Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : AWARI.ZIP

Output of file : JUMPDOOR.TXT contained in archive : AWARI.ZIP
Sysop's Manual Jumpdoor

Chapter 11

This allows you to offer programs that the other users can run. These
programs can be anything that fits in memory and can communicate through
the serial (modem) port. If the sysop wishes to run programs in local
mode only, then serial port support is not required.


Two files are used by JumpDoors: jump disk:Passages.dat and
jump disk:Jumper.dat.


This is the library of available JumpDoors. This file is not required to
operate the BBS. It is only necessary if you wish to make jumpdoors
available. Each entry in the file takes two lines and has the format: (|
= one blank space).

Priv | local | full file name and command line



Priv is the privilege required to use the jumpdoor. Any user with this
privilege set will be able to see and use this jumpdoor. Local is 1 if
the program can only be used from the console, otherwise it should be 0.
File or command name is the full file name and command line. The command
line is optional. NOTE: People running multi-user versions of 2AM-BBS
may wish to pass the port number to a jumpdoor. To do this, place
PORTNUM (please note uppercase) in the command line. When the BBS
executes this door, it will translate PORTNUM to the actual port number.
.COM and .EXE programs should have a % sign in front of them to identify
them as such. Otherwise, a " /c " (single space before and after /c)
must be used. These conditions are automatically added if the door is
installed via the maintenance section. Description is the title of the
jumpdoor output in the [S]how command.


0 0
Jumpdoors Available
0 0


Sysop's Manual Jumpdoor

0 0

Compress bases with Alternate Baseinfo and BSMAINT
1 0 /c c:\bbs\jump\chess.bat PORTNUM
Play Chess

The above example shows three types of entries: comments, exe/com file,
and other file types. Note the placement of the percent and the " /c" in
the above example.


This is a file that the BBS writes before it sends a user through a door.
It contains some information about the user that any jumpdoor program can
make use of if it wishes. The file is a text file and contains the
following (each item on a separate line):

1. System Name
2. System Owner
3. Username
4. Usernumber (i.e. account number)
5. User's first name (from application)
6. User's last name (from application)
7. User's City, State
8. Time Remaining
9. Communications port (1 or 2).
10. Baud rate ('300','1200','2400')
11. Number of nulls needed (an integer from 0 to 15).
12. Linefeeds? 'TRUE' if user needs linefeeds. Otherwise: 'FALSE'.
13. Upper Case only? 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
14. 80 columns? 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
15. IBM Graphics? 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'
16. Ansi menus? 'TRUE' if the user can display ANSI, otherwise
17. Bell? 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. Current setting of the system bell.


Maintenance is accessed by typing MAINT at the jumpdoors prompt. Users
need privilege bit #100 to use jumpdoors maint. It will add jumpdoors or
comments to jump disk:passages.dat. It will automatically create this
file if it does not exist.

If you select add [C]omment, you will be prompted for a comment to add to
jump disk:passages.dat. If you select add [J]umpdoor, you will be asked
the following:

1. Priv bit to use [DEF=1]. Give the privilege bit that a user must have
to use this jumpdoor.


Sysop's Manual Jumpdoor

2. Local mode only Y/N. If the jumpdoor cannot communicate through the
serial port, select NO here.
3. Full name of program or command. Give the full name of the program to
be executed, including drive and path and extension. Also include the
command line (ie. c:\myprogs\ 1 PORTNUM).
4. Is this a COM or EXE file? Answer yes or no. (Is the extension of
this program .COM or .EXE?)
5. Description. This is what will be displayed in the [S]how jumpdoors


The jumpdoor must send its output to the screen and serial port to be
useful to users who call through the modem port. 2AM-BBS de-installs all
its serial input and output routines when it exits to a jumpdoor, so it
will not interfere with modem communications. You may install jumpdoors
for programs that do not access the serial port, but users who call in
cannot use them. Be sure to mark these programs as LOCAL only (as shown
above) so users do not get stuck in them.

Any program that uses the serial port should run as a jumpdoor. Please
ensure, however, that it does NOT:

1. Reset or change anything in the modem.
2. Change the baudrate, parity, etc. You may disconnect the user with
these actions.
3. Permanently alter any interrupts or interfere with memory used by the
bbs. 2AM-BBS is in memory along with the door and will not work if
you write all over it, obviously.

Jumpdoors can be written in any language (C, Pascal, Basic, etc, or even
assembly language). Libraries of serial input/output procedures are
readily available both commercially and in the public domain.

If you write a jumpdoor, the 2AM Associates would be most interested in
seeing it and, if it does anything reasonable, will be glad to distribute
it with the BBS package if you wish.


Users must have privilege bit #100 to do jumpdoors maintenance.
Privileges to access each individual jumpdoor is kept in the jumpdoors


  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : AWARI.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: