Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CTSK22.ZIP
Filename : TSKNAME.C

Output of file : TSKNAME.C contained in archive : CTSK22.ZIP
--- Version 2.2 90-10-12 10:33 ---

CTask Name searching routines

Public Domain Software written by
Thomas Wagner
Ferrari electronic Gmbh
Beusselstrasse 27
D-1000 Berlin 21

This file is new with version 2.1.
The find_name and find_group_name functions were moved here from
'tsksub.c', since they are not needed in the basic kernel.
This will save some code in applications not using the routines.

The add_name function to add a statically allocated structure to
the name list has been added in version 2.1.

#include "tsk.h"
#include "tsklocal.h"


local int Staticfunc tsk_streq (byteptr n1, byteptr n2)
while (*n1 && *n1 == *n2)
return *n1 == *n2;

find structure, given name and type.
If type is less than zero, the first name-element matching the
name is returned.
If type is greater or equal to zero, the first structure matching
the name and type is returned.

#if (GROUPS)
farptr Globalfunc find_group_name (gcbptr group, byteptr name, int kind)
queptr curr;

if (kind == TYP_GROUP && tsk_streq (name, group->
return group;

for (curr = group->namelist.list.first; !(curr->kind & Q_HEAD); curr = curr->next)
if (kind < 0 || (int)curr->kind == kind)
if (tsk_streq (name, ((nameptr)curr)->name))
return (kind >= 0) ? ((nameptr)curr)->strucp : curr;

return LNULL;

farptr Globalfunc find_name (byteptr name, int kind)
#if (GROUPS)
farptr curr;
gcbptr group;

if (tsk_global == LNULL)
if (!ctask_resident ())
return LNULL;

for (group = GLOBDATA current_task->group;
group != LNULL; group = group->home)
if ((curr = find_group_name (group, name, kind)) != LNULL)
return curr;
queptr curr;

if (kind == TYP_GROUP)
return LNULL;

for (curr = GLOBDATA name_list.list.first; !(curr->kind & Q_HEAD);
curr = curr->next)
if (kind < 0 || (int)curr->kind == kind)
if (tsk_streq (name, ((nameptr)curr)->name))
return (kind >= 0) ? ((nameptr)curr)->strucp : curr;

return LNULL;

void Globalfunc add_event_name (nameptr elem)

if (elem->name [0] && elem->list.first == LNULL)
#if (GROUPS)
tsk_putqueue (&GLOBDATA current_task->group->namelist.list, (queptr)&elem->list);
tsk_putqueue (&GLOBDATA name_list.list, (queptr)&elem->list);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CTSK22.ZIP
Filename : TSKNAME.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: