Dec 222017
A VB 3.0 application using Access/Jet to store bits and pieces of frequently used code fragments so you can quickly recall them.

Full Description of File

Snippits for Windows - is a small VB
database program that keeps all those
little code fragments that you need to
look up all the time. It allows you to
enter a description or keywords and
then find the code that matches.
Requires VBRUN300 and MSAJT110.DLL.

File SNIPPIT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
A VB 3.0 application using Access/Jet to store bits and pieces of frequently used code fragments so you can quickly recall them.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
-WN-R-US.1ST 1438 346 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 265 192 deflated
MSAES110.DLL 33280 15328 deflated
README.TXT 2944 1221 deflated
SNIPPITS.EXE 26940 8804 deflated
SNIPPITS.MDB 65536 10998 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
VBDB300.DLL 95200 47142 deflated

Download File SNIPPIT.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

Snippits for Windows - is a small VB
database program that keeps all those
little code fragments that you need to
look up all the time. It allows you to
enter a description or keywords and
then find the code that matches.
Requires VBRUN300 and MSAJT110.DLL.
WARNING: Snippits is written in BASIC. If you enjoy Snippits and find it
useful, please let me know. I would like to convert it to C++, and I will,
but only if I get some good feedback first.

Copyright: There is none. Copy it all day long, I don't care.

Required Files:
VBDB300.DLL (Included. Should be copied to your Windows\SYSTEM
VBRUN300.DLL (Not Included). Available from Microsoft forums on
CompuServe and the Microsoft Download Service.
Should also be copied to Windows\SYSTEM directory.
MSAJT110.DLL (Not Included). Available from Microsoft forums on
CompuServe and the Microsoft Download Service.
MSAES110.DLL (Included). Should be copied to your Windows\SYSTEM
***** NOTE *****
If you have Visual Basic 3.0 Professional or Microsoft Access 1.1
installed on your system, you already have MSAJT110.DLL and
MSAES110.DLL. At least you should, if you plan on using either

Installing Snippits:
1) Copy the above files to the appropriate locations.
2) Put SNIPPITS.MDB and SNIPPITS.EXE in the SAME directory.
(Any directory is OK)

Running Snippits:
Snippits is simple. Enter a few keywords or a description. For
example: If you need to look up examples of creating a Window
Class enter: WndClass. Click Find and Snippits will search through
the database looking for this word in the description fields. It
will not look in each code snippit (This would take too long,
especially written in BASIC. Maybe for the next cut in C++).
You will be presented with a list of snippits that contain the word
WndClass in the description. Double-Click the snippit in the list
box to have the full code snippit displayed to the right. You can
now edit, update, save and print the snippit. If you would like to
see more of the snippit than is displayed on your screen, select
Zoom from the Snippits pull-down menu, or double click anywhere in
the snippit text. This will bring up the Zoom Window with the
snippit displayed. You can edit here also. If you make any changes
to the snippit, make sure to click Update! before returning to
the main screen. This will copy the Zoom window to the main snippit
window. If you want to update this snippit permanently, click on
Update on the main screen. That's about it. Have fun!

Contacting Me:
Please contact me with suggestion, tips, threats, etc. at
CompuServe address 71431,2243. Let me know if this is a utility that
you can use. I wrote it for myself, but I will be happy to better it
if people use it!

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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