Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : LOD350B.ZIP

Output of file : REGISTER.FRM contained in archive : LOD350B.ZIP

Registration of Land Of Devastation

===================== Contact Information ====================================

Name: __________________________________________________________

Street Address: __________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________

Voice phone: _____________________ Country: ___________________________

BBS Name: _____________________________ BBS Phone: _________________

===================== Machine Information ====================================

Machine name: __________________________________________________________

Processor: 8088 [_] 80286 [_] 386sx [_] 80386 [_] Othr:_____
80486 [_]

Machine speed: 8Mhz [_] 10Mhz [_] 12Mhz [_] 16Mhz [_] Othr:_____
20Mhz [_] 25Mhz [_] 33Mhz [_] 40Mhz [_]
50Mhz [_]

Display type: MDA [_] HGC [_] CGA [_] MCGA [_] Othr:_____
EGA [_] VGA [_] SVGA [_]

Floppy drive(s): 3.5" 1.4MB [_] 5.25" 1.2MB [_] Othr:_____
3.5" 720KB [_] 5.25" 360KB [_]

Hard disk size: _____MB

Hard disk type: SCSI [_] MFM [_] RLL [_] ESDI [_] Othr:_____
IDE [_]

Modem name/Type: __________________________________________________________

If 9600+: HST [_] v.32 [_] 32bis [_] Cmpucm [_] Othr:_____

Maximum Baud: 2400 [_] 9600 [_] 14400 [_] 16000 [_] Othr:_____

Locked Baud: No [_] 9600 [_] 19.2 [_] 38.4 [_] Othr:_____

DOS Used: MS2.x [_] MS3.1 [_] MS3.2 [_] MS3.3 [_] Othr:_____
MS4.x [_] MS5.x [_] DRDOS [_] 4DOS [_]

Other: __________________________________________________________



===================== Product Usage Information ==============================

Where did you first hear about Land Of Devastation?

[_] Carrier Detect Journal / CDRDoor
[_] The authors support bbs (Not-Yet-Named, 602-577-3650)
[_] A friend
[_] CD-Rom Disc: _________________________
[_] A bbs system
[_] Echomail/netmail
[_] Other: _______________________________

What is LOD's most valuable feature?

[_] EGA Graphics
[_] ANSI Graphics
[_] Non-crippled package including editor & utilities
[_] Game play
[_] Documentation
[_] Ease of use / user friendliness
[_] Other:________________________________


Any bug reports/comments/features you would like to see?




===================== Registration Policy ====================================

This section of the registration for restates the registration policy
of LOD to reduce any possible confusion.

1) Send in a regstration/donation of $20 or greater.

2) Call my bbs (602-577-3650) in about a week.

3) Receive your code online by using the "reglook" command from the
bbs's main menu. (No validation is necessary - you can do it on your
first call)


Mail to: Scott Baker
6431 Tierra Catalina #48
Tucson, Az 85718

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : LOD350B.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: