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Technical Reference for programmers in a LANTASTIC network environment.
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LANtastic Network Operating System Technical Reference Manual


This manual is intended for programer who wish to make use of the
network services of the LANtastic Network Operating System (LANOS).
LANOS services described in this manual are for version 2.53 or above.
LANOS services fall into two catagories: Standard MS-DOS compatible
network functions and Extended network functions. Since LANOS runs on
any NETBIOS compatible LAN, NETBIOS functions are also available
although they are intrisic to the underlying NETBIOS implementation.

This manual assumes that the reader is familiar with 8088/8xx6 assembly
language and DOS system functions. Since the standard MS-DOS compatible
network functions are described in the DOS technical reference manual,
we will not go into great detail in this manual.

Throughout this manual references will be made to network paths. LANOS
network paths are fully compatibly with MS-DOS network paths. Network
paths are similar to file paths except that they reference files through
the network. The general syntax for network path is


server-nameis 1 to 15 character name of a network file server
path-nameis a DOS path on the server

For example,


refers to a file located on server MAIN-MACHINE. The path required to
access the file is PROGS\DATA\FROG.TXT. The directory PROGS is a shared
network directory and may not actually exist on the server. It may in
fact be an entire disk.

Error Codes

All MS-DOS compatible system calls and all LANOS specific system calls
return error codes. The error code number is always returned in AX.
When an error occurs the carry flag (CY) is set. LANOS provides a
mechanism for expanding the error code number into a text string. The
following is a list of error codes which may be returned by LANOS:

01HInvalid function number
02HFile not found
03HPath not found
04HFile open limit has been exceeded or no handles left
05HAccess denied
06HInvalid handle
07HMemory control blocks destroyed
08HThe memory limit has been exceeded
09HInvalid memory block address
0AHInvalid environment
0BHInvalid format
0CHInvalid access code
0DHInvalid data
0FHInvalid drive was specified
10HAttempt to remove current directory
11HNot same device
12HNo more files
13HAttempt to write on write protected disk
14HUnknown unit
15HDrive not ready
16HUnknown command
17HData CRC error
18HBad req stuc length
19HSeek error
1AHUnknown media
1BHSector not found
1CHNo paper
1DHWrite fault
1EHRead fault
1FHGeneral failure
20HSharing violation
21HLock violation
22HInvalid disk change
23HFCB unavailable
24HSharing buffer overflow
26HCannot complete file operation
32HNetwork request not supported
33HNetwork node ??????????????? is not listening
34HThe name already exists on the network
35HCannot locate network name
36HThe network is busy
37HServer connection to network node ??????????????? broken
38HThe NETBIOS command limit has been exceeded
39HThe network adapter has malfunctioned
3AHIncorrect response received from network node ???????????????
3BHUnexpected network error from network node ???????????????
3CHIncompatible network node ???????????????
3DHPrint queue full on network node ???????????????
3EHNo room for print file on network node ???????????????
3FHThe print file has been deleted on network node ???????????????
40HThe network name has been deleted
41HYou have been denied access on network node ???????????????
42HInvalid network device
43HThe network name was not found
44HThe network name limit has been exceeded
45HThe session limit has been exceeded
46HNetwork node ? has been temporarily paused
47HThe network request to network node ? was denied
48HPrint or disk redirection is paused on network node ???????????????
49HInvalid network version
4AHAccount has expired
4BHPassword has expired
4CHLogin attempt invalid at this time
50HThe file already exists
52HCannot make directory entry
53HFailure on critical error
54HToo many redirections or logins to network node ???????????????
55HDuplicate redirection or login to network node ???????????????
56HInvalid username or password
57HInvalid parameter
58HNetwork data fault
59HFunction not supported on network
5AHRequired system component not installed

When you expand the error code into a text string the above question
marks are expanded to the name of the node you were refering to. To
expand an error code into a text string you will need to issue a
multiplex interrupt (2FH). The calling sequence is

AL0For installation check
#for error code (in pre DOS 4.00)
1 or 2for error code in DOS 4.00
BXinError code
OUTPUTFLAGSNC if error code converted to text
CY is error code can't be converted
ES:DIPointer to ASCIZ text buffer containing error text.
This is a read only text buffer and youmust not alter
the text in this buffer.

