Dec 072017
Great set of utils, this one has it all..
File PC-UTIL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Great set of utils, this one has it all..
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ATTR.COM 627 547 deflated
BAC.COM 1392 909 deflated
BOOT.COM 512 287 deflated
BROWSE.COM 958 835 deflated
CACHE.COM 543 465 deflated
CAPSLOCK.COM 122 118 deflated
CHANGE.COM 737 457 deflated
DDIR.COM 796 707 deflated
DELZ.COM 657 545 deflated
DIREX.COM 1992 1299 deflated
DISKPREP.COM 1403 1021 deflated
DISKSCAN.COM 1005 821 deflated
DOORS.COM 177 176 deflated
DOS-EDIT.COM 616 537 deflated
DSKWATCH.COM 313 295 deflated
FREE.COM 343 285 deflated
FREEZE.COM 497 469 deflated
KBM.COM 363 346 deflated
KEEPER.COM 3148 830 deflated
KEY-FAKE.COM 536 362 deflated
LOCATE.COM 517 482 deflated
LOCK.COM 340 320 deflated
LPTPORT.COM 20 20 stored
MANUAL 96921 22171 deflated
MOVE.COM 430 361 deflated
NO.COM 736 674 deflated
NPAD.COM 1054 462 deflated
ONEKEY.COM 3524 384 deflated
PARINT.COM 451 395 deflated
PARSE.COM 816 660 deflated
POP-CAL.COM 873 796 deflated
POPDIR.COM 658 241 deflated
PR.COM 1819 859 deflated
PRSWAP.COM 256 225 deflated
PUSHDIR.COM 724 323 deflated
QUICKEYS.COM 272 232 deflated
RED.COM 1071 757 deflated
RENDIR.COM 1139 796 deflated
SETUP.COM 3132 972 deflated
SIZE.COM 640 473 deflated
SNAPSHOT.COM 10613 541 deflated
STATLINE.COM 409 397 deflated
SUGGEST.COM 628 382 deflated
SWEEP.COM 591 539 deflated
UNDEL.COM 2067 492 deflated
UNLOCK.COM 340 320 deflated
VISITYPE.COM 1070 599 deflated
VTREE.COM 512 471 deflated
WAITASEC.COM 754 628 deflated
XDEL.COM 951 697 deflated

Download File PC-UTIL.ZIP Here

 December 7, 2017  Add comments

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