFlag; /* non-zero if logarithmic palettes */
extern int rflag, rseed;
extern int periodicitycheck;
extern char useinitorbit;
extern struct complex initorbit;
extern int pot16bit;
extern float finalaspectratio;
extern double potparam[3]; /* three potential parameters*/
extern double inversion[];
extern int decomp[];
extern int distest; /* non-zero if distance estimator */
extern int distestwidth;
extern int init3d[20]; /* '3d=nn/nn/nn/...' values */
extern char floatflag; /* floating-point fractals? */
extern int usr_biomorph;
extern int bailout; /* user input bailout value */
extern int previewfactor;
extern int xtrans;
extern int ytrans;
extern int red_crop_left;
extern int red_crop_right;
extern int blue_crop_left;
extern int blue_crop_right;
extern int red_bright;
extern int blue_bright;
extern int xadjust;
extern int eyeseparation;
extern int glassestype;
extern int save_system;
extern int save_release;
extern int display3d; /* 3D display flag: 0 = OFF */
extern int Ambient;
extern int RANDOMIZE;
extern int haze;
extern int transparent[2];
extern int rotate_lo,rotate_hi;
extern char busy;

extern int timer(int timertype,int(*subrtn)(),...);

Save-To-Disk Routines (GIF)

GIF and 'Graphics Interchange Format' are trademarks (tm) of Compuserve
Incorporated, an H&R Block Company.

The following routines perform the GIF encoding when the 's' key is pressed.
The routines refer to several variables that are declared elsewhere
[colors, xdots, ydots, and 'dacbox'], and rely on external routines to
actually read and write screen pixels [getcolor(x,y) and putcolor(x,y,color)].
(Writing pixels is just stuffed in here as a sort of visual status report,
and has nothing to do with any GIF function.) They also rely on the
existence of an externally-defined 64K dataspace and they use the routines
'toextra()' and 'cmpextra()' to deal with that dataspace (in the same manner
as 'memcpy()' and 'memcmp()' would). Otherwise, they perform a generic
GIF-encoder function.

Note that these routines use small string- and hash-tables, and "flush"
the GIF entries whenever the hash-table gets two-thirds full or the string
table gets full. They also use the GIF encoding technique of limiting the
encoded string length to a specific size, "adding" a string to the hash table
at that point even if a matching string exists ("adding" is in quotes, because
if a matching string exists we can increment the code counter but safely throw
the duplicate string away, saving both string space and a hash table entry).

This results in relatively good speed and small data space, but at the
expense of compression efficiency (filesize). These trade-offs could be
adjusted by modifying the #DEFINEd variables below.

Note that the 'strlocn' and 'teststring' routines are declared
to be external just so that they can be defined (and the space re-used)
elsewhere. The actual declarations are in the assembler code.


#define MAXTEST 100 /* maximum single string length */
#define MAXSTRING 64000 /* total space reserved for strings */
/* maximum number of strings available */
#define MAXENTRY 5003 /* (a prime number is best for hashing) */

extern unsigned int strlocn[MAXENTRY];
extern unsigned char teststring[MAXTEST];
extern unsigned char block[266]; /* GIF-encoded blocks go here */

static int numsaves = 0; /* For adjusting 'save-to-disk' filenames */

static FILE *out;
static int last_colorbar;
static int save16bit;
static int outcolor1s, outcolor2s;

static int lentest, lastentry, numentries, numrealentries;
static unsigned int nextentry;
static int clearcode, endcode;
static unsigned int hashcode;

static unsigned char blockcount;
static int startbits, codebits, bytecount, bitcount;

static char paletteBW[] = { /* B&W palette */
0, 0, 0, 63, 63, 63,
static char paletteCGA[] = { /* 4-color (CGA) palette */

