Dec 282017
An excellent write-up (tutor) on Zmodem. The best I have seen.
File ZHOW2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Tutorials + Patches
An excellent write-up (tutor) on Zmodem. The best I have seen.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
MT224.ARC 650 320 deflated
MT224.ZIP 951 377 deflated
RT.BAT 44 44 stored
RZ.BAT 44 44 stored
SW.BAT 57 57 stored
SZ.BAT 56 56 stored
USR96.ARC 648 323 deflated
USR96.ZIP 949 383 deflated
Z.DOC 82172 17091 deflated

Download File ZHOW2.ZIP Here

Contents of the Z.DOC file

Zmodem-T Console Receiver

RT.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 d pB8192 t -y8g

enter RT to go on-line and ALT-X to go off-line (the DOS prompt).

Zmodem-Z Console Transceiver

SZ.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 D pB8192 sz -Zty8g %1 %2 %3

enter SZ Filespecs at the DOS prompt and use CTRL-Break to abort.

after sending Files the Transmitter becomes a Console Receiver.
enter ALT-X to go off-line (the DOS prompt) and RT to go on-line.


PROGRAM: DSZ.COM Zmodem Driver, Borland Turbo-C Version

PROGRAM: DSZ.EXE Zmodem Driver, Microsoft-C LIB Version

PURPOSE: High-performance File Transfer Engines

DESCRIPTION: DSZ is a State-of-the-Art File Transfer Engine
that functions as a DOS Console Terminal or,
as an External Transfer Protocol Driver for
sending and receiving Files.

FEATURES: T Zmodem Batch-T DOS Telecommunications Console

A Zmodem Batch-Z with RLE compression for ASCII
W Zmodem Batch-W with sliding window for TELENET
R Zmodem Batch-R with automatic Crash Recovery

Z Zmodem Batch with 32-bit CRC error correction
B Ymodem Batch with 16-bit CRC error correction
Y Xmodem-1k /CRC /CheckSum /-G error correction
X Xmodem /CRC /CheckSum /-O error correction

G Ymodem Batch-G for hardware error correction

PERFORMANCE: Observed Throughput ( avg ARC File Size = 48 Kb )

CCITT V.22 2400 Baud STD Modem

228 5 c.p.s. ZMODEM-Z transfer ARC Files, direct CONNECT 2400

213 5 c.p.s. ZMODEM-Z transfer ARC Files through Telenet 2400

108 5 c.p.s. ZMODEM-Z transfer ARC Files through Telenet 1200

CCITT V.22 2400 Baud MNP Modem

278 5 c.p.s. YMODEM-G transfer ARC Files, direct CONNECT 2400 MNP

223 5 c.p.s. YMODEM-G transfer ARC Files through Telenet 2400 MNP

113 5 c.p.s. YMODEM-G transfer ARC Files through Telenet 1200 MNP

CCITT V.29 9600 Baud HST Modem

1148 5 c.p.s. YMODEM-G transfer ARC Files, direct CONNECT 9600 HST

1048 5 c.p.s. ZMODEM-Z transfer ARC Files, direct CONNECT 9600 HST


DSZ.COM : Compiled with Borland Turbo-C run-time Library.

the COM Driver uses less memory than EXE Driver

the COM Driver executes when both are on d:\path

DSZ.EXE : Cross-compiled using the Microsoft "C" Library.

the EXE Driver does not support a pB8192 buffer

the EXE Driver does not support MS-DOS "SHARE"

the EXE Driver uses table-driven lookup of CRCs

the EXE Driver uses different run-time routines

the EXE Driver provides more throughput at 9600


AUTHOR: Chuck Forsberg, Omen Technology, Inc

ADDRESS: 17505-V Northwest Sauvie Island Road
Portland, Oregon USA 97231

REGISTRATION: Enables advanced features of DSZ, and provides
the author with funding for new development.

For VISA/MC Registrations, call (503) 621-3406

U.S.A.: Mail $20.00 to Omen Technology Inc
P.O. Box 4681
Portland, Oregon USA 97208

CANADA: Mail $20.00 to Dynamis Productivity Software Ltd
P.O. Box 5008, Station B
Victoria, BC V8R 6N3

OVERSEAS: Mail $25.00 to Omen Technology Inc
P.O. Box 4681
Portland, Oregon USA 97208



DSZ [parameters] [numeric parameters] command [-options] [File]

SYNTAX: The DSZ command line is lengthy, case sensitive
and position dependent. Although the parameters
and options provide advanced features and enable operation with
a variety of modems and transmission mediums, all configuration
of the driver is done from the DOS command line or environment.

To realize the full potential of DSZ, one must make Batch Files
to act as receivers and transmitters. Using numeric parameters
and command -options, receivers and transmitters are fine tuned.


DSZ [port n] [speed s] [ha x] [est 0 b] [d/D] [pB8192] command [-options]

to create a Log File located on d:\path. This
File is updated by DSZ after any File transfer.


DIRRX=d:\path specifies a directory to receive to

DIRRX=d:\path\ specifies absolute receive directory

DSZFILES=File1 File2 File3 specifies Filename(s) to send batch

DSZLOG=d:\path\DSZ.LOG specifies log File name and location

DSZOPT=ty8g specifies global command line options

DSZPORT=2 specifies serial port for operations

MAXBYTES=1024000 specifies maximum bytes per transfer

ZONE=420 specifies minutes behind GMT for PST



CON specifies redirection to the DOS console CON:

use this parameter when operating in CTTY mode

use this parameter for the ProComm HOST mode

alternatively, use >CON >PRN or >NUL at the
end of a command line to redirect the display.

use >filespec to "capture" console data to
a disk File - press ALT-X (after RXD modem LED
stops glowing) to end capturing data.

the default device is CON:, unless re-directed

NOTES: The CON parameter must be the first parameter
on the command line when used.

port n specifies the COMn: serial communications port

n = 1,2,3,4 for IBM PC/XT and PC/AT computers

n = 10,11,12,13 for IBM PS/2 computer systems

alternatively, SET DSZPORT=n in AUTOEXEC.BAT

the default communications port n = 1 for COM1

speed s opens the COMn: serial port with Baud Rate = s

s = 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38000

or, use MODE COMn:,s,N,8,1,- in AUTOEXEC.BAT

the default Baud Rate is initialized by MS-DOS

ha x enables hardware and/or software handshaking x

ha bo enables XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS handshake

ha on specifies RTS/CTS hardware handshaking
ha slow specifies RTS/CTS, drops RTS for Disks

ha cts specifies CTS (5) hardware handshaking
ha dsr specifies DSR (6) hardware handshaking
ha dcd specifies DCD (8) hardware handshaking

the default handshaking is XON/XOFF for Zmodem
and Ymodem Batch or, no handshaking for Xmodem

est 0 b estimates Batch Transfer times for Baud Rate b

Use this parameter to achieve better estimates
of Batch Transfer times when the port is setup
for a fixed speed and the modem Baud is lower.

syntax: est filesize baudrate

the default estimate is based upon the speed s

NOTES: The estimate parameter must follow port, speed,
and handshake parameters, when used.

d disables checking DCD (8) for a CARRIER - this
is useful for operating in "tty" mode before a
CARRIER is present, and for direct connections.

the default check DCD (8) for a CARRIER is ON.

D enables checking DCD (8) for a CARRIER and it
will drop DTR (20) if CARRIER is not detected:
useful for a BBS or other HOST installation.

pB8192 creates an 8 Kilobyte Disk Buffer for DSZ.COM

Use this parameter to minimize Disk Read/Write
activity for operations at or below 2400 Baud.

the default Disk Buffer is 1 Kilobyte for DSZ

NOTES: The pB8192 parameter is not applicable to the
DSZ.EXE Driver, or recommended above 2400 bps.



The Driver is rich with timing adjustments and
alternative configuration options.

p Use DSZ d p t to display numeric paramerters

z p Use DSZ d z p t to display "zmodem" params

p z p Use DSZ d p z p t to display all DSZ numeric
parameters and their default values.

NOTES: Numeric parameters are specified by p_ values,
and "zmodem" numeric parameters by z p_ .

Numeric parameters are generally specified at
the end of a parameter list, before a command.

To get an accurate report of parameters on the
command line, use p or z p last, as in:

EXAMPLE: DSZ.COM D pB8192 p z pL1024 pw4096 p sz -k *.*

which displays an accurate report of the pB_
numeric parameter and the pL_ and pw_ "zmodem"
numeric parameters.


pB8192 creates an 8 Kilobyte Disk Buffer for DSZ.COM

Use this parameter to minimize Disk Read/Write
activity for operations at or below 2400 Baud.

the default Disk Buffer is 1 Kilobyte for DSZ

NOTES: The pB8192 parameter is not applicable to the
DSZ.EXE Driver, or recommended above 2400 bps.

pO0 controls Xmodem "OverThruster" File transfers


pO-512 CompuServe XMODEM-Ovth DSZ pO-512 ro Filename.ext

Negative numbers up to a system dependent value less
than the protocol block size increase throughput.

Tune the pO_ parameter for a specific Host computer.

Try pO-512 for CompuServe as the standard setting.

Retry 0: Received dup Sector - reduce parameter pO_ .

pO60 XMODEM/-1k/-Ovth DSZ pO60 rx -o Filename.ext

Positive numbers up to a system dependent value less
than the protocol block size increase throughput.

Tune the pO_ parameter for a specific Host computer.

Try pO60 for 2400 Baud MNP as the standard settting.

Retry 0: Received dup Sector - reduce parameter pO_ .

pO60 YMODEM/-1k/-Ovth DSZ pO60 rb -o

Parameter pO_ is useful for tuning a CRC-16 receiver to
one particular Host and transmission medium.


The idea behind -Ovth is for the receiver to transmit an
ACK for Block a few ticks before all 1,024 bytes come in.
Fiddling with the pO_ parameter, positive/negative values
show different effects with different modems and mediums.

"OverThruster" is an "advance ACK" configured receiver.
Varying the pO_ parameter eeks out the last few c.p.s.
possible for CRC-16 based, Xmodem/-1k and Ymodem-K Batch.
This is when you get down to configuring a receiver for a
particular Host... like, she's gotta have it.

Because -o closes the "artificial window" between sender
and receiver, re-synchronization is unlikely after error.

Whenever hardware error correction is available, the -g
Gonzomode is the fastest way to receive compressed Files.

pQ1 errorlevel returned to DOS when transfer fails

pS15 timeout in seconds to wait after receiving the
XOFF (CTRL-S) character or, after CTS went low.

the default wait for handshake is 15 seconds.

NOTES: Use CTRL-Break to unlock Receiver Console after
receiving an XOFF (CTRL-S).

pW0 timeout in seconds to wait before exiting upon
File transfer error.

pa2000 CPU calibration for Xmodem and Ymodem 8088-05

pa4000 CPU calibration for Xmodem and Ymodem 8086-08

pa6000 CPU calibration for Xmodem and Ymodem 80286-08/1

pa8000 CPU calibration for Xmodem and Ymodem 80286-10/1

pa10000 CPU calibration for Xmodem and Ymodem 80386-16/1

pa12000 CPU calibration for Xmodem and Ymodem 80386-20/1

NOTES: the default pa_ timing is 2000 for a PC/XT i.d.

the default pa_ timing is 6000 for a PC/AT i.d.

pd1 enables sending File Date Header information,
the default Batch transfer timestamp method.

pd0 disables sending File Date Header information,
and uses current (receiver) date for new Files.

pv0 disables DSZ "trace" mode, the default setting

pv1 rings console BEL at the end of File transfers

pv2 enables DSZ "trace" mode, displays Sector info

pz0 timezone in minutes behind GMT world standard

pz300 timezone in minutes behind GMT for EST Zone

pz360 timezone in minutes behind GMT for CST Zone

pz420 timezone in minutes behind GMT for PST Zone

alternatively, SET ZONE=420 in AUTOEXEC.BAT


z pb0 disable sending of BREAK upon transfer error

z pb1 enable sending of BREAK upon transfer error,
useful for clearing some high-speed modems.

z pB2 duration in tenths of a second of the BREAK
signal - default is 200 milliseconds.

z pC11 number of repetitions of a ZCOMMAND request

see ZCOMMDOC for more information...

z pe0 disables escape of ASCII control characters,
the default setting.

z pe1 enables escape of ASCII control characters,
useful on certain networks.

z pl0 disables wait for ACK for each Zmodem sector,
the default setting (free flowing).

z pl4096 enables wait for ACK after every 4096 Bytes,
transforms Zmodem to -4K Block, CRC-32 Batch.

z pL0 enables auto-config of Zmodem Sub-Packets

z pL128 configures Zmodem for 128 Byte Sub-Packets

z pL256 configures Zmodem for 256 Byte Sub-Packets

z pL384 configures Zmodem for 384 Byte Sub-Packets

z pL512 configures Zmodem for 512 Byte Sub-Packets

z pL1024 configures Zmodem for 1024 Byte Sub-Packets

NOTES: Larger Zmodem Sub-Packet sizes give better
performance on clear transmission lines.

