Dec 082017
Windows distraction - gunfighter pops up, "outdraw" with mouse.
File WINFIGHT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Windows distraction – gunfighter pops up, “outdraw” with mouse.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AARGH.WAV 23686 18490 deflated
BADBANG.WAV 7556 5325 deflated
BANG.WAV 23686 15138 deflated
CLICK.WAV 2244 564 deflated
DRAW.WAV 4538 1818 deflated
WINFIGHT.EXE 87040 18700 deflated
WINFIGHT.TXT 1351 673 deflated

Download File WINFIGHT.ZIP Here

Contents of the WINFIGHT.TXT file

ArteMatica presents:
Version 0.5a
January 24 1993 00.55 am

This is freeware (the program not only the document :-).
Use, test and enjoy it.

a. to engage a fight with the Bad Guy select 'Figth Now!' from 'Game' menu.
b. to win a fight with the Bad Guy SHOOT HIM!!
c. to shoot the Bad Guy click on him with LEFT mouse button (as usual).
d. to end a fight press the RIGHT mouse button (not so usual).

After training with the Fight Now! game command you are ready for 'Timed Fight'.
Selecting this option causes random appearing of the Bad Guy during your work.

Our previous works include Crabs 1.0 (you can find it at
Actually we are developing the 1.0 version of this game.
Please support us sending:
bugs, comments, suggestions, wavs, greetings, postcards, etc. to:

on internet: [email protected] or [email protected]

by usual mail to: Giovanni & Paolo Cignoni
Viale G. Amendola 39
57025 Piombino LI

Have fun with WinFight!

Giovanni & Paolo

To really enjoy the game you need a wave capable sound card.

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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