Dec 182017
Car Restoration Diary v2.31.

Full Description of File

program to keep track of expenses and time
spent while restoring vintage cars. It will
also maintain a database of parts dealers,
car shows, swap meets, etc. Includes an
appointment calendar and a pop-up calculator.
View and print reports and mailing labels.
Easy to learn and use. SHAREWARE $29.
Published by RMH Computer Services.

File CREST231.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Car Restoration Diary v2.31.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CRD1.DAT 252427 252161 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 396 279 deflated
INSTALL.CFG 6305 972 deflated
INSTALL.EXE 54229 53793 deflated
LICENSE.TXT 3607 1358 deflated
MANUAL.TXT 34377 9540 deflated
MUSTREAD.ME 1988 690 deflated
README.1ST 6370 2349 deflated
REGISTER.TXT 2394 632 deflated
REPLY.DAT 53 8 deflated
SETFILT.TXT 3482 1247 deflated
VEND&SYS.TXT 5896 2070 deflated
WHATSNEW.231 951 495 deflated

Download File CREST231.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

program to keep track of expenses and time
spent while restoring vintage cars. It will
also maintain a database of parts dealers,
car shows, swap meets, etc. Includes an
appointment calendar and a pop-up calculator.
View and print reports and mailing labels.
Easy to learn and use. SHAREWARE $29.
Published by RMH Computer Services.
* *
* Car Restoration Diary - Version 2.31 *
* Copyright (c) 1993 by BlueCollar Software *
* *
* Published exclusively by: *
* RMH Computer Services *
* PO Box 657 *
* Beech Grove IN 46107-0657 *
* (317) 782-9903 *
* *

The installation utility provided (INSTALL.EXE) will install the Car
Restoration Diary program on your hard disk drive, and will also check to
see that your system meets all of the program requirements. Simply type
INSTALL and press [ENTER] to begin the installation process.

If you downloaded your copy of Car Restoration Diary from a BBS or other
online service, you should uncompress (i.e. unZIP) the files to a temporary
subdirectory on your hard drive, and then let the installation program
install the actual program files in a permanent subdirectory.

In order to make FULL use of this program, you will need to read the
manual, which is supplied as the file MANUAL.TXT. However, to get started
quickly just to see what the program looks like, simply switch to the
subdirectory where you have installed the program files (i.e. CD CRD), type
DIARY and press [ENTER]. The program contains context-sensitive Help which
you can call by pressing the [F1] key.

This program will check to see if you have a color video card installed in
your computer. If it finds one, it will automatically set the screen
display to the color settings. If it finds a monochrome video card, it will
automatically set the screen display to the monochrome settings. If you are
using a color card with a monochrome monitor, the program may not display
properly. However, you can go back to the DOS prompt and restart the
program using the command DIARY M to restart the program in forced
monochrome mode.

The documentation file (MANUAL.TXT) is formatted for 70-characters per
line, and 58-lines per page. You can print the documentation from within
the program by selecting the UTILITIES pulldown menu, and then selecting
the "Print User's Manual" option. Alternately, you can print if from the
DOS command line simply by issuing the following command:


The documentation file contains form-feed characters, so it can also be
printed by various printing utilities.

Car Restoration Diary is Shareware!
The registration fee for Car Restoration Diary is $29.00 (US). You are
entitled to evaluate Car Restoration Diary for a period of up to 30 days.
If after that time you intend to continue to use the program you must
register it. If you do not intend to continue to use the program you must
delete it from your system.

There is a file named REGISTER.TXT in the distribution file set which
contains the registration information, and the address to mail your
registration fee to. You can print this registration form from within the
program by selecting the UTILITIES pulldown menu option, and then selecting
the "Registration Form" option. Alternately, you can print the form from
the DOS command line simply by issuing the command:


The shareware copy of Car Restoration Diary that you have is not restricted
in any way. Upon registering the product, you will receive:

1) A disk containing the most current version of the program.

2) A lifetime license to use the product.

3) Registered copies will display the owners name on the main screen.

4) Support via telephone, BBS, mail, email via CompuServe, and email
via various other message networks.

6) A 30 day money-back guarantee.

7) Special discounts and online credits for CompuServe.

8) Special discounts on magazines, newsletter, and products from
Public (software) Libraries.

9) Special discounts on Shareware Magazine, one of the industry's
foremost publications, by Mike Callahan (alias Dr. FileFinder)

And apart from all that, the knowledge that you are helping to support the
Shareware concept - a distribution system that brings you quality software
at realistic prices.

So what is Shareware?
Shareware is copyrighted software which is distributed by authors and
publishers through bulletin boards, on-line services, disk vendors, and by
copies being passed among friends. It is software that you are allowed to
try before you pay for it. This makes shareware the ultimate in money back

Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. There is good
and bad shareware, just as there is good and bad retail software. The
primary difference between shareware and retail software is that with
shareware you know if it's good or bad before you pay for it.

You benefit because you get to use the software to determine whether it
meets your needs, before you pay for it. Authors benefit because they are
able to get their products into your hands without the expenses it takes to
launch a traditional retail software product.

The shareware system and the continued availability of quality shareware
products depend on your willingness to register and pay for the shareware
you use. It is the registration fees you pay which allow shareware authors
to support and continue to develop their products.

Please show your support for shareware by registering those programs you
actually use and by passing them on to others. Shareware is kept alive by
your support!

 December 18, 2017  Add comments

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