Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : AVA40.ZIP

Output of file : QUESTION.AVA contained in archive : AVA40.ZIP

Questions from SysOps

Q: Whenever a new caller accesses AVA, he is returned to the BBS after
AVA tells him that he is already a verified user, but not taking him
through the call back verification process. Obviously he is not
verified so what's happening?

A: This is a common question. You must ensure that the security level
you have defined for your new callers is lower than the security level
you have defined for minimum access. If your new callers are security
level 5 and minimum access security level is 2, AVA will assume that
your new callers have already been verified.

Q: Lately, while a caller is online, an error message 'Error [5] in line
5000' is printed on the screen. What is that?

A: An error 5 is defined as an Illegal Function Call. Basically this is
a catch-all error whenever a specific error number cannot be assigned
to the current error. However, we are aware of what is causing this
error and have corrected it in version 2.5. It does not affect the
program or verification in anyway. This error is usually generated
when the caller is returning to your BBS.

Q: Do you have any plans for bilingual support?

A: As the code stands now, it will take a massive re-write. However,
the possibility of using external text files for menus and such has
been placed on our 'to do' list.

Q: I run RemoteAccess. I have been evaluating AVA and it works great!
However, AVA does not seem to support RA's telephone number formats.
I do use external utilities to convert to Quick format but that's a
hassle. Will AVA ever support free style phone number formats?

A: Done! AVA version 3.01 will now catch and convert free style formats
into a format that AVA understands. No more need for external

Q: I am currently using AVA 3.01. I like what you have done! I have a
question, will I be able to use my current registration number?

A: Yes. If there had been a change in the registration number algorithm,
I would have noted it in the WhatsNew.Ava text file. All registration
numbers issued for AVA v2.5 and above will work with current versions
unless otherwise noted.

A: Before AVA calls the caller back, what happens if someone else calls to
log onto the bbs?

Q: AVA will test the ring status of the comm port to insure that the line
is clear and that no one is calling in before attempting to dial out.
If AVA detects that there is an incoming call, AVA will pause and wait
till the line is clear again.

Q: I am confused about how to setup and use the Flags in AVACFG. How do
they work?

A: By choosing a Flag in AVACFG - AVA TOGGLES the status of that flag.

User Flags in QuickBBS/RemoteAccess before AVA is run:

Flags A: -------X

User Flags in AVACFG:

Flags A: -------X

User Flags in QuickBBS/RemoteAccess AFTER AVA is run:

Flags A: --------

As you can see - AVA toggled Flag A8 from ON to OFF since it was
selected in AVACFG. The exact opposite would happen if A8 was initially

User Flags in QuickBBS/RemoteAccess before AVA is run:

Flags A: --------

User Flags in AVACFG:

Flags A: -------X

User Flags in QuickBBS/RemoteAccess AFTER AVA is run:

Flags A: -------X

So as you can see - AVA TOGGLES the status of the Flag depending upon
its INITIAL setting.

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : AVA40.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: