Dec 062017
Land of Devestation BBS Door game. Part 2 of 5.
File LOD350B.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
Land of Devestation BBS Door game. Part 2 of 5.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ANSI.DEF 195623 44153 deflated
AUTHENTI.LOD 903 654 deflated
COMBAT.DEF 17054 5385 deflated
DEVICES.DEF 11457 2998 deflated
GAME.CTL 5024 1931 deflated
GAME.EXE 63534 60253 deflated
GAME.OVR 196403 79198 deflated
LODFILES.TXT 4041 1615 deflated
LODLOK.TXT 145 116 deflated
MAP.DEF 15625 1888 deflated
MISC.DEF 1543 1047 deflated
MONSTER.DEF 66358 18767 deflated
README.TXT 336 224 deflated
REGISTER.EXE 29946 28682 deflated
REGISTER.FRM 4084 1150 deflated
STRINGS.DEF 57957 24193 deflated
TALK.DEF 47448 18696 deflated
TAVERN.DEF 1250 142 deflated
TERRAIN.DEF 651 337 deflated
TRIVIA.DEF 20918 7463 deflated

Download File LOD350B.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file


IMPORTANT: Due to the number of changes in the file structures, it
really wasn't possible to write a conversion program. So, I am sorry to
say that if you were running a version previous to 2.00, you'll have to
delete your old data files and restart. "DEL *.DAT" should take care
of it.

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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