Dec 252017
The W9ZRX Linked PBBS List for HAM radio operators.
File W9ZRX89.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
The W9ZRX Linked PBBS List for HAM radio operators.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
(C)W9ZRX.89 388 210 deflated
CAN_DBF.ZIP 27213 26042 deflated
CONTENTS 12011 3237 deflated
LICENSE 1469 694 deflated
LIST.ZIP 89060 87444 deflated
READ_ME 3620 1854 deflated
STATEBBS.ZIP 26837 22062 deflated
STATEZIP.ZIP 8818 3815 deflated
USA_DBF.ZIP 179041 177276 deflated
VE_BBS.ZIP 3313 2762 deflated
VE_ZIP.ZIP 2469 1672 deflated

Download File W9ZRX89.ZIP Here

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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