0, 0, 0, 21, 63, 63, 63, 21, 63, 63, 63, 63,
static char paletteEGA[] = { /* 16-color (EGA/CGA) pal */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 0, 42, 0, 0, 42, 42,
42, 0, 0, 42, 0, 42, 42, 21, 0, 42, 42, 42,
21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 63, 21, 63, 21, 21, 63, 63,
63, 21, 21, 63, 21, 63, 63, 63, 21, 63, 63, 63,

void encoder_overlay() { } /* for restore_active_ovly */

int savetodisk(filename) /* save-to-disk routine */
char *filename;
char tmpmsg[41]; /* before openfile in case of overrun */
char openfile[80], openfiletype[10];
char tmpfile[80];
int newfile;
int i, j, outcolor1, outcolor2, interrupted;



save16bit = disk16bit;
if (gif87a_flag) /* not storing non-standard fractal info */
save16bit = 0;

strcpy(openfile,filename); /* decode and open the filename */
strcpy(openfiletype,DEFAULTFRACTALTYPE);/* determine the file extension */
if (save16bit)
for (i = 0; i < strlen(openfile); i++)
if (openfile[i] == '.') {
openfile[i] = 0;
if (resave_flag != 1)
updatesavename(filename); /* for next time */


if (access(openfile,0) != 0) /* file doesn't exist */
newfile = 1;
else { /* file already exists */
if (overwrite == 0) {
if (resave_flag == 0)
goto restart;
if (started_resaves == 0) { /* first save of a savetime set */
goto restart;
if (access(openfile,2) != 0) {
return -1;
newfile = 0;
i = strlen(tmpfile);
while (--i >= 0 && tmpfile[i] != '\\')
tmpfile[i] = 0;
started_resaves = (resave_flag == 1) ? 1 : 0;
if (resave_flag == 2) /* final save of savetime set? */
resave_flag = 0;
if ((out=fopen(tmpfile,"wb")) == NULL) {
return -1;

if (dotmode == 11) { /* disk-video */
char buf[60];
sprintf(buf,"Saving %s",openfile);

busy = 1;
if (debugflag != 200)
interrupted = encoder();
interrupted = timer(2,NULL); /* invoke encoder() via timer */
busy = 0;


if (interrupted) {
char buf[200];
sprintf(buf,"Save of %s interrupted.\nCancel to ",openfile);
if (newfile)
strcat(buf,"delete the file,\ncontinue to keep the partial image.");
strcat(buf,"retain the original file,\ncontinue to replace original with new partial image.");
interrupted = 1;
if (stopmsg(2,buf) < 0) {
interrupted = -1;

if (newfile == 0 && interrupted >= 0) { /* replace the real file */
unlink(openfile); /* success assumed since we checked */
rename(tmpfile,openfile); /* earlier with access */

if (dotmode != 11) { /* supress this on disk-video */
if (active_system == 0) { /* no bars in Windows version */
outcolor1 = outcolor1s;
outcolor2 = outcolor2s;
for (j = 0; j <= last_colorbar; j++) {
if ((j & 4) == 0) {
if (++outcolor1 >= colors) outcolor1 = 0;
if (++outcolor2 >= colors) outcolor2 = 0;
for (i = 0; 250*i < xdots; i++) { /* clear vert status bars */
else /* disk-video */
if (interrupted) {
texttempmsg(" *interrupted* save ");
return -1;
if (timedsave == 0) {
if (initbatch == 0) {
sprintf(tmpmsg," File saved as %s ",openfile);
return 0;

int encoder()
int i, ydot, xdot, color, outcolor1, outcolor2;
int width;
int rownum, rowlimit;
unsigned int hashentry;
unsigned char bitsperpixel, x;
int entrynum;
struct fractal_info save_info;

if(initbatch) /* flush any impending keystrokes */


bitsperpixel = 0; /* calculate bits / pixel */
for (i = colors; i >= 2; i /= 2 )

startbits = bitsperpixel+1; /* start coding with this many bits */
if (colors == 2)
startbits++; /* B&W Klooge */

clearcode = 1 << (startbits - 1); /* set clear and end codes */
endcode = clearcode+1;

outcolor1 = 0; /* use these colors to show progress */
outcolor2 = 1; /* (this has nothing to do with GIF) */
if (colors > 2) {
outcolor1 = 2;
outcolor2 = 3;
if (((++numsaves) & 1) == 0) { /* reverse the colors on alt saves */
i = outcolor1;
outcolor1 = outcolor2;
outcolor2 = i;
outcolor1s = outcolor1;
outcolor2s = outcolor2;

if (gif87a_flag == 1) {
if (fwrite("GIF87a",6,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* old GIF Signature */
} else {
if (fwrite("GIF89a",6,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* new GIF Signature */

width = xdots;
rowlimit = ydots;
if (save16bit) {
/* pot16bit info is stored as:
file: double width rows, right side of row is low 8 bits
diskvid: ydots rows of colors followed by ydots rows of low 8 bits
decoder: returns (row of color info then row of low 8 bits) * ydots
rowlimit <<= 1;
width <<= 1;
if (fwrite(&width,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* screen descriptor */
if (fwrite(&ydots,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
x = 128 + ((6-1)<<4) + (bitsperpixel-1); /* color resolution == 6 bits worth */
if (fwrite(&x,1,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (fputc(0,out) != 0) goto oops; /* background color */
i = 0;
/** PB, changed to always store pixel aspect ratio, some utilities
have been reported to like it **/
if ( finalaspectratio < SCREENASPECT-0.01
|| finalaspectratio > SCREENASPECT+0.01) {
if (viewwindow /* less than full screen? */
&& (viewxdots == 0 || viewydots == 0)) /* and we picked the dots? */
i = ((double)sydots / (double)sxdots) * 64.0/SCREENASPECT - 14.5;
else /* must risk loss of precision if numbers low */
i = (((double)ydots / (double)xdots) / finalaspectratio) * 64 - 14.5;
if (i < 1) i = 1;
if (i > 255) i = 255;
if (gif87a_flag) i = 0; /* for some decoders which can't handle aspect */
if (fputc(i,out) != i) goto oops; /* pixel aspect ratio */

if (colors == 256) { /* write out the 256-color palette */
if (gotrealdac) { /* got a DAC - must be a VGA */
if (!shftwrite((unsigned char *)dacbox,colors)) goto oops;
} else { /* uh oh - better fake it */
for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 16)
if (!shftwrite(paletteEGA,16)) goto oops;
if (colors == 2) { /* write out the B&W palette */
if (!shftwrite(paletteBW,colors)) goto oops;
if (colors == 4) { /* write out the CGA palette */
if (!shftwrite(paletteCGA,colors))goto oops;
if (colors == 16) { /* Either EGA or VGA */
if (gotrealdac) {
if (!shftwrite((unsigned char *)dacbox,colors))goto oops;
else { /* no DAC - must be an EGA */
if (!shftwrite(paletteEGA,colors))goto oops;

if (fwrite(",",1,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* Image Descriptor */
i = 0;
if (fwrite(&i,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (fwrite(&i,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (fwrite(&width,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (fwrite(&ydots,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (fwrite(&i,1,1,out) != 1) goto oops;

bitsperpixel = startbits - 1; /* raster data starts here */
if (fwrite(&bitsperpixel,1,1,out) != 1) goto oops;

codebits = startbits; /* start encoding */

if (!raster(9999)) goto oops; /* initialize the raster routine */

if (!inittable()) goto oops; /* initialize the LZW tables */

for ( rownum = 0; rownum < ydots; rownum++
, UpdateStatusBox(rownum, ydots)
) { /* scan through the dots */
for (ydot = rownum; ydot < rowlimit; ydot += ydots) {
for (xdot = 0; xdot < xdots; xdot++) {
if (save16bit == 0 || ydot < ydots)
color = getcolor(xdot,ydot);
color = readdisk(xdot+sxoffs,ydot+syoffs);
teststring[0] = ++lentest;
teststring[lentest] = color;
if (lentest == 1) { /* root entry? */
lastentry = color;
if (lentest == 2) /* init the hash code */
hashcode = 301 * (teststring[1]+1);
hashcode *= (color + lentest); /* update the hash code */
hashentry = ++hashcode % MAXENTRY;
for( i = 0; i < MAXENTRY; i++) {
if (++hashentry >= MAXENTRY) hashentry = 0;
if (cmpextra(strlocn[hashentry]+2,
teststring,lentest+1) == 0)
if (strlocn[hashentry] == 0) i = MAXENTRY;
/* found an entry and string length isn't too bad */
if (strlocn[hashentry] != 0 && lentest < MAXTEST-3) {
lastentry = entrynum;
if (!raster(lastentry)) goto oops; /* write entry */
numentries++; /* act like you added one, anyway */
if (strlocn[hashentry] == 0) { /* add new string, if any */
entrynum = numentries+endcode;
strlocn[hashentry] = nextentry;
toextra(nextentry, &entrynum,2);
nextentry += lentest+3;
teststring[0] = 1; /* reset current entry */
teststring[1] = color;
lentest = 1;
lastentry = color;

