Dec 222017
FoxBase+ program that saves color settings.
File COLORTOO.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
FoxBase+ program that saves color settings.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COLORTOO.DOC 1938 989 deflated
COLORTOO.FOX 8086 2208 deflated

Download File COLORTOO.ZIP Here

Contents of the COLORTOO.DOC file

** COLORTOO.DOC - Document file to be included with COLORTOO.FOX

This program is a rip-off of one I found on a bulletin board (ACUMEN, I think).
Anyway, what I've done is re-write it using Foxbase+ (2.0) specific code.

This program allows you to change the default color settings (SET COLO TO)
for Foxbase programs. (Actually, you COULD use Fox to run just this .prg
and then pass control to dBase - once this program writes COLOR.MEM it's
thru for the day - but that seems like such a bother, just convince your
client(s) to get Foxbase and we'll all be much happier !!)

From the dot prompt (or one of your startup programs) enter: DO COLORTOO
The program will display a logo screen (I'm no Piker !) and then a series
of vertical menus. (Isn't MENU TO wonderful ?)

Simply use your cursor keys to navigate thru your choices, confirm with
and keep an eye on the MESSage line - row 24 - for instructions.

After you have made your choices, the program will display a sample
screen. Press PgDn to reveal the horizontal menu, next.

Simply use your cursor keys to navigate thru your choices, confirm with
and keep an eye on the MESSage line - row 23 - for instructions.

If you choose to S)ave the colors, the program will store your color
settings to COLOR.MEM

To initiate use of these color settings enter: REST FROM COLOR - this will
RESTore the memory file from the disk and load the settings into memory
(don't forget to use the ADDITIVE clause if you don't wish to wipe out any
previous memory variables)

Now that we have the settings in memory, activate them by entering: &COLOR

That's it, the new color settings will be in force until you change them.

If you like this program, YOU OUGHTTA SEE MY GOOD STUFF !!

Call me (Richard L. Wainwright) @ 301 530-4589 M-F 6-10 pm if you have any
questions (or high paying multi-user programming jobs, heh heh)

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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