Dec 232017
WordPerfect routines for filling in SF171.
File WPLJ-171.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Perfect
WordPerfect routines for filling in SF171.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
171-FNT.STY 1191 586 deflated
171-UNIV.STY 1390 665 deflated
FILELIST 1040 330 deflated
MANUAL.WP 31178 10517 deflated
ORDRFORM.TXT 1673 637 deflated
P1.1 44364 8038 deflated
P1.2 6759 2970 deflated
P1.TST 6985 3094 deflated
P2.1 12867 4039 deflated
P2.2 2537 1274 deflated
P2A.1 9773 3194 deflated
P2A.2 3004 1535 deflated
P3.1 38082 7252 deflated
P3.2 7487 2655 deflated
P3.TST 8213 3229 deflated
P4.1 23680 6089 deflated
P4.2 4084 1816 deflated
P4.TST 4085 1795 deflated
READ-ME.TXT 1275 642 deflated

Download File WPLJ-171.ZIP Here

Contents of the ORDRFORM.TXT file

Order from:
Alan R. Fischer
206 Orchard Terrace
St.Clairsville, Ohio 43950
(614) 695-1954
CompuServe: 71630,1321
SmartNet, RIME, and other BBS Networks

WordPerfect LaserJet SF-171
Prices as of October 1991

Quantity Price Total

________ Single User $ 20.00 _______.___
(one copy on one machine)

________ Commercial or Government office $ 50.00 _______.___
(one copy shared among staff)

________ Resume or other Employment Service $150.00 _______.___
(Unlimited use in single office)

Software Total _______.___

________ 3-1/2" disk ($2.00 per item) _______.___

Ohio residents, please include 6% sales tax _______.___

Shipping - domestic $ 0.00
per disk - overseas $ 8.00 _______.___

* Total Amount Enclosed ________.___

* Check, or Money Order. Sorry, no Credit Cards, Purchase Orders or C.O.D.s.
Checks for foreign orders must be in US Dollars, drawn on a US bank.
A Canadian Postal Money Order in US Dollars is acceptable.

Ship to: Name ___________________________________

Mailing Address ___________________________________



Phone: ___________________________________

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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