Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ARCSRC.ZIP
Filename : VM2HELP.DOC

Output of file : VM2HELP.DOC contained in archive : ARCSRC.ZIP
VM2.EXE User-friendly Documentation
(for Wimps who Can't Read Source Code)

Requires: SGML.MSG in the same directory as VM2 or on the DOS path, unless
the exact pathname is specified with the /M switch (see below).

Syntax: VMI [options] entity-id [options]

Options: (syntax example: /d /e /f /g /mSGML.MSG /p1 /r /t3)

/S Show details of SGML parsing (default: error messages only, no details).
/C Data or PI chars to print if /S specified: 0 or more (default: 10).

NOTE TO IMPLEMENTERS: The following options are supported by the
SGML parser for all text processors. (The preceding are unique to VM2.)

/D Report duplicate entity declarations (default: not reported).
/E Suppress entity stack trace in error msg (default: entity trace on).
/F Files located in current directory only (default: files anywhere on path).
/G Suppress GI stack trace in error messages (default: GI trace on).
/M Pathname of error message file (default: SGML.MSG).
/P Number of passes desired: 1 or more (default: 1 pass).
/R Give warning for defaulted entity references (default: no warning).
/T SGML wants an RS before each record and an RE after it. DOS omits
the RS from the first record of a file, but appends an RE after
the end of file so that records are not merged when files are
concatenated. Other systems do not. ARCSGML lets the user specify
whether an RS should be inserted before the first record of an entity
(/T1), whether the trailing RE should be deleted (/T2), or both (/T3,
the default). (System identifiers in markup declarations can begin
with "1=", "2=", or "3=" to accomplish the same thing for other


The "entity-id" is a normal DOS file specification (with or without a
drive and/or path) that identifies the SGML document entity. ARCSGML
allows a single entity to be split over several DOS files (for
example, the prolog could be in one file and the document instance in
another). In this case, the "entity-id" could be a sequence of file
identifiers joined with semicolons in a quoted string, such as:


(See the CONCAT1.GML test case in the TESTSGML.EXE archive.)

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ARCSRC.ZIP
Filename : VM2HELP.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: