Dec 142017
Shipping label program for small business.
File BOXLABEL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Shipping label program for small business.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BOXLABEL.COM 14999 10438 deflated
BOXLABEL.DOC 798 471 deflated

Download File BOXLABEL.ZIP Here

Contents of the BOXLABEL.DOC file

{This program prints an address label for a box or package. You need
a pair of scissors and a glue stick but it's neater than a hand
scibbled marking pen. It creates 2 small files which store the
last used return address (RETLABEL.DAT) and address (ADLABEL.DAT).
It will print the top line of each address in Double Width mode
if it will fit, and gives you the option of centering either or
both. It is written and compiled for an Okidata with plug n' play
but if you have Turbo Pascal, you can change the boldon,boldoff and
wideon,wideoff constants to your printer's requirements. If your
printer doesn't produce IBM compatible graphics, you'll also
have to change the topline, middleline, bottomline, lmargin and
rmargin procedures.

Martin Beattie Nov 21, 1985 }

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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