Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : MSQ22E.ZIP
Filename : MSGED.CFG

Output of file : MSGED.CFG contained in archive : MSQ22E.ZIP
; ______________________________________________________________________
; Msgedsq v2.2e Copyright (c) 1993 John Dennis. All rights reserved.
; ______________________________________________________________________
; Configuration file.
; Lines beginning with ';' are considered comments - all others will be
; processed. You may not have comments in the middle of a line of text.
; Conventions used for syntax:
; [] = option
; <> = compulsory
; | = or
; "" = everything inside the two quotes will be copied
; ______________________________________________________________________
; Your name (Up to 10 names)
; Name [ ]

Name "John Dennis" lastread 0
Name "kyuuketsu" lastread 0

; ______________________________________________________________________
; Your Addresses - (any number, the first being the default).
; Address

Address 3:690/668@fidonet
; Address 8:123/344@rbbs

; ______________________________________________________________________
; A private-net address - should only be used when necessary.

; Privatenet 6680

; Aliases, used to make header entry easy (any number).
; Alias <"Real Name"> [ ["subject"]]
; An 'n' in the attribute field means use the current areas' default.
; You must have an attribute (even if only 'n') to have a subject.

Alias john "John Dennis" 3:690/668 pk "subject"
Alias colin "Colin Wheat" 3:690/613
Alias linc "Lincoln Dale" 3:690/626
Alias rich "Richard Dale" 3:690/626
Alias mike "Michael Studte" 3:690/728 n "Yo!"
Alias area "AreaFix" 3:690/613 n "YOURPW -r -q"
Alias alex "Alex Wyss" 2:301/802
Alias denis "Denis McMahon" 2:251/20
Alias clay "Clay Tinsley" 1:124/5125
Alias dallas "Dallas Hinton" 1:153/715
Alias brian "Brian Heess" 1:102/851
Alias jd "[email protected]" UUCP n "Test Subject"

; ______________________________________________________________________
; Various and sundry.

Outfile +msged.txt,t
Lastread lastread
Tosslog +echotoss.log
Swappath c:\
helpfile msq.hlp
Userlist f:\bink\fidouser.lst,(null)
Useroffset 0
Quote &>_
Right 70
QuoteRight 65
Tabsize 4

; ______________________________________________________________________
; Template files

Template template.msq
Template tem.msq

; ______________________________________________________________________
; Groups
; Must be specified BEFORE areas are - this information is used
; when creating the areas. Note: indexes are ZERO based.
; Double Note: Must be specified AFTER the names and templates.
; group <"search string">