If the error code is RESERVED it is expanded to "General failure". The
maximum width for the question mark fields is 15 characters. The error
text is automatically adjusted so that extra spaces are not in the text
buffer. For example the error text

Network node ??????????????? is not listening

would be

Network node HOST is not listening

for node HOST.

Testing for the Existance of the Redirector and Server

You can issue a multiplex interrupt (2FH) to determine if the
redirector or server software is installed.

OUTPUTAL0If neither redirector or server installed
NZRedirector or server installed
BLContains bits indicating which software is installed
(both bits will be set when both software is running)
01000000bServer is installed
00001000bRedirector is installed

Determining Network Software Version

You can issue a multiplex interrupt to determine which version of the
network software is running.

OUTPUTAHMajor version number.
ALMinor version number.

NOTE:The version numbers are returned as decimal numbers. For
example, version 2.53 would be

AL53 decimal or 35 hex

The Alternate NETBIOS Interface

The normal interface to the NETBIOS is via interrupt 5CH; the
alternate interrupt to the NETBIOS is via interrupt 2AH. The 2A
interface is provided by the LANtastic redirector. Some NETBIOS
programs do not use the standard 5C interface but rather the
alternate 2A interface.

The alternate interface (2A) was originally designed as a "higher" level
interface to network communications rather than the "low" level
interface (5C) provided by the NETBIOS. The 2A interface, however, does
not support any higher level functions than does the 5C interface and
therefore has not become a defacto standard as has the 5C interface.

The REDIR intercepts 2A interrupts and reformats them to 5C
interrupts, thereby providing a 2A interface to the NETBIOS. A list of
the 2A interface functions that are supported are described below.

2A interrupt functions are invoked by loading the AH or AX register
with a function code and then issuing a software interrupt 2A. For

movah, 0; Installation check
int2AH; Call alternate NETBIOS interface

FUNCTION:Installation check

DESCRIPTION:Checks to see if a 2A interface is installed.


OUTPUTS:AH out0 if not installed
AHNZ if installed

FUNCTION:Execute NETBIOS with no error retry

DESCRITION:Executes a NETBIOS command (similar to 5C interface).
The NETBIOS command may be optionaly retried on certain
error conditions.

INPUTS:AX01xxH or 0401H to execute NETBIOS with
no error retry
0400H to execute NETBIOS with error retry.
Error codes that are automatically retried are
No sessions resources (09H)
No listen (12H)
Interface busy (21H)
ES:BX Pointer to NCB

AH0 if no error
1 if error

FUNCTION: Get resource information

DESCRITION:Return NETBIOS resources which are available for use.


OUTPUTS:BXAvailable names (16 - names in use)
CXAvailable NCBs (free NCBs)
DXAvailable sessions (max sessions -
pending sessions)

Controlling redirected printer streams

You can control how output is sent to redirected printers in three ways:

1. You can set a "combine" mode which does not separate multiple
print jobs when programs terminate or when the printer is
opened or closed.
2. You can set a "separate" mode which seperates print jobs when
a program terminates or when the printer is opened and closed.
3. You can "flush" redirected output, thereby forcing the printer
to begin printing.

The above three functions may be performed using the NET LPT COMBINE
NET LPT SEPARATE and NET LPT FLUSH commands. Often these commands need
to be performed within programs. Two software interfaces are provided to
allow you to control these functions. These interfaces consist of 2AH
interrupt interface and a standard 21H system call interrupt interface.

NOTE: The DOS COMMAND.COM program always sets redirected printer
separate mode when it prompts for command input and therfore
these interrupts are ineffective accross multiple program
invocations performed through COMMAND.COM. The only exception
to this is inside batch files, since COMMAND.COM does not prompt
for command input.

