Dec 312017
LHArc latest version 2.55b, still has backward compatibility to handle older LHARC files. This is still slow but the price is right.

Full Description of File

*** LHA v2.55B *** Yoshi's newest version of
his great freeware file compression program.
This archive has had the Japanese documents
removed, as most of us in the USA have
problems reading it on our systems.

File LHA255B.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
LHArc latest version 2.55b, still has backward compatibility to handle older LHARC files. This is still slow but the price is right.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FILE_ID.DIZ 214 164 deflated
LHA.EXE 35762 25259 deflated
README.ENG 2849 1315 deflated

Download File LHA255B.ZIP Here

 December 31, 2017  Add comments

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