Smaller Zmodem Sub-Packet sizes give better
performance on noisy transmission lines.

it is convenient to set sub-packet sizes to
one-fourth the effective Zmodem "window", as:

DSZ z pL256 pw1024 sz Filespecs

DSZ z pL384 pw1536 sz Filespecs

DSZ z pL512 pw2048 sz Filespecs

DSZ z pL1024 pw4096 sz Filespecs

z pn0 defines the number of ASCII NULL characters
sent before each ZDATA frame - useful for
FastLink modems.

z pp50 timeout in tenths of a second for a receiver
to wait for gaps within a packet. The default
wait is 5 seconds.

z pP2 the default z pP_ value is 2

z pr0 disables removal of incomplete Files received,
the default setting.

z pr1 enables removal of incomplete Files received,
useful for Host systems: DSZ z pr1 rz -p

z ps15 timeout in seconds to wait after receiving the
XOFF (CTRL-S) character or, after CTS went low.

the default wait for handshake is 15 seconds.

NOTES: Use CTRL-Break to unlock Receiver Console after
receiving an XOFF (CTRL-S).

z pt100 timeout in tenths of a second for a receiver
to wait for a packet or acknowledgement from
the sender. The default is 10 seconds.

z pT600 timeout in tenths of a second for the sender
to wait for a packet or acknowledgement from
the receiver. The default is 60 seconds.

z pw0 disable "window" flowing ACK from receiver,
the default setting (free-flowing).

z pw2048 enable "window" 2 Kb for Telenet 1200 Baud,
requesting the receiver to send an ACK every
512 Bytes received.

z pw4096 enable "window" 4 Kb for Telenet 2400 Baud,
requesting the receiver to send an ACK every
1024 Bytes received.

NOTES: Larger Zmodem "windows" increase performance
but may cause excessive XOFF delays or loss
of data inside the network - to minimize the
frequency of XOFFs on Telenet, use:

SET? 0:33,35:10,41:1,64:4

at the outdial PAD before transmitting Files.

the z pw_ parameter is applicable to the
Zmodem sender, as in: DSZ z pw4096 sz Files.

the -wN option over-rides "z pw_" parameter.

z pW1400 defines the number of characters the Zmodem
receiver will eat when looking for the start
of a new frame.

NOTES: Increase z pW_ to tune error recovery for
networks with a large "window" of in-transit
packets. "Garbage Count Exceeded" indicates
z pW_ is too low.

z pZ0 the number of minutes to adjust a File date
when using TELINK or CLINK protocols to
transfer a File between time zones.




sz File(s) Send Zmodem Batch the Filespecs to a Receiver.

sz @D:FILES.LST Send Zmodem Batch the Filespecs specified with
the ASCII File "FILES.LST" located on Drive D:
to a Receiver. Valid delimiters for Filespecs
within "FILES.LST" are a SPACE, TAB, or CR/LF

Alternatively, Files can be specified by using
in the AUTOEXEC.BAT File.

sz -Z File(s) Send Zmodem Batch the Filespecs to a Receiver,
using "RLE" compression. This reduces the time
required to transmit ASCII Files; there is not
much benefit when sending ARC type Files.

sz -w File(s) Send Zmodem Batch the Filespecs to a Receiver,
using a "sliding window" - forcing a Receiver
to transmit an acknowledgement to the Sender
every window 4 bytes. This feature is useful
for sending Files over Telenet.

sz -k File(s) Send Zmodem Batch the Filespecs to a Receiver,
using 1,024 byte packets instead of auto-shift.

sb -k File(s) Send Ymodem-1K or Ymodem-1K-G the Filespecs to
a Receiver. The Receiver determines CRC or -G
error correction method. The Sender determines
128 byte or 1,024 byte (-1K) packet size.

sx -k File Send Xmodem-1k or Xmodem-1k-G the Filespec to
a Receiver. The Receiver determines CRC, Sum,
or -G error correction method. The Sender sets
the Xmodem packet size. Xmodem-1K-C is often
called Ymodem/CRC .

sx File Send Xmodem/CRC or Xmodem/Sum the Filespec to
a Receiver. The Receiver determines CRC, Sum,
or -O error correction method.


rz -y Receive Zmodem Batch and overwrite an existing
File with the same name.

rz -y d:\path Receive Zmodem Batch and overwrite an existing
File with the same name on directrory d:\path

Alternatively, a Receive pathspec is specified
by using SET DIRRX=d:\path in AUTOEXEC.BAT

rz -r Receive Zmodem Batch and overwrite an existing
File with the same name - starting at the last
byte of the existing File ( Crash Recovery )

rb -y Receive Ymodem Batch and overwrite an existing
File with the same name.

rc -y File Receive Xmodem/CRC or Xmodem/Sum or Xmodem-1k,
overwriting "File" if it already exists.

NOTES: ZMODEM uses 32-Bit Cyclical Redunancy Checking

YMODEM uses 16-Bit Cyclical Redunancy Checking

XMODEM uses 16-Bit CRC and falls back CheckSum

COMMANDS RECEIVERS - High Speed MNP, V29, V32 Modems

rb -gy Receive Ymodem Batch-G and overwrite existing
File with the same name - use with MNP modems-
...the fastest transfer protocol in use today.

rc -gy File Receive Xmodem-1k-G and overwrite an existing
File with the same name - use with MNP modems-
...compatible with Friel's "Ymodem-G".

ro -y File Receive Xmodem-O "Overthruster" and overwrite
an existing File. Useful for GEnie Downloads,
and Compuserve XMODEM Downloads.




sz [-ZwNfkt8g] [PREFIX=p] [ONAME=n] Filespecs

sb [-fkt8g] [PREFIX=p] [ONAME=n] Filespecs

sx [-kt8g] Filespec

-Z enables ZMODEM 12-Bit Lempel-Ziv compression of File contents.
...this is the fastest way to transmit ASCII and/or EXE Files.

-wN Configure a Zmodem "window" of N bytes, over-riding a ZMODEM
z pw_ numeric parameter if also present. The default window
is 3072 Bytes for the -w option.

-f enables (Batch) send Files to specified d:\path of receiver.

-k enables 1 Kb XMODEM or YMODEM Blocks or Zmodem initial packet.


rz [-r+npyt8g] [d:\pathspec] [Filesoecs]

rb [-go+npyt8g] [d:\pathspec] [Filespecs]

rc [-gyt8g] Filespec

ro [-yt8g] Filespec

-r enables automatic Crash Recovery for Zmodem File transfers.

-g enables full-flowing XMODEM or, YMODEM-1K-G File transfers.

-o enables "OverThruster" mode for YMODEM-1K-O File transfers.


-yt8g This option will return the Sender or Reciver
to "tty" mode after a File Transfer. Add this
option to Transmitter/Receiver command line or,

Use SET DSZOPT=yt8g in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make
all transfer commands return to the "tty" mode
after Receiving or Sending File(s).