2AH interrupt interface

FUNCTION:Set spooled output to combine mode

DESCRIPTION:All printer output is combined into 1 print job regardless
of the printer being opened or closed or programs



FUNCTION: Set spooled output in speparate mode

DESCRIPTION:Printer output is not combined when multiple programs are
run or when the printer is opened or closed. This command
implicitly starts a new print job.



FUNCTION:Flush printer output

DESCRIPTION:Printer output is flushed and a new print job is started.
If no output exists to be flush then this function has no



21H Interrupt interface

FUNCTION:Return redirected printer mode

DESCRIPTION:The current printer mode (either printer output
combined or printer output separated) is returned.


OUTPUTS:DL0 Redirected output is being combined
1 Redirected output is being separated

FUNCTION:Set redirected printer mode (either printer output

DESCRIPTION:The current printer mode (either printer output
combined or printer output seprated) can be set.

DL0 Set redirected output to be combined
1 Set redirected output to be separated. This
command implicitly starts a new print job.

FUNCTION:Flush printer output

DESCRIPTION:Printer output is flushed and a new print job is started.
If no output exists to be flush then this function has no



MS-DOS Compatible Network Functions

All MS-DOS network system call functions with the exception of GET and
SET printer setup string (5E02 and 5E03) are fully supported. The
reason that these functions are not fully supported is that printer
setup strings are set by the system administrator and are stored on
the server. The printer setup strings are only changeable using the
NET_MGR program.

A quick reference list of the MS-DOS compatible network functions is
provided at the end this manual. The following network functions are in
numerical order.

5E00HGet Machine Name

DS:DXPointer to 16 byte buffer where ASCIZ machine name is

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
CLNETBIOS name number of machine name.
CH0 If machine name is not set
Not zero if machine name has been set
DS:DXASCIZ machine name

Get Machine Name returns the name which your computer is known by on
the network. This name is specified when you run the redirector. You
may use the name and NETBIOS name number returned by this function to
perform NETBIOS commands. You must not use any other names added by

5E02H Set Printer Setup

BXRedirection list index.
CXSetup string size
DS:SIPointer to printer setup string

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

Set printer setup sets a setup string to be sent to the network printer
whenever a file is queued to the printer.

NOTE: LANOS does not process this request since printer setup strings
are controlled by the system administer using the NET_MGR program.
The system call DOES NOT return an error, however.

5E03H Get Printer Setup

BXRedirection entry index.
ES:DIPointer to area to contain setup string

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
CXLength of setup string.

Get setup string will return the setup string set with 5E02H (Set
Printer Setup) above.

NOTE: LANOS does not process this request since printer setup strings
are controlled by the system administer using the NET_MGR program.
The system call DOES NOT return an error, however, and the length
of the setup string (CX) is 0.

5F02H Get Redirected Device Entry

BXRedirection entry index. Index 0 specifies the first entry.
DS:SIPointer to 16 byte area which will receive the ASCIZ device
name which the redirection index corresponds with.
ES:DIPointer to 128 byte area which will receive the ASCIZ
network path that the redirected device refers to.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
BLType of device
3 Printer device
4 Disk device
BHDevice status
Bit 0=0 If device is valid
0=1 If device is not valid
Bits 1-7 reserved
CXValue stored by 5F03 call. Should be 0 for compatiblity with
DXMay be destroyed
BPMay be destroyed
DS:SIFilled ASCIZ device name
ES:DIFilled ASCIZ network path

Get Redirected Device Entry returns information about a single
redirected device (see 5F03 Redirect Device). This function may be
used to scan the list of redirected devices.

5F03 Redirect device

AXError code if error
BLType of device
3 Printer device
4 Disk device
CXValue to store with redirected device. Set this to 0
for compatiblity with LANOS.
DS:SIPointer to ASCIZ device name to redirect. For printer
device specify: PRN, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3
For disk devices specify A:, B:, C:, etc.
ES:DIPointer to network path to redirect the device to.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

Redirect device allows you to connect local devices to network paths.
For example you can connect your LPT1 to a printer on another node.
References to LPT1 are routed to the network.

5F04 Cancel Device Redirection

DS:SIPointer to device name to cancel redirection for.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

Cancel device redirection allows you to remove a device redirection so
that the device is restored to its former state.

LANOS Extended Network Functions

LANOS provides an extended set of network system calls which allow
further network control which is not provided by the standard MS-DOS
compatible network requests.

5F80HGet Login Entry

BXLogin entry index (0 based).
ES:DIPointer to 16 byte buffer which will receive computer name that
you are logged into.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
ES:DIPointer to filled ASCIZ buffer. The logged in machine name
DOES NOT include the \\ prefix.

5F81HLogin to a Server

ES:DIPointer to login path and password in the following form
Passwords may be omiited blank but binary 0's (<0>) are
still needed
BLAdapter number to login into through
0ffhTo try all valid adapters
0-3To try adapter 0-3 explicitly
CY If error occured
AXError code if error

5F82HLogout of a Server

INPUTES:DIPointer to server name to log out of in the form

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

5F83HGet username entry

BXLogin entry index (0 based).
ES:DIPointer to 16 byte buffer which will receive user name that
you are logged into.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
ES:DIPointer to filled ASCIZ buffer.

5F84HGet inactive server entry

BXNon-logged in server index.
ES:DIPointer to 16 byte buffer which will receive a server name
that you are NOT logged into but is avaliable to for logging

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
DLAdapter number the non-logged in server is on. This number
may be used as input "Login to Server" (5F81) system call.
ES:DIPointer to filled ASCIZ buffer. The non-logged in server
name DOES NOT include the \\ prefix.

5F85HChange password

INPUTES:DIPointer to \\computer-name\old-password<0>new_password<0>
You must be logged into computer-name

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

CHANGE PASSWORD changes a password given an old (current) and new

5F86HDisable account

INPUTES:DIPointer to machine name in the form \\machine-name<0>
You must be logged into the machine before this system
call will work.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
AX:DXAmount copied

DISABLE ACCOUNT disables a user's currently logged in account. Applies only
when concurrent login entries are set at 1 (by NET_MGR). Requires system
manager to reenable account.

5F97HCopy file

INPUTCX:DXAmount to copy
SISource handle
DIDestination handle

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
AX:DXAmount copied

COPY FILE copies the source file (designated by the input handle) to the
destination file (designated by the output handle).

5F98HSend unsolicited message

DS:SIPointer to message buffer. Format of buffer is
described below

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
NOTE: currently no errors are returned

; Format of DG_message command. The 16 byte name fields are null
; terminated and contain the first n characters to be matched. For
; example AB<0> will match ABxxxxxx...
MB_reserved db ?; Reserved field used by system call
MB_type db ?; User defined message type
MB_machine db 16 dup (?); Machine name that message is destined for
MB_server db 16 dup (?); User must be logged into this server
MB_user db 16 dup (?); User must be using this username
MB_originator db 16 dup (?); Originator's machine name. Filled in
; when message is received
MB_text db 80 dup (?); Message text

; Message buffer type. The values 0-7fh are reserved for LANOS use. Other
; message types are user defined. You may, however, use message
; MBT_general since this is the message type that NET and LANPUP use
; to the send rude messages.
MBT_generalequ 0; General message used by NET, LANPUP
; and others
MBT_warningequ 1; Server warning message.

