Dec 052017
Half-Shell is a minimal replacement shell for Microsoft Windows 3.0's Program Manager.
File HSHL10.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Half-Shell is a minimal replacement shell for Microsoft Windows 3.0’s Program Manager.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
HALFSHEL.EXE 11264 2591 deflated
HALFSHEL.INI 859 434 deflated
HALFSHEL.WRI 14848 5804 deflated
INSTALL.BAT 326 189 deflated
README 2913 1137 deflated
SWAPSHEL.EXE 11142 7127 deflated

Download File HSHL10.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

Version 1.0 Half-Shell Version 1.0
by Troy N. Stephens

Half-Shell is a minimal replacement shell for Microsoft Windows
3.0's Program Manager. Its main design goal is to free up
memory for other applications and, above all,
make Windows load faster!
---- ------- ---- ------


To use Half-Shell, you will need a PC-compatible system with an
80286 or higher processor, running Microsoft Windows 3.0 or 3.1
in Standard or 386-Enhanced mode. Use of a mouse is optional.


Complete, ready-to-print documentation (5 pages) for Half-Shell
is provided in HALFSHEL.WRI (in Windows 3.0 Write format).


You should have the following files:

README this file
HALFSHEL.WRI Half-Shell documentation (in Windows 3.0 Write format)
SWAPSHEL.EXE SwapShell executable (DOS)
HALFSHEL.EXE Half-Shell executable (Windows)
HALFSHEL.INI Half-Shell initialization file
INSTALL .BAT installation batch file


To install Half-Shell on your system:

1. If you received Half-Shell on a disk or unpacked it into a
directory other than your main Windows directory (usually
C:\WINDOWS), type INSTALL followed by the name of the
main Windows directory. For example:


SWAPSHEL.EXE to your Windows directory.
2. Type SWAPSHEL at the DOS command prompt to make Half-Shell
your current Windows shell.
3. Read the documentation provided in HALFSHEL.WRI.


Half-Shell 1.0
Copyright 1991 by Troy N. Stephens, All Rights Reserved

You are free to use and distribute this product, provided you do
not distribute it with a commercial product, charge a fee of
more than $5 U.S. to cover normal distribution costs, or alter
or remove this license and copyright notice. This software is
provided on an "as is" basis, without any warranties, express or
implied -- including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
author cannot be responsible for any damages or losses incurred
by the use of this product.


 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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