Use SET DSZOPT=rt8g in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make
all transfer commands return to the "tty" mode
after Receiving or Sending File(s) with Crash
Recovery enabled.


-p transfer File if and only if it does not exist on d:\path .

-r receiver: recover data to an existing File

-r sender: command receiver to recover data to existing File

-+ receiver: append data to an existing File

-+ sender: command receiver to append data to an existing File

sz -+ ONAME=MASTER.LOG *.LOG transmits all .LOG Files from
the sender's directory and appends them to File MASTER.LOG
on the receiver's directory.

-f transmit a full pathspec with the filespec to the receiver.

sz -f \path\Filespec sends File to \path\ on remote Dir.

sz -y PREFIX=\path\ *.LOG transmits all .LOG Files from
the sender's directory and overwrites on remote's \path\ .

-n transfer File if newer or non-existant on remote directory.

-N transfer File if newer or longer or non-existant on remote.

-y receiver: overwrite data to an existing File

-y sender: command receiver to overwrite data to existing File

-Y transfer File if and only if it exists on remote directory.


-a requests the receiver to adjust Files to ASCII standards.

-b inhibits the receiver from altering binary information.

-e inhibits Zmodem sender from transmitting control characters.

-S interrogates the receiver for DSZ serial number.

-s logs "questionable" aborts from a Zmodem receiver.

-u deletes the Filespec(s) sent after transfer is completed.

-v enables viewing of data being received during a transfer.

-q disables XMODEM and YMODEM "block" status line displays.

-zT specify T minutes behind GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) in place
of pz parameter value, if also present.




t -y8g DSZ "tty" 8-N-1 Terminal Mode with automatic
Zmodem Batch Downloading - Files received are
written to the current directory and overwrite
an existing File with the same name.

t -r8g DSZ "tty" 8-N-1 Terminal Mode with automatic
Zmodem Batch Downloading - Files received are
written to the current directory and overwrite
an existing File with automatic Crash Recovery.

t -gy8g DSZ "tty" 8-N-1 Gonzole Receiver with Zmodem
Downloading - Files received are overwritten,
hit F3 to begin Ymodem-1K-G Batch Downloading.


Use ANSI.COM in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make PC Mag's

a FANSI-ZMODEM Console Receiver. This DEVICE
provides a scroll-back screen buffer that can
be saved to disk, enhanced keyboard and video
performance, and full ANSI X3.64 emulation.


Fkey-1 - exits to DOS (not Shell), with
no loss of CARRIER.

Fkey-3 - begin to receive Ymodem Batch;
Zmodem receive is automatic.

NOTES: Use DSZ t -gy8g to enable YMODEM-1K-G auto
downloading via Fkey-3.

ALT-X - exits to DOS (not Shell), with
no loss of CARRIER.

ALT-N - aborts DSZ and returns to DOS,
but does not drop the CARRIER.

ALT-P - toggles 8th bit parity off/on,
note 8g is required for ANSI.

ALT-H - toggles local echo on, autoLF,
and echo/LF off (default). Use
this for PC to PC connections.

ALT-F - cancels a File being received;
a Batch Transfer continues.

ALT-B - cancels a Batch of Files being
received, returns to terminal.

CTRL-S - (XOFF) suspends receiving data

CTRL-Q - (XON) resumes receiving data

CTRL-X - (CAN) cancels receiving data

CTRL-Break - cancels any File Transfer then
returns to terminal mode. Use
to unlock the local console if
an XOFF (CTRL-S) is received.

SHIFT-PtScr - sends screen display to printer

CTRL-PtScr - trace console display on printer


Zmodem-T Console Receiver

RT.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 d pB8192 t -y8g

Zmodem-R Console Receiver

RZ.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 d pB8192 t -r8g

Zmodem-Z Console Transceiver

SZ.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 D pB8192 sz -Zty8g %1 %2 %3

Zmodem-W Console Transceiver

SW.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 D pB8192 sz -Zwty8g %1 %2 %3


enter RT to go on-line and ALT-X to go off-line (the DOS prompt).

enter RZ to go on-line with Zmodem CRC-32 Crash Recovery enabled.

enter SZ Filespecs at the DOS prompt and use CTRL-Break to abort.

enter SW Filespecs at the DOS prompt to transmit "window" Zmodem.

Upon completion of a transfer the console is returned to terminal
mode, acting effectively as a "transceiver". Loading the program
from a virtual (RAM) disk, the transition from DOS console to TTY
is so fast that it feels as if "RT" is a DOS "RTTY" mode.

To dial enter ATDT1234567 . To hang up enter three "+++" then
wait for your modem's "OK" to appear and type ATH .

There is no software dialer inside DSZ. With hardware dialing it
really sings. Software dialing is available from many integrated
communications packages: the DSZ "console transceiver" is closer
to the DOS console and the Modem device than integrated packages.
Rather like a Formula II car with no fenders or bumpers but with
a very powerful Zmodem engine behind you.

A DSZ console transceiver operator should be aware that his modem
responds to typed commands beginning with the prefix "AT" and his
console (display / keyboard) responds to "escape sequences", thus
"emulating" an American National Standards Institute terminal.

With FANSI CONSOLE installed, RT delivers efficient displays and
a screen recall buffer. With CED installed, operations from the
DOS prompt are facilitated. RT.BAT and associated receivers and
transmitters can be fully integrated with DOS by using "CED syn".

To capture data enter RT >capture.dat and punch ALT-X after
your modem RXD light stops glowing ( no display during capture ).

enter RT >>capture.dat to append data to an existing File.


enter DSZ.COM d pv2 p z p t for a detailed console display.

DSZ (TurboC) Copyright 01-08-89 by Omen Technology INC
"The High Reliability Software"
B = 1024 O = 0 Q = 1 S = 15 W = 0 a = 6000
d = 1 v = 2 z = 0
b = 0 B = 2 C = 11 e = 0 l = 0 L = 0
n = 0 p = 50 P = 2 r = 0 s = 15 t = 100
T = 600 w = 0 W = 1400 Z = 0
COM1 2400 bps Carrier Detect DISABLED Handshake Off S/N 7890
DSZOPT = 'Zyt8g' Command line = 'd pv2 p z p t '
Talking 8g. Type F1 to exit.

are listed by letter = value.

the pv2 parameter enables detail during xfers,
including status of Zmodem-W "window" pacing.

the port COM1: device was opened by default.

the "d" parameter used above has DISABLED the
check for DCD (pin 8) Carrier Detect.

the hardware Handshake (RTS/CTS) is disabled,
XON/XOFF handshaking is in effect for Zmodem
and Ymodem Batch transfers by default.

environment options DSZOPT=Zyt8g are present.

DSZ Terminal mode was invoked with -y option
from the environment enabling File over-write.

