Dec 232017
Some True Type Fonts that start with A for Use in Windows 3.x.
File TTFONTA1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Font Collections
Some True Type Fonts that start with A for Use in Windows 3.x.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AACHEN-L.FOT 1326 298 deflated
AACHEN-L.TTF 30900 15987 deflated
AAP_____.TTF 24152 16430 deflated
AARCOVER.FOT 1318 294 deflated
AARCOVER.TTF 40428 20038 deflated
ABBEY-ME.TTF 55372 26576 deflated
ACTIVA.TTF 82984 29732 deflated
ADJUTANT.FOT 1332 299 deflated
ADJUTANT.TTF 50224 20288 deflated
AGATE-BO.FOT 1322 293 deflated
AGATE-BO.TTF 47184 24817 deflated
AGATE-N1.FOT 1340 305 deflated
AGATE-N1.TTF 47416 24849 deflated
AGATE-NO.FOT 1326 297 deflated
AGATE-NO.TTF 48076 25290 deflated
ALBATROS.FOT 1320 294 deflated
ALBATROS.TTF 78540 33494 deflated
ALEX-FRA.FOT 1342 303 deflated
ALEX-FRA.TTF 23312 8560 deflated
AMBROSIA.FOT 1318 293 deflated
AMBROSIA.TTF 39068 20277 deflated
AMELIA.TTF 32196 17055 deflated
AMERICA1.FOT 18 18 stored

Download File TTFONTA1.ZIP Here

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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