Dec 092017
CASTLE OF THE WINDS 1.2 from EPIC MEGAGAMES. A dazzling fantasy role-playing adventure for Windows. Based on Norse mythology, you face an incredible and challenging quest as you advance to the top level.
File $CASTL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
CASTLE OF THE WINDS 1.2 from EPIC MEGAGAMES. A dazzling fantasy role-playing adventure for Windows. Based on Norse mythology, you face an incredible and challenging quest as you advance to the top level.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CASTLE1.EXE 838288 257750 deflated
CASTLE1.HLP 101235 48589 deflated
CATALOG.EXE 30464 14945 deflated
CHANGES.DOC 4808 2223 deflated
COMMDLG.DLL 89248 41122 deflated
INSTALL.DOC 693 372 deflated
ORDER.DOC 3009 1220 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 2189 1041 deflated

Download File $CASTL.ZIP Here

 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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