5F99HGet last received unsolicited message

ES:DIPointer to message buffer. Format of buffer is
described above for 5F98H system call.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error (or no message pending)

5F9AHGet message processing flag


OUTPUTDLBits which describe what processing should be done when
an unsolicited message is received.
FLAGSNC If no error
CY If error occured
AXError code if error

; Message processing bits
MPB_beepequ 00000001b; Beep before message delivered
MPB_deliverequ 00000010b; Deliver message to message service

5F9BHSet message processing flag

DLBits which describe what processing should be done when
an unsolicited message is received.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

5FA0HGet queue entry

BXQueue entry index (0 for first entry)
DS:SIPointer to memory block to transfer queue entry into.
ES:DIPointer to ASCIZ server name in the form \\name<0>

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
BXNext queue entry index to use to find next entry.
DS:SIFilled memory block with queue entry info.

; Definition of a queue entry.
QE_statusdb ?; Status of queue entry
QE_sizedd ?; Size of spooled file
QE_typedb ?; Type of queue entry
QE_output_controldb ?; Control of despooled file
QE_copiesdw 1; Copies
QE_sequencedd ?; Sequence number of queue entry
QE_spooled_filedb 48 dup (?); Pathname of spooled file
QE_userdb 16 dup (?); Username who spooled file
QE_machinedb 16 dup (?); Machine name user was on
QE_datedw ?; Date file spooled (MS-DOS format)
QE_timedw ?; Time file spooled (MS-DOS format)
QE_destinationdb 17 dup (?); ASCIZ Device name or username destined for
QE_commentdb 48 dup (?); Comment field

; Different queue entry statuses
QE_status_freeequ 0; The queue entry is empty
QE_status_updateequ 1; The queue entry is being updated
QE_status_holdequ 2; The queue entry is held
QE_status_waitequ 3; The queue entry is waiting for despool
QE_status_activeequ 4; The queue entry is being despooled
QE_status_cancelequ 5; The queue has been canceled
QE_status_file_errorequ 6; The spooled file could not be accessed
QE_status_spool_errorequ 7; The destination could not be accessed
QE_status_rushequ 8; Rush this job

; Different types of queue entries
QE_type_printequ 0; Spooled printer queue file
QE_type_messageequ 1; Spooled message
QE_type_local_fileequ 2; Spooled local file
QE_type_remote_fileequ 3; Spooled remote file
QE_type_modemequ 4; Spooled to remote modem
QE_type_batchequ 5; Spooled batch processor file

; Bit definitions for output control
QE_OC_keepequ1000000b; Keep after despooling (don't delete)
; For mail - allow delete only by owner

5FA1HSet queue entry

BXHandle of opened queue entry
DS:SIPointer to queue informatino buffer. The buffer must be
formatted as above.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

Set queue entry allows you to change certain fields in a queue entry.
The queue entry must be currently open and you must have a handle to it.
The only fields that are looked at and altered are:

QE_destination(only for MAIL queue entries)

5FA2HControl queue

BLQueue control command
CX:DXSequence number to control. For despooler control the
sequence number is ignored.
ES:DIASCIZ computer name

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

Control queue allows you to manipulate the despooling if you have
privileges and to alter print jobs.

; Control queue commands. Stared (*) entry are prived. commands which
; require Q privilege.
CQ_startequ0;* Start despooling
CQ_haltequ1;* Halt despooling
CQ_halt_EOJequ2;* Halt despooling at end of job
CQ_pauseequ3;* Pause the despooler at end of job
CQ_singleequ4;* Print single job
CQ_restartequ5;* Restart the current print job
CQ_cancelequ6; Cancel the currenly printing job
CQ_holdequ7; Hold the queue entry
CQ_releaseequ8; Release a held queue entry
CQ_rushequ9;* Make the queue entry a rushed job

5FA7HCreate User Audit Entry

DS:DXASCIZ Reason code (up to 8 characters)
DS:SIASCIZ Variable reason code (up to 128 characters)
ES:DIPointer to ASCIZ machine name in the form \\server<0>

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

5FB0HGet Active User information

BXServer login entry index to return information about
DS:SIPointer to user buffer for a single server login entry
ES:DIPointer to ASCIZ machine name in the form \\server<0>

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
DS:SIFilled buffer with login entry information.