DSZ Terminal mode was invoked with -8g option
from the environment enabling high ASCII (the
default "parity" of 8n "none" is equivalent
to a high-ASCII display filter).



indicates that the sender has received an XOFF
from the receiver or a network medium through
which he is transmitting.

Sector 280 35k YMODEM-1k-g FLOW

indicates that CTS (pin 5) is low, suspending
transmission to the modem or device until the
line goes high.

Output Restraint RELEASED

indicates that the sender or receiver has not
received an XON or CTS (8) high in 15 seconds.

NOTES: Use the NUMERIC PARAMETERS pS15 and z ps15 to
change the default 15 second timeout for XOFF.

Use the NUMERIC PARAMETERS pS15 and z ps15 to
change the default 15 second timeout for FLOW.


indicates that sender and receiver are trying
to continue the File transfer after an error.

ZMODEM Crash Recovery at

indicates that the "-r" option was active and
the receiver is recovering data in a Filespec.

Not allowed to overwrite

indicates that the "-y" option was not active
and the receiver has attempted to over-write
an existing Filespec.

File skipped by receiver request

indicates that the "-y" option was not active
for the receiver and the sender has attempted
to transfer an existing Filespec.

No such file or directory

indicates that the Path/File specified on the
command line was nonexistant.

Unknown Machine Type XX

indicates the pa6000 timing parameter may need
to be manually set for your computer.

Garbage Count Exceeded

indicates the z pW1400 timing parameter should
be manually set for this transmission medium.

Serial Input Error: Line Status Register XX

indicates a general communications failure, as:

01 receive buffer full - remote not responding to
XOFF software or RTS hardware flow control.

02 data overrun - receiving errors were caused by
interrupt latency effects. Upgrade to a 16550
UART and/or eliminate TSRs and DEVICEs.

08 framing error - indicates Baud/Parity mismatch
or very high line noise.

10 break interrupt - also a Baud/Parity mismatch
or very high line noise.

No Carrier Detect

indicates that the ENABLED check for a CARRIER
on DCD (pin 8) has found NO CARRIER present.

DSZ FINISHED! exit code = 0

indicates the errorlevel returned to DOS after
exit from Terminal Mode or completion of File
transfer. Errorlevel = 1 for abnormal exit.



Send Zmodem Batch-W Telenet 2400 (CONNECT 2400)

SW.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 pB8192 sz -Zw4096 %1 %2 %3

use this command when you are connected 2400
to your local PAD and a Host is CONNECT 2400
from the 2400 out-dial PAD.

Send Zmodem Batch-W Telenet 2400 (CONNECT 1200)

S3.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 est 0 1200 pB8192 sz -Zw3072 %1 %2 %3

use this command when you are connected 2400
to your local PAD and a Host is CONNECT 1200
from the (2400 or 1200) out-dial PAD.

Send Zmodem Batch-W Telenet 1200 (CONNECT 1200)

S2.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 1200 pB8192 sz -Zw2048 %1 %2 %3

use this command when you are connected 1200
to your local PAD and a Host is CONNECT 1200
from the 1200 out-dial PAD.

NOTES: Larger Zwindows increase transfer performance but
may cause excessive XOFF delays from the network.

Downloading is more efficient than uploading and
Host systems can usually transmit without "-w".


PROCEDURE: to configure Telenet for ZMODEM CRC-32 Batch

1) ATDT7780825 dial local Telenet PAD
2) @D link 8-N-1 Telenet PAD
3) D3 TERMINAL= buffered 12:1
4) C D/TXHOU/24,id,pw request remote PAD link
5) ATZ clear out-dial modem
6) @ request Telenet command mode
7) SET? 5:1 enable XOFF from PAD to you
8) RST? 5:1 enable XOFF from PAD to host
9) CONT return to out-dial modem
10) AT*E1 enable auto-MNP seeking
11) ATDT9611604 execute auto-dial of number

NOTES: ZMODEM "escapes" network commands and can compress
data before sending in a continuous flow. Packets
adjust in size depending upon baud and error rates.

The receiver checks each packet with a 32-bit CRC,
and requests re-transmission of data from an exact
point should an error occur.

When an error does occur, a receiver discards the
data flowing in until the requested frame start is
found. This "garbage count" is set to 1400 bytes
by default and can be made larger if required.

When sending, the network will accept a continuous
stream of data until an artificial "window" fills,
at which time it sends an XOFF (CTRL-S) to stop or
slow down (pace) the transmitter.

The frequency of XOFF delays is a function of the
network loading and the size of the real "window".

Zmodem-W File transfers are free-flowing however,
the receiver must return an acknowledgment after
every window 4 bytes. When the Zmodem window
is equal to the real network window, fewer XOFF
delays and over-run errors are experienced.

The idea behind ZMODEM-W is for the receiver and
transmitter to pace themselves rather than having
the network set the pace by causing XOFF delays.

The Zmodem "-w" option configures a File transfer
for a 3 Kb "window" (by default) and can be reset
up -w4096 or down -w2048 for precision pacing.

A "window" -w4096 usually indicates that free
flowing (no -w option) is possible.

PROCEDURE: to configure Telenet for YMODEM/-1K/CRC/-G Batch

1) ATDT7780825 dial local Telenet PAD
2) @D link 8-N-1 Telenet PAD
3) D3 TERMINAL= buffered 12:1
4) C D/TXHOU/24,id,pw request remote PAD link
5) ATZ clear out-dial modem
6) @ request Telenet command mode
7) SET? 5:1 enable XOFF from PAD to you
8) RST? 5:1 enable XOFF from PAD to host
9) SET? 0:33,35:10,64:4 increase artificial window
10) CONT return to out-dial modem
11) AT*E1 enable auto-MNP seeking
12) ATDT9611604 execute auto-dial of number

NOTES: YMODEM sends binary data in 128 byte or 1K blocks,
and uses a Filespec Header for Batch capability.

The YMODEM receiver performs a 16-bit CRC test for
each data block, returning an ACK or NAK code to a
sender after each block is received and tested.

When -w4096 is possible there is YMODEM-1K-G to
consider. This is a balls-out protocol, no checks,
designed for MNP type modems. Telenet features MNP
on all 2400 Baud Lines. Even if your modem is not
MNP, enabling the outdial modem's MNP provides
hardware error correction whenever a Host uses MNP.

Achieving a RELIABLE connect with a Host will often
enable his high-speed "-G" protocols. But even so,
just firing up a YMODEM-G Receive in response to
a YMODEM-1K Sender causes him to go into "-G" mode.

From a DSZ t -g Gonzole Receiver, just punch F3.

