Dec 182017
Mr. Potato Head type of game for the youngsters.
File FUNYFACE.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Mr. Potato Head type of game for the youngsters.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BEARDS.LIB 16716 3585 deflated
BROWS.LIB 4620 1365 deflated
EARS.LIB 17766 2303 deflated
EYES.LIB 6214 1743 deflated
FF.DAT 35331 5088 deflated
FF.EXE 62395 34510 deflated
HAIRS.LIB 34276 6369 deflated
HI.IMG 8394 1007 deflated
MOUTHS.LIB 2528 913 deflated
NOSES.LIB 3684 1016 deflated
PANELS.LIB 67129 8000 deflated
README 3256 1498 deflated

Download File FUNYFACE.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

Copyright 1989

< General Information >

Funny Face was designed to provide kids with a creative form of entertainment.
It allows children to create animation style faces without requiring them to
to possess strong artistic skills.

Many of the paint packages on the market today require some degree of skill
to generate recognizable pictures. This often times creates frustration on
the part of very young children when using the software. This was taken into
consideration during the design of this software package.

Thousands of different cartoon faces can be generated, even by very young

Funny Face will run on IBM, and compatible, computers equipped with 256K
of memory, a color monitor and a color graphics adapter (CGA).

< Features >


Basic operation of the Funny Face program can be achieved through the use
of just two keys:

The will move the cursor, ultimately, to any of the usable
menu or image frames. Pressing the key will select the hilited

Arrow directional keys are also supported for users who wish to get
around quicker.


Images can be saved and retrieved from disk. Print support is available
for Epson and compatible printers.


Random images can be created using the demo mode. Pictures created by the
demo mode can be captured by pressing any key while the demo image is still
on the screen.

< Additional Notes >

I used my 5 year old daughter as a beta tester and have watched my 3 year
old niece become entranced at the different faces that can be created. This
package has even stood in the way of productivity at my office.

It was a great deal of fun putting this package together. There were more
that 260 individual images drawn to support the menu options and image
frames. Several utilities had to be written to support the development of
this product.

The print function currently only supports Epson compatible printers.

This is my first entry into the Shareware market and I am trying the electronic
distribution concept as a test. I have plans to produce a follow up product
to Funny Face, based on observations made while watching various children use
the package.

Funny Face can be freely copied and distributed. I own the copyright to the
product and thus it cannot be used for commercial gain/profit without my
prior consent. If you like the product and would like to become a registered
user please send a check for $10.00 to:

467-F Costa Mesa Terrace
Sunnyvale, CA. 94086

Registered users will be notified of any updates that are made to the
Funny Face program.

Your comments and/or suggestions are always welcomed as well. Thank you for
your support and I hope you have as much fun using this package as I had
developing it.

Thank you,

Brett Zamora

(408) 732-0159

 December 18, 2017  Add comments

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