Jan 022018
Converts between standard MIDI file Type 0 and Type 1, lists events in MIDI files.
File MIDISMF.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Music and Digitized Voice
Converts between standard MIDI file Type 0 and Type 1, lists events in MIDI files.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CATALOG.DOC 9600 2069 deflated
MIDISMF.EXE 78384 30560 deflated

Download File MIDISMF.ZIP Here

Contents of the CATALOG.DOC file

Giebler Enterprises Software Products - June 1992


[ ] ADM Alesis Diskette Manager $22.00
[ ] EDM Ensoniq Diskette Manager $22.00
[ ] YDM Yamaha Diskette Manager $22.00
[ ] KDM Korg Diskette Manager $22.00
[ ] EMM Ensoniq Midi Manager (VFX, SQ-1, SQ-2) $22.00


[ ] SQ80VFX Convert from SQ-80 to VFX-SD $44.00
[ ] SQ80SMF E Convert SQ-80 to Standard Midi Files $32.00
[ ] VFXSMF E Convert VFX-SD & SD-1 to/from SMF $32.00
[ ] EPSSMF E Convert EPS & EPS-16+ to/from SMF $32.00
[ ] SQ1SMF M Convert SQ-1 & SQ-2 to/from SMF $32.00
[ ] QX3SMF Y Convert Yamaha QX3 to/from SMF $32.00
[ ] T123SMF K Convert Korg T-Series to/from SMF $32.00
[ ] 01WSMF K Convert Korg 01/W FD to/from SMF $32.00
[ ] ADDSMF A Convert SMF to Alesis Datadisk $32.00

E needs EDM Y needs YDM K needs KDM M needs EMM A needs ADM

[ ] SQ-80 Pkg Includes EDM and SQ80SMF $44.00
[ ] VFX-SD Pkg Includes EDM and VFXSMF $44.00
[ ] EPS Pkg Includes EDM and EPSSMF $44.00
[ ] SQ1 Pkg Includes EMM and SQ1SMF $44.00
[ ] QX3 Pkg Includes YDM and QX3SMF $44.00
[ ] T123 Pkg Includes KDM and T123SMF $44.00
[ ] 01/W Pkg Includes KDM and 01WSMF $44.00
[ ] ADD Pkg Includes ADM and ADDSMF $44.00

All programs run on IBM PC-XT, PC-AT, or compatibles with 640K RAM
and a 3 1/2" floppy disk drive. Korg DSM-1 and T-Series require a
1.44 MB floppy disk drive. A second drive is required for the
EDM, YDM and KDM copy features (Hard Disk Prefered). Prices
subject to change without notice.

Please check desired programs or packages and return entire page.

Name:__________________________________ Phone:_________________


City:__________________________________ State:____ Zip:________

Keyboards Owned:_________________________________________________

Computer: [ ] XT [ ] AT [ ] PS/2 Memory:______ Hard Disk:____

Payment Enclosed:__________________ (NY Residents add Sales Tax)
[ ] VISA [ ] MC (U.S. Funds) (Foreign orders - add $6.00)

Card #:___________________________________ Exp Date:_____________

Signature:________________________________ Bank:_________________

Mail to: Giebler Enterprises, 8038 Morgan Rd, Liverpool, NY 13090
Or Call: (315) 652-5741 ( Monday - Friday 10AM - 9PM EDT )

Giebler Enterprises Software Products

EDM - Ensoniq Diskette Manager


List/Print Directory/Label Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Copy Disk To/From HardDisk Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Copy File To HardDisk Seq Yes Yes Yes Yes
Copy File From HardDisk Yes Yes Yes Yes
Format Diskettes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View/Analyze Diskettes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

EMM Transfers Ensoniq sounds, presets, & sequences to/from
the IBM-PC through a Midi port to the VFX, SQ-1, SQ-2
& SQ-R. Use with EDM to allow VFX (no disk drive)
owners to read/write VFX-SD & SD-1 diskettes using the
disk drive on their IBM-PC.

SQ80VFX Converts all SQ-80 sequences on a SQ-80 diskette to
VFX-SD sequences on a VFX-SD diskette. Transfers midi
channel assignments, track status, volume levels, notes,
controllers, and program numbers. Can also convert all
SQ-80 sequences on a disk to Standard Midi Files.

SQ80SMF Converts SQ-80 sequences to Standard Midi Files (SMF).
Transfers all controllers and notes. Lists SQ-80 and
SMF sequences on the screen or printer.

VFXSMF Converts VFX-SD & SD-1 sequences to Standard Midi Files.
Converts SMF sequences to VFX-SD or SD-1 sequences.
Lists VFX-SD, SD-1 and SMF sequences on the screen or
printer. Allows filtering of controllers and program
changes when converting to VFX-SD or SD-1. Converts
any twelve selected tracks (with notes) to the keyboards.

EPSSMF Converts EPS & EPS-16+ sequences to Standard Midi Files.
Converts SMF sequences to EPS or EPS-16+ sequences.
Lists EPS, EPS-16+ and SMF sequences on the screen or
printer. Allows filtering of controllers and program
changes when converting to EPS or EPS-16+. Currently
only converts the first eight tracks (with notes) to
the EPS or EPS-16+ keyboards.

SQ1SMF Converts SQ-1 & SQ-2 sequences to Standard Midi Files.
Converts SMF sequences to SQ-1 or SQ-2 sequences.
Lists SQ-1, SQ-2 and SMF sequences on the screen or
printer. Allows filtering of controllers and program
changes when converting to SQ-1 or SQ-2. Converts any
eight selected tracks (with notes) to the keyboards.

YDM - Yamaha Diskette Manager


List/Print Directory/Label Yes Yes Yes
Copy Disk To/From HardDisk Yes Yes Yes
Copy File To/From HardDisk Yes Yes Yes
Format Diskettes Yes Yes Yes
View or Analyze Sectors Yes Yes Yes

QX3SMF Converts QX3 sequences to Standard Midi Files (SMF).
Converts SMF sequences to QX3 sequences. Transfers
all controllers, notes, time signatures and tempos.
Lists QX3 and SMF sequences on the screen or printer.

KDM - Korg Diskette Manager

FEATURE T-Series 01/W FD

List/Print Directory/Label Yes Yes
Copy Disk To/From HardDisk Yes Yes
Copy File To HardDisk Yes Yes
Copy File From HardDisk Yes Yes
Format Diskettes Yes Yes
View/Analyze Diskettes Yes Yes

T123SMF Converts T-Series sequences to Standard Midi Files (SMF).
Converts SMF sequences to T-Series sequences. Transfers
all controllers, notes, time signatures and tempos.
Lists T-Series and SMF sequences on the screen or printer.
Can extract or append one sequence from a sequencer file.
Can merge several sequencer files together.

01WSMF Converts 01/W FD sequences to Standard Midi Files (SMF).
Converts SMF sequences to 01/W FD sequences. Transfers
all controllers, notes, time signatures and tempos.
Lists 01/W FD and SMF sequences on the screen or printer.
Can extract or append one sequence from a sequencer file.
Can merge several sequencer files together.

ADM - Alesis Diskette Manager


List/Print Directory/Label Yes
Copy Disk To/From HardDisk Yes
Copy File To HardDisk Yes
Copy File From HardDisk Yes
Format Diskettes Yes
View/Analyze Diskettes Yes

ADDSMF Converts Standard Midi Files (SMF) into Alesis DataDisk
sequences. Transfers all controllers, notes and tempo
changes. Does NOT require a midi interface for the IBM-PC.
Lists DataDisk and SMF sequences on the screen or printer.

 January 2, 2018  Add comments

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