Dec 232017
True Type Fonts with the letter B.
File B_TTF.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Font Collections
True Type Fonts with the letter B.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BASTARDA.TTF 43580 24738 deflated
BEATSVIL.TTF 33712 19057 deflated
BEFFLE__.TTF 47548 20371 deflated
BENJCAPS.TTF 30340 19982 deflated
BIKLY___.TTF 34484 18317 deflated
BIZARRO_.TTF 85120 51795 deflated
BLACKADD.TTF 23332 12762 deflated
BLACKCHA.TTF 26476 16931 deflated
BLACK___.TTF 37088 20537 deflated
BLADES.TTF 17000 8587 deflated
BLADESLT.TTF 21124 11384 deflated
BODACIOU.TTF 50168 27168 deflated
BODIDLCI.TTF 40456 23858 deflated
BODIDLYC.TTF 37816 22140 deflated
BODIDLY_.TTF 37532 22548 deflated
BORZOIBI.TTF 27068 17497 deflated
BORZOII_.TTF 27008 17497 deflated
BORZOI__.TTF 25100 16027 deflated
BRASSFLD.TTF 38600 20788 deflated
BRASSIT_.TTF 43480 23864 deflated
BUBBLE__.TTF 22188 10647 deflated
BUNCHLIN.TTF 13716 5366 deflated
BUSINDUS.TTF 30512 18357 deflated

Download File B_TTF.ZIP Here

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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