Without error-correction on one or both (PAD) ends,
using YMODEM-G can be risky. To be sure, one line
hit or extraneous character in the data stream will
cause a transfer to abort ( often spectacularly ).

Using YMODEM-G pushes the ability of the network
to process continuous data at high speeds. Setting
SET 0:33,35:10 (equivalent to SET 4:10) commands
the network to accumulate data into larger bundles
before sending them on. This reduces the frequency
of XOFF flow control delays when you upload... but
there are unpleasant side-effects on your console.

Parameter 0:33,35:2 can be SET from 35:1 to 35:80

Parameter 0:33,64:0 can be SET from 64:0 to 64:8

Parameter 64:4 is called "advance ACK" and defines
an "artificial window". Changing the default 64:0
to increase the artificial window size may improve
efficiency... but there is some risk of data loss.

Tweaking the Telenet default SET? 0:33,35:2,64:0
affects Zmodem-W and Ymodem-G transfer performance.
Note that any SET? commands can always be modified
after the out-dial modem has established a CONNECT.

CAUTION: Note that the RST? command should not be attempted
after the out-dial modem has established a CONNECT.

PROCEDURE: to configure Telenet for XMODEM/-1K/CRC/Sum/-G

1) ATDT7780825 dial local Telenet PAD
2) @D link 8-N-1 Telenet PAD
3) D1 TERMINAL= video display
4) C D/TXHOU/24,id,pw request remote PAD link
5) ATZ clear out-dial modem
6) @ request Telenet command mode
7) SET? 1:0,7:8 change @ to BREAK
8) CONT return to out-dial modem
9) AT*E1 enable auto-MNP seeking
10) ATDT9611604 execute auto-dial of number

NOTES: XMODEM sends pure binary data in 128 byte or 1 Kb
packets. The XMODEM receiver performs a checksum
or 16-bit CRC test for each data block, returning
an ACK or NAK code to the waiting sender.

Because the network medium causes a delay between
sender and receiver, the turnaround time required
to process an ACK or NAK is considerable. XMODEM
with 1 Kb packets (often called Ymodem/CRC), uses
7 less ACK/NAK delays for every 1,024 bytes sent.

As in YMODEM-G, the XMODEM-G receiver requests an
XMODEM/-1K sender to transmit free-flow. However
unlike YMODEM-G, XMODEM does not support XON/XOFF
and can garble data by blowing it into Telenet.

CAUTION: Because the network command @ in any data
stream would cause an escape to net command mode,
change the @ to a break signal to prevent
accidental abort of an XMODEM File transfer.

Note further that unless CTRL-Break "send BREAK"
functions on your console, using SET 1:0,7:8 will
prevent subsequent access to net command mode!

PROCEDURE: to configure out-dial Racal-Vadic Modem for MNP

1) ATZ clear out-dial modem
2) CTRL-E request Racal-Vadic mode
3) O request Option Groups menu
4) 2 request Option Group 2 menu
5) 19 request Option 19 menu
6) 1 enable auto-MNP seeking
7) 0 request Option Group 2 menu
8) 0 request Option Groups menu
9) 4 execute changed options
10) D9611604 execute auto-dial of number
11) R9 execute auto-redial of number

NOTES: Telenet's Racal-Vadic mode presents menus in place
of "AT" commands. They are useful for exploring the
capabilities of out-dial hardware and for using the
built-in auto-dialer.

The R-V auto-dialer is faster than the "Hayes" ATDT
dialer and provides more information about the call.
The R-V hardware redialer will make up to 9 redials.

MNP seeking remains enabled until a CONNECT or ATZ.

Whether using the above procedure for "Racal-Vadic"
or simply using AT*E1 from the "Hayes" mode, note
that MNP must be re-enabled after completing a call.

Note some 1200 Baud out-dial modems do not have MNP.

PROCEDURE: to disconnect from TeleNet and turn off all timers

1) I request Hayes mode
2) ATZ clear out-dial modem
3) @ request Telenet command mode
4) D request remote PAD unlink
5) +++ request modem command mode
6) ATH disable carrier



Zmodem Console Receiver

RT.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 d pB8192 t -8g

Zmodem-Z Console Transmitter

ST.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 sz -Zt8g %1 %2 %3

Standard 2400 Baud CCITT V.22 Modems can achieve 228 5 c.p.s.
throughput on ARC Files using the DSZ Zmodem Driver.


Send Zmodem Batch CRC-32/RLE

SZ.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 pB8192 sz -Z %1 %2 %3

Send Ymodem Batch/CRC-16

SB.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 pB8192 sb -k %1 %2 %3

Send Xmodem-1k/CRC/Sum

SY.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 pB8192 sx -k %1

Send Xmodem/CRC/Sum

SX.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 pB8192 sx %1


Receive Zmodem Batch CRC-32

RZ.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 pB8192 rz

Receive Ymodem Batch/CRC-16

RB.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 pB8192 rb

Receive Xmodem/-1k/CRC/Sum

RY.BAT = DSZ.COM port 1 speed 2400 pB8192 rc %1

overwriting existing Files when received.

Use SET DSZOPT=r in AUTOEXEC.BAT to enable
Crash Recovery of existing Files.

Use SET DSZOPT=yt8g in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make
all of the above commands return to "tty" mode
after Receiving or Sending File(s).

Use SET DSZOPT=rt8g in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make
all of the above commands return to "tty" mode
with Crash Recovery enabled.



Zmodem Console Receiver

RT.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha bo est 0 2400 d t -g8g

Zmodem-Z Console Transmitter

ST.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha bo est 0 2400 sz -Zktg8g %1 %2 %3

Ymodem-G Console Transmitter

SB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha bo est 0 2400 sb -ktg8g %1 %2 %3

The MultiTech MT224EH is a CCITT V.22 MNP Level 5 Modem that's
capable of 280 5 c.p.s. throughput for ARC Files using DSZ.

The 224E should be configured to disable "compression" for ARC
File transfers; use AT&E14&W0 to do this. Note that RTS/CTS
handshaking should be ENABLED -- and that XON/XOFF handshaking
is DISABLED (to "flow through") for proper Modem operation.

This Modem features "speed conversion". The serial port UART
is "locked" at 9,600 Baud and the 224E adjusts automatically
to a 1200 or 2400 Baud Host (with or without MNP).

Owners of MT224EH Modems should replace their 8250 or 16450
UART chip with a NS16550AN UART to achieve best performance.


Send Zmodem Batch CRC-32/RLE

SZ.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha bo est 0 2400 sz -Z %1 %2 %3

Send Ymodem Batch/CRC-16/-G

SB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha bo est 0 2400 sb -k %1 %2 %3

Send Xmodem-1k/CRC/Sum/-G

SY.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha on sx -k %1

Send Xmodem/CRC/Sum/-O

SX.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha on sx %1


Receive Zmodem Batch CRC-32

RZ.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha bo est 0 2400 rz

Receive Ymodem Batch/CRC-16

RB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha bo est 0 2400 rb

Receive Ymodem Batch-G

RGB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha bo est 0 2400 rb -g

Receive Xmodem/-1k/CRC/Sum

RY.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha on rc %1

Receive Xmodem/-1k/-G

RG.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha on rc -g %1

Receive Xmodem/-1k/-O

RO.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 9600 ha on pO60 ro %1

overwriting existing Files when received.

Use SET DSZOPT=r in AUTOEXEC.BAT to enable
Crash Recovery of existing Files.

Use SET DSZOPT=ytg8g in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make
all of the above commands return to "tty" mode
after Receiving or Sending File(s).

Use SET DSZOPT=rtg8g in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make
all of the above commands return to "tty" mode
after Receiving or Sending File(s) with Crash
Recovery enabled.



Zmodem Console Receiver

RT.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 d t -g8g

Zmodem-Z Console Transmitter

ST.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 sz -Zktg8g %1 %2 %3

Ymodem-G Console Transmitter

SB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 sb -ktg8g %1 %2 %3

The USR 9600 HST is a CCITT V.29 "pseudo-duplex" Modem that's

capable of 1150 5 c.p.s. throughput of ARC Files using DSZ.

The HST should be configured to disable "compression" for ARC
File transfers. Use AT&K0&W to do this. Note that RTS/CTS
handshaking should be ENABLED - and that XON/XOFF handshaking
should be DISABLED for proper Modem operation.

This Modem features "speed conversion". The serial port UART
is "locked" at 19,200 Baud and the HST adjusts automatically
to a 1200 or 2400 Baud Host (with or without MNP) and to 9600
Baud when another HST modem is detected.

Owners of USR HST Modems must replace their 8250 or 16450
UART chip with a NS16550AN UART to achieve high performance.


Send Zmodem Batch CRC-32/RLE

SZ.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 sz -Z %1 %2 %3

Send Ymodem Batch/CRC-16/-G

SB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 sb -k %1 %2 %3

Send Xmodem-1k/CRC/Sum/-G

SY.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha on sx -k %1

Send Xmodem/CRC/Sum/-O

SX.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha on sx %1


Receive Zmodem Batch CRC-32

RZ.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 rz

Receive Ymodem Batch/CRC-16

RB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 rb

Receive Ymodem Batch-G

RGB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 rb -g

Receive Xmodem/-1k/CRC/Sum

RY.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha on rc %1

Receive Xmodem/-1k/-G

RG.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha on rc -g %1

Receive Xmodem/-1k/-O

RO.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 19200 ha on pO60 ro %1

overwriting existing Files when received.

Use SET DSZOPT=r in AUTOEXEC.BAT to enable
Crash Recovery of existing Files.

Use SET DSZOPT=ytg8g in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make
all of the above commands return to "tty" mode
after Receiving or Sending File(s).

Use SET DSZOPT=rtg8g in AUTOEXEC.BAT to make
all of the above commands return to "tty" mode
after Receiving or Sending File(s) with Crash
Recovery enabled.



Zmodem Console Receiver

RT.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 38400 ha bo d t -yg8g

Zmodem-Z Console Transmitter

ST.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 38400 ha bo d sz -Zktyg8g %1 %2 %3

Ymodem-G Console Transmitter

SB.BAT = DSZ.EXE port 1 speed 38400 ha bo d sb -ktyg8g %1 %2 %3

Direct connection between computers creates an RS232 "network"
by which two operators can communicate at very high speed.

PC -to- PC File transfers are useful when two computers have
dis-similar removable media or, when they are far apart.

By using an appropriate Null Modem Cable between serial ports,
two MS-DOS machines can transfer Files at 38,400 Baud or more.


8250 The PC/XT 8250 Universal Asynchronous Receiver
Transmitter (UART) provides nine of the RS232C
lines from a DB-25p (25-pin, male) connector.
This is the standard PC serial port controller.

16450 The "AT" 16450 Universal Asynchronous Receiver
Transmitter (UART) provides nine of the RS232C
lines from a DB-9p (9-pin, male) connector or,
from a DB-25p (25-pin, male) connector. It is
capable of operating at higher speeds.

16550 The PS/2 16550 Universal Asynchronous Receiver
Transmitter (UART) provides nine of the RS232C
lines from a DB-9p (9-pin, male) connector and
features a 16-byte FIFO port buffer.

NOTES: UART 40-pin DIP devices are pin-compatible and
can be upgraded - the NS16550AN is recommended
for any MS-DOS computer running the DSZ Driver.


The Serial Port is configured as RS232-C Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE) :

pin DTE direction signal

( 1) CHS nul chasis ground
( 2) TXD out transmit data
( 3) RXD inp receive data
( 4) RTS out request to send
( 5) CTS inp clear to send
( 6) DSR inp data set ready
( 7) GND nul signal ground
( 8) DCD inp data carrier detect
(9/20) DTR out data terminal ready

NOTES: The Data Terminal Ready DTR signal is on pin 9
of DB-9p Male connectors and pin 20 of DB-25p.


signal pin DTE pin DCE signal

chassis ground ( 1) CHS ( 1) CHS chasis ground
transmit data ( 2) TXD ( 2) TXD transmit data
receive data ( 3) RXD ( 3) RXD receive data
request to send ( 4) RTS ( 4) RTS request to send
clear to send ( 5) CTS ( 5) CTS clear to send
data set ready ( 6) DSR ( 6) DSR data set ready
signal ground ( 7) GND ( 7) GND signal ground
data carrier detect ( 8) DCD ( 8) DCD data carrier detect
data terminal ready (9/20) DTR (9/20) DTR data terminal ready

NOTES: Connecting a Modem or other Data Communications
Equipment device requires a shielded, nine-wire,
straight connect cable, with one DB25p Male plug
for the device and either a DB9s or DB25s Female
socket for the computer.


signal pin DTE pin DTE signal

chassis ground ( 1) CHS ( 1) CHS chasis ground
transmit data ( 2) TXD ( 3) RXD receive data
receive data ( 3) RXD ( 2) TXD transmit data
request to send ( 4) RTS ( 5) CTS clear to send
clear to send ( 5) CTS ( 4) RTS request to send
data set ready ( 6) DSR (9/20) DTR data terminal ready
signal ground ( 7) GND ( 7) GND signal ground
data terminal ready (9/20) DTR ( 6) DSR data set ready

( 8) DCD data carrier detect
( 6) DSR data set ready
data carrier detect ( 8) DCD
data set ready ( 6) DSR

NOTES: Connecting a Computer or other Data Terminal
Equipment device requires a shielded, nine-wire,
"null modem" cable with DB9s or DB25s Female
sockets for the two computers.

Standard Practice to make a null modem cable is
to modify straight-wired cable with an extracor/
insertion tool, switching: 2x3, 4x5, and 6x9
(or 6x20 for DB25) on one end. then...

Cut the DCD wire 2" from pin 8 on both ends, and
"strap" it to DSR pin 6 by soldering on both ends.
Take out the old DCD wire from the cable assembly.

...alternatively the state of Data Carrier on pin
eight is ignored by using the "d" parameter.



N None Specified ( always prompts )
X Xmodem/CRC/Sum ( 80% efficiency )
Y Xmodem/-1K/CRC ( 90% efficiency )
O Xmodem/-1K/y-G ( 99% efficiency )
B Ymodem Batch-K ( 90% efficiency )
G Ymodem Batch-G ( 99% efficiency )
Z Zmodem Batch-Z ( 94% efficiency )



@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha on D rc %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
if not exist %3 goto bad
pkunpak.exe -t %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha on D rc %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
if not exist %3 goto bad
pkunpak.exe -t %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha on D rc -g %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
if not exist %3 goto bad
pkunpak.exe -t %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 2400 D rb -p %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
if not exist %3 goto bad
pkunpak.exe -t %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 D rb -gp %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
if not exist %3 goto bad
pkunpak.exe -t %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 2400 D z pr1 rz -p %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
if not exist %3 goto bad
pkunpak.exe -t %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on

NOTES: The above receivers process Files with PKUNPAK
before posting Uploads to the Board.



@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha on D sx %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha on D sx -k %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha on D sx -k %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 2400 D sb -k %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 D sb -k %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on


@echo off
if exist pcberr.fil del pcberr.fil >nul
dsz.exe port 1 speed 19200 ha bo est 0 2400 D sz -Z %3
if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto end
copy pcberr.old pcberr.fil >nul
@echo on

NOTES: The Xmodem transmitter automatically detects
a CRC-16 or CheckSum receiver and adapts.

These receivers and transmitters drop DTR if
the carrier is lost during a transfer.


N,I,0,None Specified ( always prompts )
X,S,128,Xmodem/CRC/Sum ( 80% efficiency )
Y,S,1024,Xmodem-1K/-CRC ( 90% efficiency )
O,S,1024,Xmodem/-1K/y-G ( 99% efficiency )
B,S,1024,Ymodem Batch-K ( 90% efficiency )
G,S,1024,Ymodem Batch-G ( 99% efficiency )
Z,S,1024,Zmodem Batch-Z ( 94% efficiency )



; X Xmodem/CRC/Sum (80%) B Ymodem Batch-K (90%)
; Y Xmodem/-1K/CRC (90%) G Ymodem Batch-G (99%)
; O Xmodem/-1K/y-G (99%) Z Zmodem Batch-Z (94%)
80 X 0 R 1 Xmodem/CRC/Sum
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha on D rc
90 B 0 R 0 Ymodem Batch-K
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha bo est 0 2400 D rb -p
90 Y 0 R 1 Xmodem/-1K/CRC
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha on D rc
99 G 1 R 0 Ymodem Batch-G
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 D rb -gp
99 O 1 R 1 Xmodem/-1K/y-G
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha on D rc -g
94 Z 0 R 0 Zmodem Batch-Z
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha bo est 0 2400 D z pr1 rz -p
80 X 0 T 1 Xmodem/CRC/Sum
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha on D sx
90 B 0 T 20 Ymodem Batch-K
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha bo est 0 2400 D sb -k $@$
90 Y 0 T 1 Xmodem/-1K/CRC
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha on D sx -k
99 G 1 T 20 Ymodem Batch-G
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha bo est 0 9600 D sb -k $@$
99 O 1 T 1 Xmodem/-1K/y-G
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha on D sx -k
94 Z 0 T 20 Zmodem Batch-Z
DSZ.EXE port $N$ speed 19200 ha bo est 0 2400 D sz -Z $@$

NOTES: ProDoor provides a Batch Transfer interface to
the DSZ Driver and enhances PCBoard's Message
and Conference capabilities.

ProDoor 2.9 implements the "RZ" Command which
initiates a Zmodem Batch Receive.

Because DSZ sends an rz to the Receiver
at the beginning of a Zmodem Upload, users can
Upload Zmodem to the ProDoor Command Prompt.



RX SX Xmodem/CRC/Sum ( 80% efficiency )
RY SY Xmodem/-1K/CRC ( 90% efficiency )
RO SO Xmodem/-1K/y-G ( 99% efficiency )
RB SB Ymodem Batch-K ( 90% efficiency )
RG SG Ymodem Batch-G ( 99% efficiency )
RZ SZ Zmodem Batch-Z ( 94% efficiency )

It is useful for a Remote Sysop to have File Transfer capability
from the DOS "Shell" CTTY Mode. Place these DSZ Batch Files
"on the path" of the HOST computer to achieve this.


RX.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha on D rc -y %1
RY.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha on D rc -y %1
RO.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha on D rc -gy %1
RB.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha bo D rb -y
RG.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha bo D rb -gy
RZ.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha bo D rz -y


SX.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha on D sx %1
SY.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha on D sx -k %1
SO.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha on D sx -k %1
SB.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha bo D sb -k %1 %2 %3
SG.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha bo D sb -k %1 %2 %3
SZ.BAT = DSZ.EXE CON port 1 speed 19200 ha bo D sz -Z %1 %2 %3

NOTES: The DSZ 'CON' Parameter re-directs the display
to the DOS CON: device for CTTY operations.

Alternatively, use >NUL at the end of a line.

Because DSZ sends an rz to the Receiver
at the beginning of a Zmodem Upload, Files can
be uploaded to the DOS Prompt with SZ Filespec
from the Remote Sysop's Console Transmitter.



CONNECT: (503) 621-3746 1200 & 2400 (MNP) 8-N-1
19,200 Baud TeleBit PEP
1200 Telenet D/ORPOR/12

DIRECTORY: Enter DIRD at the Pro-Yam Host prompt to list Files



DOWNLOAD: sz ZCOMMDOC.ARC - Zmodem Communications Reference

DOWNLOAD: sz YZMODEM.ZOO - Ymodem and Zmodem Protocol Reference

DOWNLOAD: sz RZSZ.ZOO - Zmodem Source Code in "C" Language


Prepared by: Steve Shelton co-Sysop of Sands PCBoard

with the help of the Sands PCBoard members

(713) 961-1604: 9600 HST / 2400 MNP Level 5 / Telenet 2400 MNP


 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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