Dec 282017
Novell Serial.NLM to display file server serial number and application number.
File NOVSER.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Network Files
Novell Serial.NLM to display file server serial number and application number.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
SERIALNO.DOC 1695 557 deflated
SERIALNO.NCF 15 15 stored
SERIALNO.NLM 1834 1030 deflated

Download File NOVSER.ZIP Here

Contents of the SERIALNO.DOC file

This NLM was created to allow you to determine the Serial Number and Application
Number of a NetWare File Server without having to log in to the server and

To use the NLM, copy the files SERIALNO.NLM and SERIALNO.NCF into your
SYS:SYSTEM directory. Then, at the Console or Remote Console, type SERIALNO

The following information is displayed :

Server Name : SERVER_NAME

NetWare Version : 3.11
NetWare Revision : NetWare v3.11 (250 user)
NetWare Revision Date : MM/DD/YY

Maximum Connections : 350

Serial number : NNNNNNNN
Application number : NNNN

Note that the 'Maximum Connections' and '(xxx user)' figures will be different
because 'Maximum Connections' represents the maximum number of NCP Connections
which can be used by Users and/or NLMs which require file services.

Please forward any suggestions for improvement to :

Marcus Williamson

Compuserve : 75600,2505

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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