Dec 082017
This program will control an X-10 TW523 Two-Way control module.
File TWX49.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
This program will control an X-10 TW523 Two-Way control module.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
TW.H 857 362 deflated
TW.TXT 250 195 deflated
TWFUNCX.C 10105 2070 deflated
TWX49.C 30501 5669 deflated
TWX49.EXE 24612 12705 deflated

Download File TWX49.ZIP Here

Contents of the TW.TXT file

This program will control an X-10 TW523 Two-Way control module.
Run it without a TW523 by entering twx49 n d c (No init, Debug, Color),
but DO NOT press any commands or it will lock up (I did not fully implement
the debug) jchattin (74017,3725).

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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