Dec 282017
DataBase program to help room/housemates share expenses and pay bills.
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DataBase program to help room/housemates share expenses and pay bills.
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Contents of the WALLYBIL.DOC file

W A L L Y W A R E (tm)


W A L L Y - B I L L Ver 1.0

Copyright (c) 1987 All Rights Reserved


Mark Findlay and Kitty McMickle


(202) 488-4709

Washington DC

24 Hours



=================== INTRODUCTION =====================

WALLY-BILL is a unique program which keeps track of expenses
among multiple users such as room-mates, house-mates, husband
and wife etc., and upon request, tallies total expenses and
calculates the equal distribution of expenses among

WALLY-BILL features include:

- User File support for up to 10 users per file.

- Up to 10 User Files may be maintained at any time.

- Unlimited Detail Record support, this allows for any
number of receipts to be entered for each user.

- Update/Delete capability on any Detail (Receipt) Record
for any User.

- Easy-to-Use Receipt Record Entry Screen.

- Print Option to output Total Tally Report to paper.

Most Menus are F-Key driven with the exception of those
requiring specific character input for Update/Delete

Upon entering a screen that contains one or more User Files,
the first entry is highlighted. This indicates which file is
the current file and any "Action" keys pressed will affect
that file.

Upon performing any editting activity on Detail Records,
confirmation prompts are presented and in most cases, a "Y"
will be required to continued. "ENTER" simply returns the user
to the previous screen.

================== ADDITIONAL F-KEYS =================

Contained on the Main Menu Screen are a few additional
F-Keys which are provided for amusement and informational
purposes and have no direct bearing on the execution of the

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Up Arrow Key - Move to the previous file

Down Arrow Key - Move to the next file

PgUp Key - Display previous page of detail records

PgDn Key - Display next page of detail records

(The PgUp/PgDn keys are active only when the edit function
is invoked on the detail (individual receipt) records.)

F-Key - Choose any of the main WALLY-BILL functions.

The following command summary will guide you through all the
steps necessary to successfully run WALLY-BILL. You may print
this entire documentation file by entering the following from
the DOS prompt:


======================== COMMANDS ==========================

****** CREATE USER FILE ******** ( F1 then "C" )

This option allows you to take the first step towards
running WALLY-BILL. After selecting "User File Maintenance"
with F1, you will be presented with a screen that contains 4
options: C)reate User File, E)dit User File, D)elete User
File and R)eturn. Initially there are no User Files for
WALLY-BILL to use and you should press "C" to create the
first. (Many users will find 1 User File sufficient to
maintain all participants' records.) After pressing "C" you
will be prompted to enter the name of the User File you wish
to create. The filename extension of ".WAL" is provided for
you and all User Files must keep this extension. (***
WALLY-BILL will not recognize files renamed with a different
extension ***).


******* ADD USERS TO USER FILE ***** ( F1, "E", F1 )

After you have successfully C)reated a User File, you
will be presented with a file list of which the first entry
will be highlighted. (Remember that at this time you have only
one User File. If WALLY-BILL finds more than 1 User File, you
will see all of them listed, again the top entry highlighted).
Using the UP and DOWN ARROWS to select a file, press "E" to
E)dit the highlighted file. You will then be presented with a
screen which allows for the addition of New Users (among other
functions we'll discuss shortly). At this point, press F1 and
you will be asked the name of the User to be added to the User
File. The User's name must not exceed 20 characters. (Max
Users per file = 10).

- 2 -


Now you have created a User File and have entered into it the
names of the Users. To return to the Main Menu (from where you
will begin actually entering in detail (receipts, hereafter
referred to as detail records) records, follow the screen

options to return until you have arrived at the MAIN MENU



After creating a User File and Adding Users, you're ready
to begin adding Detail Records for each receipt.

From the Main Menu, press F2 (START) and you will be presented
with a screen which lists all current User Files, highlighting
the first. If there is more than 1 User File present, you will
need to scroll through the list with the UP and DOWN ARROWS to
highlight the file you wish to add Detail Records to. After
highlighting the appropriate file, press ENTER and you will be
presented with the Detail Record Entry Screen.

This screen consists of a list of the Users contained in the
selected User File, followed at the right of each user by an
amount (initially 0) which represents the TOTAL AMOUNT that
that user has payed, (recorded through entering receipts on
this screen). This TOTAL AMOUNT is updated by WALLY-BILL each
time a receipt payed by that user is entered.

Beneath this User window is the Detail Record Entry Window.
The first request askes for the "Amount Payed: ". You may
input the amount of the individual receipt or input nothing
and simply press ENTER to quit. (You may press ENTER to quit
when presented with this request at any time. When you do, all
amounts are saved and you will be asked if you wish to Tally
Totals. Answering "Y" for yes will begin the Tallying process.
Any other answer will return you to the Main Menu.)

