Dec 212017
Beech v35 Bonanza for Flight Simulator 4.0.
File V35BON.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Beech v35 Bonanza for Flight Simulator 4.0.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BONANZA.DOC 1234 662 deflated
REF-V35.SIM 363 314 deflated
V35BONAN 41842 22645 deflated
V35BONAN.AFX 19993 3544 deflated
V35BONAN.SIM 363 324 deflated

Download File V35BON.ZIP Here

Contents of the BONANZA.DOC file


This is my rendition of the good old Beechcraft V-tail Bonanza. No good
pilot should be without one of these in his/her hangar. It'll cruise at
about 180 knots and has some pretty impressive climb-out capability. If you
press the"H" key while at idle, you'll see the three blade prop instead of the
prop circle. For you night flyers, notice the wingtip and landing lights that
show up real well at dusk and night (except when you are using an ATI Ultra
card like I am).
Well, this is just one more in my bevy of beauties that are all made
available by the genius of Laemming Wheeler and the Mallard Software people.
Thanks "a bunch" for the tools guys. I think we're really havin' some fun now!
I am including all of the files you will need to run this without AAF and
with AAF, if you want to make changes. Be careful making any changes to the
side stripes, they're really curved and many strange things happen when they
aren't placed just right.
I've got a couple of more goodies to upload - watch for 'em!

Scott Edmunds

 December 21, 2017  Add comments

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