Dec 212017
Generic networking routines for Turbo Pascal.
File TPNET.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Pascal Source Code
Generic networking routines for Turbo Pascal.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PASCAL.PAS 4755 967 deflated
PASNETA.ASM 27267 5196 deflated
PASNETA.COM 1367 707 deflated
READ.ME 1920 816 deflated
SAMPLE1.COM 36393 20995 deflated
SAMPLE1.PAS 44330 8944 deflated
SAMPLE2.COM 36297 20955 deflated
SAMPLE2.PAS 44160 9193 deflated

Download File TPNET.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

This directory contains a library, written in Assembly,
that allows Netware function calls to be performed from Turbo Pascal
programs. It also contains two examples of how this library can be
accessed from Turbo Pascal code.

The file "PASNETA.ASM" contains assembly code that performs the
NetWare function calls. "SAMPLE1.COM" and "SAMPLE2.COM" are two
examples of how these assembly routines may be accessed.

The file "SAMPLE1.COM" can be run by typing SAMPLE1 at the command
line. This program relies on the function definitions found in "PASCAL.PAS".
Therefore, the declaration:
" function xtndopn(var mode,handle:integer;var filename:str):integer;
external 'pasneta'; "
must appear in the pascal program.

The " PASCAL.PAS " file, can also be inserted into a pascal program to
declare all the "external functions" to be used in the pascal program.
This was used in the "SAMPLE2.PAS" program. This method requires the
declaration :
" function xtndopn(var mode,handle:integer;var filename:str):integer;
external 'PASNETA.COM'; "
to appear in the pascal program.

If it becomes necessary to recompile the PASNETA.ASM file, the following
steps can be used.

1. First assemble the .ASM file. ie - masm pasneta;
2. Next, link the resulting .OBJ to make a .EXE file.
(A .EXE file will be produced even if the message (warning no
stack segment) appears.)
3. Finally, to make the .EXE a .BIN or .COM use the DOS
command line function EXE2BIN.
ie.- EXE2BIN pasneta.exe pasneta.bin or
- EXE2BIN pasneta.exe
(NOTE - A .COM or .BIN file is required to link into a turbo
pascal program.)

Any questions can be submitted to the programming bulletin board on

 December 21, 2017  Add comments

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