If you do input an amount however, you will then be prompted
to input the NUMBER of the User who payed for the receipt.
(Remember to enter the NUMBER of the User and not the User's
name!). Following this, you will then be prompted to enter an
optional description detailing the reason for the purchase.
(This field is optional and you needn't enter anything if you
don't wish to. To skip the description field, simply press
ENTER and your receipt record is written to the User File and
the User whose receipt was entered has his/her TOTAL AMOUNT
increased by that amount of the receipt.

As stated above inputting nothing in response to "Amount
Payed:" (simply hitting ENTER) prompts you to Tally Totals. If
you choose "Y", (A "Y" or "N" has no bearing on the status of
the User File so you may press "Y" at your leisure) the totals
will be tallied, presented, and you will be asked if you wish
to print the totals. "Y" will print totals, any other key
will return you to the Main Menu.
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You now have the instruction necessary for basic operation of
WALLY-BILL. Let's look at a few of the other options available
to help maintain your User Files. These functions are
accessible through the USER FILE MAINTENANCE option on the
Main Menu, F1, "E"


******* DELETE USER ********* ( F1, "E", F2 )

From the Main Menu, Pressing the F1 key, selecting the User
File with the ARROW KEYS and pressing "E" and pressing F2, you
will be prompted to input the NUMBER of the User you wish to
delete from that particular User File. Pressing the desired
number will delete the corresponding user after a confirmation
prompt. After confirmation, the User Record and ALL DETAIL


******* DELETE DETAIL RECORD ****** ( F1, "E", F3, "D" )

From the Main Menu, Pressing the key sequence F1, "E", F3,
will present you with a screen which lists the Users in the
file selected and prompts you to input the NUMBER of the user
whose detail records you wish to delete. Entering the
appropriate number will list on the screen, ALL detail records
(Receipts entered in the START process) in groups of 10 which
may be scrolled through using the PageUp and PageDown keys. To
actually delete the detail record, press "D" and you will be
asked which number detail record you wish to delete. (In this
case remember to enter in the number of the detail record as
it appears in the listing, NOT the number of the User whose
detail records are being displayed...that's already been taken
care of...remember?). Pressing the number of the appropriate
detail record, you will be given a chance to confirm the
delete. Press "Y" and the record will be deleted and the
amount represented on that single detail record will be
subtracted from the particular User's TOTAL AMOUNT.

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******* UPDATE DETAIL RECORD ****** ( F1, "E", F3, "U" )

By this time you should be comfortable with the various
keystrokes necessary to get yourself to the Update Detail
Record Menu but in case you're not, follow the key sequence
F1, (select the User File containing the detail record) press
"E", F3, (Enter the NUMBER of the User whose detail record you
wish to update) browse the detail records for that User with
the PageUp and PageDown keys and when you're ready, press "U".
You will be asked which numbered detail record to update and
after inputting that, the Detail Record will be highlighted
separately in its original form. You will then be asked to
input a new AMOUNT. Press ENTER if you wish to leave the
AMOUNT as it is. Then you will be asked to input a new
DESCRIPTION. Press ENTER if you wish to leave that field as it
is also. If you leave both fields as they are, no update takes
place. If either field is updated, the new record replaces the
old detail record and if the AMOUNT had changed, the TOTAL
AMOUNT on the User's Name (MASTER) record is updated
accordingly as well.


******* DELETE USER FILE ******** ( F1, "D" )

This is the simplest means of re-initializing your User
Files. After choosing F1 from the Main Menu, select the file
you wish to delete with the ARROW KEYS and when the
appropriate file is highlighted, press "D". You will then be
prompted to confirm that the selected file is the one you wish
to delete. Pressing "Y" will delete the selected file. Any
other key will abort the delete. As stated, this is the
easiest way to re-initialize your User Files, leaving you to
simply re-create them and re-add your Users.



- A maximum of 10 User Files is permitted.

- A maximum of 10 Users per User File is permitted.

- No limit on the number of detail (receipt) records per User.

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********** ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ************

The Authors would like to thank Lawrence Kesteloot for his
time spent BETA testing WALLY-BILL.

Special Thanks to Lawrence Kesteloot for the creation of the
"MEET THE AUTHORS" screen and the ending screen. His efforts
have made a colorful contribution to WALLY-BILL as well as

********* DISCLAIMER ******************

The Authors make no warranties expressed or implied as to the
quality or performance of this program. The authors will not
be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or
consequential damages resulting from the use of this program.
Your use of this program constitutes your agreement of this
disclaimer and your releasing the authors from any form of
liability or litigation.

***** JOIN THE WALLY CLUB **************

Join the official WALLY CLUB!

Official WALLY CLUB members receive:

- 60 Minutes, Unlimited downloading privileges on
WALLY's Home BBS...HOME-DBA, (202) 488-4709

- Their names on HOME-DBA's Official WALLY CLUB member roster.

- Priority response to questions or problems with any
WALLY program.

Send $5.00 to Mark Findlay
1245 4th St. S.W. Apt E105
Washington DC 20024

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 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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