Get active user information returns a server's information about a
currently active user.

; Definition of active user entry
AUE_VCIDdw 0; Virtual circuit number
AUE_statedb ?; Login state defined below
AUE_commanddb ?; Last command issued
AUE_IOdb 5 dup (?); Number of I/O bytes (40 bit number)
AUE_requestsdb 3 dup (?); Number of server requests 24 bit num
AUE_namedb 16 dup (?); Name of user who is logged in
AUE_machinedb 16 dup (?); Name of remote logged in machine

; Definition of the various login states and privilege.
AUE_state_starting equ 00000000b; We are in the middle of a login
AUE_state_in equ 00000001b; We are fully logged in
AUE_state_RPL equ 00000010b; Remote program load login

AUE_privilege_superACL equ 10000000b; Bypass ACLs
AUE_privilege_superqueue equ 01000000b; Bypass queue protection
AUE_privilege_peer equ 00100000b; Treat as local process
AUE_privilege_supermail equ 00010000b; Bypass mail protection
AUE_privilege_audit equ 00001000b; The user can create audit entries

5FB1HGet Shared directory information

DS:SIPointer to 64 byte buffer to receive link description
ES:DIPointer to ASCIZ machine name and shared directory in form

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
CXACL privilege bits for requesting user
DS:SIFilled buffer with ASCIZ description of shared

; ACL bit definition
ACL_read equ 1000000000000000b; (R) Allow open for read and reading
ACL_write equ 0100000000000000b; (W) Allow open for write and writing
ACL_create_file equ 0010000000000000b; (C) Allow file creation
ACL_create_dir equ 0001000000000000b; (M) Allow directory creation
ACL_lookup equ 0000100000000000b; (L) Allow file/directory lookups
ACL_delete_file equ 0000010000000000b; (D) Allow file deletion
ACL_delete_dir equ 0000001000000000b ; (K) Allow directory deletion
ACL_rename equ 0000000100000000b; (N) Allow file renaming
ACL_execute equ 0000000010000000b; (E) Allow program execution
ACL_physical equ 0000000001000000b; (P) Allow physical access to device
ACL_attribute equ 0000000000100000b ; (A) Allow attribute changing

5FC0HGet Server's time

DS:SIPointer to 8 byte time block
ES:DIPointer to ASCIZ server name to get time from.

CY If error occured
AXError code if error
DS:SIFilled buffer with time information

TB_yeardw ?; Year
TB_daydb ?: Day of month (1-31)
TB_monthdb ?; Month (1-12)
TB_minutesdb ?; Minutes (0-59)
TB_hourdb ?; Hour (0-23)
TB_hundrethsdb ?; Hundreths of seconds (0-99)
TB_secondsdb ?; Seconds (0-59)

5FD0HGet redirected lineprinter timeout


CY If error occured
AXError code if error
CXRedirected line printer timeout in ticks (1 tick = 1/18.2
seconds). A value of 0 means timeouts are disabled.

5FD1HSet Redirected lineprinter timeouts

CXPrinter timeout in ticks (1/18.2 second). A value of 0
disables timeouts.
CY If error occured
AXError code if error

5FE0H Get DOS service vector


CY If error occured
AXError code if error
ES:BXPointer to current DOS service routine

5FE1H Set DOS service vector

ES:BXNew DOS service vector location. To chain into the DOS
service vector you must obtain the old vector (5FE0) and
save it. When your service routine is called you will
need to call the old vector before beginning your

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

5FE2H Get message service vector


CY If error occured
AXError code if error
ES:BXPointer to current message service routine

5FE3H Set message service vector

ES:BXNew message service vector location. To chain into the
message service vector you must obtain the old vector
(5FE2) and save it. When your service routine is called
you will need to call the old vector before beginning your
(NOTE: when a service routine is called ES:BX will point to
the currently received message)

CY If error occured
AXError code if error

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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