Dec 262017
PCBoard 14.5 Net Scan Conference Mail Waiting Flags Program. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
PCBNET.DOC | 4702 | 1773 | deflated |
PCBNET.EXE | 28766 | 16409 | deflated |
Download File PCBNET11.ZIP Here
Contents of the PCBNET.DOC file
PCBoard 14.5 Net Scan Conference Mail Waiting Flags Program
Description: This program will update Mail Waiting flags for specific
users who have mail waiting in any conference. This program
should be used for EchoMail type conferences (Although you
can use it whenever you want).
WHY Use It: If you are like me and carry Echo Mail Conferences (ILink,
MetroLink, PCRelay, FidoNet, etc.) most of the software
out there will not update the Mail Waiting Flags for your
Users when they have mail. This program *WILL* do it and
it is VERY FAST.
WHAT Happens: After you run PCBNet, and it finds a user in your NDX files,
it will update the Mail Waiting Flags both in the USERS and
USERS.INF file for each specific conference.
When the user logs onto your BBS they will be notified that
they have MAIL WAITING in that specific conference. Is nice
to know if you finally got that message to a reply.
In order to properly use this program you *MUST* pass one or two command
line switches to it:
The first one is the Conference numbers (Low and High Range)
that you want your users to have their Mail Waiting Flags updated.
The second one is for FIRST TIME Installation:
The command line switches look like this:
1st: /C:l-h l means LOW conference number, h means HIGH conference
The 2nd command line switch should only be used when first using this program
on a conference. If your MSGS.NET already exists and you use one of the
switches below, your MSGS.NET file will not be affect. You need to DELETE
your MSGS.NET in order for the below switches to work.
* 2nd: /H Set Your MSGS.NET file to the HIGH message number in
each conference.
* 2nd: /L Set Your MSGS.NET file to the LOW message number in
each conference.
* Note: If you do not use one of these switches, the default is the LOW
command line switch if I can't find your MSGS.NET file.
Note2: The MSGS.NET file is a 4 byte file that contains the LAST MESSAGE
READ by PCBNet. If you wish to start over, delete this file and
use the appropriate switch.
Valid Examples:
PCBNet /C:1-2000 - Would Scan Conferences 1 - 2000 Updating Mail Flags
PCBNet /C:1-1 /L - Would Initialize Low Number *IF* MSGS.NET does not
exist. Will Also Scan Conference 1.
PCBNet /C:15-39 /H - Would Initialize High Number *IF* MSGS.NET does not
exist. Will Also Scan Conferences 1 - 39
PCBNet /C:1 (Needs a High Number Also)
PCBNet /C:50-4 (Must start with Low and then High Numbers)
PCBNet /C:1-20;50-100 (You can only pass ONE Low and ONE High Number)
What directory do you run it from?
PCBNet *MUST* be run from a directory that contains your PCBOARD.DAT file
and in most cases, you use this program in an EVENT (Except for first time
First Time Initialization:
For first time initialization, you should be running it from the DOS Prompt
(In other words, you should monitor it). You have two options at the DOS
1) PCBNet /c:l-h /L (l & h specify the conferences to use on, while /L
means to start with the Low Conference MESSAGE
Number). When using the /L switch, it is possible
that your users mail waiting flags will be updated
*IF* a message is addressed to them. I suggest you
use the /H switch upon initialization.
2) PCBNet /c:l-h /H (l & h specify the conferences to use on, while /H
means to start with the High Conference MESSAGE
NUMBER). When using the /H switch, none of your users
will be flag for mail upon initialization.
Event Running:
Once you have used the first time inialization, you should append this
example to your EVENT.SYS file:
PCBNet /c:l-h
rem note l-h are the conferences you want to check for mail for your users.
Hopefully these documents are a little better. If you are having problems,
please leave a comment on Salt Air to Cam DeBuck (Salt Air Support Staff).
p.s. If you would like to enhance the documentation for further explaining,
please do so and upload the new one to me for posting.
Description: This program will update Mail Waiting flags for specific
users who have mail waiting in any conference. This program
should be used for EchoMail type conferences (Although you
can use it whenever you want).
WHY Use It: If you are like me and carry Echo Mail Conferences (ILink,
MetroLink, PCRelay, FidoNet, etc.) most of the software
out there will not update the Mail Waiting Flags for your
Users when they have mail. This program *WILL* do it and
it is VERY FAST.
WHAT Happens: After you run PCBNet, and it finds a user in your NDX files,
it will update the Mail Waiting Flags both in the USERS and
USERS.INF file for each specific conference.
When the user logs onto your BBS they will be notified that
they have MAIL WAITING in that specific conference. Is nice
to know if you finally got that message to a reply.
In order to properly use this program you *MUST* pass one or two command
line switches to it:
The first one is the Conference numbers (Low and High Range)
that you want your users to have their Mail Waiting Flags updated.
The second one is for FIRST TIME Installation:
The command line switches look like this:
1st: /C:l-h l means LOW conference number, h means HIGH conference
The 2nd command line switch should only be used when first using this program
on a conference. If your MSGS.NET already exists and you use one of the
switches below, your MSGS.NET file will not be affect. You need to DELETE
your MSGS.NET in order for the below switches to work.
* 2nd: /H Set Your MSGS.NET file to the HIGH message number in
each conference.
* 2nd: /L Set Your MSGS.NET file to the LOW message number in
each conference.
* Note: If you do not use one of these switches, the default is the LOW
command line switch if I can't find your MSGS.NET file.
Note2: The MSGS.NET file is a 4 byte file that contains the LAST MESSAGE
READ by PCBNet. If you wish to start over, delete this file and
use the appropriate switch.
Valid Examples:
PCBNet /C:1-2000 - Would Scan Conferences 1 - 2000 Updating Mail Flags
PCBNet /C:1-1 /L - Would Initialize Low Number *IF* MSGS.NET does not
exist. Will Also Scan Conference 1.
PCBNet /C:15-39 /H - Would Initialize High Number *IF* MSGS.NET does not
exist. Will Also Scan Conferences 1 - 39
PCBNet /C:1 (Needs a High Number Also)
PCBNet /C:50-4 (Must start with Low and then High Numbers)
PCBNet /C:1-20;50-100 (You can only pass ONE Low and ONE High Number)
What directory do you run it from?
PCBNet *MUST* be run from a directory that contains your PCBOARD.DAT file
and in most cases, you use this program in an EVENT (Except for first time
First Time Initialization:
For first time initialization, you should be running it from the DOS Prompt
(In other words, you should monitor it). You have two options at the DOS
1) PCBNet /c:l-h /L (l & h specify the conferences to use on, while /L
means to start with the Low Conference MESSAGE
Number). When using the /L switch, it is possible
that your users mail waiting flags will be updated
*IF* a message is addressed to them. I suggest you
use the /H switch upon initialization.
2) PCBNet /c:l-h /H (l & h specify the conferences to use on, while /H
means to start with the High Conference MESSAGE
NUMBER). When using the /H switch, none of your users
will be flag for mail upon initialization.
Event Running:
Once you have used the first time inialization, you should append this
example to your EVENT.SYS file:
PCBNet /c:l-h
rem note l-h are the conferences you want to check for mail for your users.
Hopefully these documents are a little better. If you are having problems,
please leave a comment on Salt Air to Cam DeBuck (Salt Air Support Staff).
p.s. If you would like to enhance the documentation for further explaining,
please do so and upload the new one to me for posting
December 26, 2017
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