if ((numentries+endcode) == (1< codebits++; /* use longer encoding */

if ( numentries + endcode > 4093 || /* out of room? */
numrealentries > (MAXENTRY*2)/3 ||
nextentry > MAXSTRING-MAXTEST-5) {
if (!raster(lastentry)) goto oops; /* flush & restart */
if (!inittable()) goto oops;
if (dotmode != 11 /* supress this on disk-video */
&& active_system == 0 /* and in Windows version */
&& ydot == rownum) {
if ((ydot & 4) == 0) {
if (++outcolor1 >= colors) outcolor1 = 0;
if (++outcolor2 >= colors) outcolor2 = 0;
for (i = 0; 250*i < xdots; i++) { /* display vert status bars */
/* (this is NOT GIF-related) */
/* PB Changed following code to xor color, so that
image can be restored at end and resumed
putcolor( i,ydot,outcolor1);
last_colorbar = ydot;
if (OperCancelled)
if (keypressed()) /* keyboard hit - bail out */
ydot = rownum = 9999;

if (!raster(lastentry)) goto oops; /* tidy up - dump the last code */

if (!raster(endcode)) goto oops; /* finish the map */

if (fputc(0,out) != 0) goto oops; /* raster data ends here */

if (gif87a_flag == 0) { /* store non-standard fractal info */
/* loadfile.c has notes about extension block structure */
if (ydot >= 9999)
save_info.calc_status = 0; /* partial save is not resumable */
save_info.tot_extend_len = 0;
if (resume_info != NULL && save_info.calc_status == 2) {
/* resume info block, 002 */
save_info.tot_extend_len += extend_blk_len(resume_len);
if (!put_extend_blk(2,resume_len,resume_info))goto oops;
if (save_info.fractal_type == FORMULA || save_info.fractal_type == FFORMULA)
save_info.tot_extend_len += store_item_name(FormName);
if (save_info.fractal_type == LSYSTEM)
save_info.tot_extend_len += store_item_name(LName);
if (save_info.fractal_type == IFS || save_info.fractal_type == IFS3D)
save_info.tot_extend_len += store_item_name(IFSName);
if (display3d <= 0 && rangeslen) {
/* ranges block, 004 */
save_info.tot_extend_len += extend_blk_len(rangeslen*2);
if (!put_extend_blk(4,rangeslen*2,(char far *)ranges))goto oops;

/* main and last block, 001 */
save_info.tot_extend_len += extend_blk_len(sizeof(save_info));
if (!put_extend_blk(1,sizeof(save_info),(char far *)&save_info))goto oops;

if (fwrite(";",1,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* GIF Terminator */

return ((ydot < 9999) ? 0 : 1);

stopmsg(0,"Error Writing to disk (Disk full?)");
return 1;

static int _fastcall shftwrite(unsigned char *color,int numcolors)
/* shift IBM colors to GIF */
unsigned char thiscolor;
int i,j;
for (i = 0; i < numcolors; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
thiscolor = color[3*i+j];
thiscolor = thiscolor << 2;
thiscolor += (thiscolor >> 6);
if (fputc(thiscolor,out) != thiscolor) return(0);

static int inittable() /* routine to init tables */
int i;

if (!raster(clearcode)) return(0); /* signal that table is initialized */

numentries = 0; /* initialize the table */
numrealentries = 0;
nextentry = 1;
lentest = 0;
codebits = startbits;

toextra(0,"\0",1); /* clear the hash entries */
for (i = 0; i < MAXENTRY; i++)
strlocn[i] = 0;


static int _fastcall raster(code) /* routine to block and output codes */
unsigned int code;
unsigned int icode, i, j;

if (code == 9999) { /* special start-up signal */
bytecount = 0;
bitcount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 266; i++)
block[i] = 0;

icode = code << bitcount; /* update the bit string */
block[bytecount ] |= (icode & 255);
block[bytecount+1] |= ((icode>>8) & 255);
icode = (code>>8) << bitcount;
block[bytecount+2] |= ((icode>>8) & 255);
bitcount += codebits;
while (bitcount >= 8) { /* locate next starting point */
bitcount -= 8;

if (bytecount > 250 || code == endcode) { /* time to write a block */
if (code == endcode)
while (bitcount > 0) { /* if EOF, find the real end */
bitcount -= 8;
i = bytecount;
blockcount = i;
if (fwrite(&blockcount,1,1,out) != 1) return(0); /* write the block */
if (fwrite(block,i,1,out) != 1) return(0);
bytecount = 0; /* now re-start the block */
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) /* (may have leftover bits) */
block[j] = block[j+i];
for (j = 5; j < 266; j++)
block[j] = 0;

static int _fastcall extend_blk_len(int datalen)
return(datalen + (datalen+254)/255 + 15);
/* data + 1.per.block + 14 for id + 1 for null at end */

static int _fastcall put_extend_blk(int block_id,int block_len,char far *block_data)
int i,j;
char header[15];
if (fwrite(header,14,1,out) != 1) return(0);
i = (block_len + 254) / 255;
while (--i >= 0) {
block_len -= (j = min(block_len,255));
if (fputc(j,out) != j) return(0);
while (--j >= 0)
if (fputc(0,out) != 0) return(0);

static int _fastcall store_item_name(char *nameptr)
char tmpname[40];
/* formula/lsys/ifs info block, 003 */

static void _fastcall setup_save_info(struct fractal_info *save_info)
int i;
/* set save parameters in save structure */
strcpy(save_info->info_id, INFO_ID);
save_info->version = 8; /* file version, independant of system */
save_info->iterations = maxit;
save_info->fractal_type = fractype;
save_info->xmin = xxmin;
save_info->xmax = xxmax;
save_info->ymin = yymin;
save_info->ymax = yymax;
save_info->creal = param[0];
save_info->cimag = param[1];
save_info->videomodeax = videoentry.videomodeax;
save_info->videomodebx = videoentry.videomodebx;
save_info->videomodecx = videoentry.videomodecx;
save_info->videomodedx = videoentry.videomodedx;
save_info->dotmode = videoentry.dotmode % 100;
save_info->xdots = videoentry.xdots;
save_info->ydots = videoentry.ydots;
save_info->colors = videoentry.colors;
save_info->parm3 = 0; /* pre version==7 fields */
save_info->parm4 = 0;
save_info->dparm3 = param[2];
save_info->dparm4 = param[3];
save_info->fillcolor = fillcolor;
save_info->potential[0] = potparam[0];
save_info->potential[1] = potparam[1];
save_info->potential[2] = potparam[2];
save_info->rflag = rflag;
save_info->rseed = rseed;
save_info->inside = inside;
save_info->logmap = LogFlag;
save_info->invert[0] = inversion[0];
save_info->invert[1] = inversion[1];
save_info->invert[2] = inversion[2];
save_info->decomp[0] = decomp[0];
save_info->biomorph = usr_biomorph;
save_info->symmetry = forcesymmetry;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
save_info->init3d[i] = init3d[i];
save_info->previewfactor = previewfactor;
save_info->xtrans = xtrans;
save_info->ytrans = ytrans;
save_info->red_crop_left = red_crop_left;
save_info->red_crop_right = red_crop_right;
save_info->blue_crop_left = blue_crop_left;
save_info->blue_crop_right = blue_crop_right;
save_info->red_bright = red_bright;
save_info->blue_bright = blue_bright;
save_info->xadjust = xadjust;
save_info->eyeseparation = eyeseparation;
save_info->glassestype = glassestype;
save_info->outside = outside;
save_info->x3rd = xx3rd;
save_info->y3rd = yy3rd;
save_info->calc_status = calc_status;
save_info->stdcalcmode = stdcalcmode;
save_info->distest = distest;
save_info->floatflag = floatflag;
save_info->bailout = bailout;
save_info->calctime = calctime;
save_info->trigndx[0] = trigndx[0];
save_info->trigndx[1] = trigndx[1];
save_info->trigndx[2] = trigndx[2];
save_info->trigndx[3] = trigndx[3];
save_info->finattract = finattract;
save_info->initorbit[0] = initorbit.x;
save_info->initorbit[1] = initorbit.y;
save_info->useinitorbit = useinitorbit;
save_info->periodicity = periodicitycheck;
save_info->pot16bit = disk16bit;
save_info->faspectratio = finalaspectratio;
save_info->system = save_system;
save_info->release = save_release;
save_info->flag3d = display3d;
save_info->ambient = Ambient;
save_info->randomize = RANDOMIZE;
save_info->haze = haze;
save_info->transparent[0] = transparent[0];
save_info->transparent[1] = transparent[1];
save_info->rotate_lo = rotate_lo;
save_info->rotate_hi = rotate_hi;
save_info->distestwidth = distestwidth;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(save_info->future)/sizeof(int); i++)
save_info->future[i] = 0;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WNSRC173.ZIP
Filename : ENCODER.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: