Dec 112017
Fix the problem in PCTools 7.x with the background on '92 calenders.
File FIXCAL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Tutorials + Patches
Fix the problem in PCTools 7.x with the background on ’92 calenders.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PATCH.EXE 2676 851 deflated
README2.TXT 1428 587 deflated
TIME.OVL 38183 23301 deflated

Download File FIXCAL.ZIP Here

Contents of the README2.TXT file

PC Tools Desktop FIXCAL.EXE

FIXCAL.EXE is a self-extracting ZIP file that contains the
following files:

* this README2.TXT file.

These are the files necessary to fix the calendar background
displayed by Desktop V7.1.

To fix the calendar background, follow these steps:

1. Change your default directory to the directory that
contains DESK.OVL.

For most installations, this directory is either

2. Copy FIXCAL.EXE into this directory.

3. At the DOS prompt, type FIXCAL and press .

This step un-zips the files listed above.

4. At the DOS prompt, type PATCH and press .

The PATCH program will place the new TIME.OVL into
the file DESK.OVL. Your old DESK.OVL will be saved
under the file name DESK.OLD.

5. If the patch completes successfully, you'll receive
this message:

Update is complete.

At this point, you may run Desktop to verify that the calendar
background has been fixed. If it has been fixed, you may remove
the following files from the directory containing DESK.OVL:

* this README2.TXT file.

 December 11, 2017  Add comments

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