Dec 242017
The WriteMe System 2.0 produces FULL COLOR text files.
File WRITEME.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
The WriteMe System 2.0 produces FULL COLOR text files.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
—— 6 6 stored
——– 6 6 stored
MASTER.RMC 5302 5094 deflated
README.CMP 3474 1613 deflated
README.EXE 5101 4908 deflated
WMMANUAL.DOC 37521 9522 deflated
WRITEME.EXE 100768 56036 deflated

Download File WRITEME.ZIP Here

Contents of the WMMANUAL.DOC file

The WriteMe System, a shareware program.

The WriteMe System which you now have in your possession is an unregistered
copy of the program. You must abide by the following rules in order to
avoid infringing upon the copyright of Sitting Duck Software.

1. You MAY NOT distribute README.COM files which are generated by
WRITEME.EXE without first registering your copy of the program.

2. You MAY NOT distribute any README.CMP files which are generated by
WRITEME.EXE without first registering your copy of the program.

3. You MAY distribute README.EXE, WRITEME.EXE and the MASTER.RMC files if
you also distribute WMMANUAL.DOC on the same diskette.

4. You MAY distribute any ASCII text file which you generate with the

The unregistered, shareware version of The WriteMe System is distinguished
by the following:

1. When using the WRITEME.EXE text editor, the bottom line contains a
blinking red dot and the menu bar which is displayed when using the
FILES feature will contain the words "Unregistered Version".

2. README.COM files generated by The WriteMe System will contain a
blinking red dot on the bottom line.

3. README.CMP file contain a special code within the file.

If Sitting Duck Software discovers any README.COM files in circulation
which contain a blinking red dot or any README.CMP files in circulation
that contain the special code, we will make every effort to uncover the
source of the illegal files and prosecute the originator to the full
extent allowed by law.

Site and distribution licenses for The WriteMe System are available for a
small fee to those engaged in BUSINESS or COMMERCIAL activities.


The shareware version of The WriteMe System is provided without specific
or implied warranties and is supplied "as is". Under no circumstances
shall Sitting Duck Software or the authors of this product be liable for
any incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this

Please report any problems immediately!


The WriteMe System may be registered for $45. Add $6 for overseas air
shipment. Sorry, we cannot take credit cards. For UPS COD shipments
within the continental United States, add $10. Funds must be in US Dollars
and negotiable at a US bank. Here, cash is an acceptable form of payment;
we have no errant employees who might intercept and steal your funds! We
cannot, however, guarantee that the postal service will make delivery of
your order.


Please use this form to register rather than the order blanks at the end
of this document. Mail to: SITTING DUCK SOFTWARE, POBOX 130, Veneta, OR
97487. Our telephone is (503) 935-3982

Media desired _____5 1/4 _____3 1/2

Date________________________ Telephone ( )____________________________

Name_________________________________________________ Apt__________________

Company_____________________________________________________ MS____________


City_________________________________________State_______ Zip or PC________

Province_____________________________________ Country______________________

Shipping Address if different from above:







WRITEME.EXE The document editor for your use.

README.EXE A document reader for .CMP files.

README.CMP A compressed document; this plus MASTER.RMC
makes a README.COM file. WRITEME.EXE will
initially load this document for you to read.

MASTER.RMC A program file which is used when WriteMe makes
a README.COM file.

README.COM May contain last minute information about The
WriteMe System. Read this first by typing in
README and pressing . After you have
read this file, an printed it if desired, delete


NOTE: When DOS has a choice of running a .COM file and an .EXE file of
the same name, DOS will run the .COM file. Since README is the
sensible name of choice to display the documents you will be
creating, some confusion is likely to develop. If you are not
currently creating a README.COM file, make sure that one does not
exist. You can do this by either deleting any existing README.COM
file or, if you wish to save it, by renaming it to, perhaps,


Any PC compatible running MSDOS, 640K RAM, any drive combination,
DOS 3.xx

A COLOR monitor is required to use WRITEME.EXE. Do NOT run WRITEME
on a monochrome monitor; it will not work!

WRITEME.EXE initially assumes that the file you will be writing is called
README.CMP and will load that file IF it exists in the current directory.

The WriteMe System was designed to eliminate those drab README.DOC files
that seem to appear on almost every diskette that changes hands. We can
all now have readme files, instructions, short documentation, letters, etc.
presented to us in COLOR rather than monochrome.

The WriteMe System has two parts; the WRITEME.EXE program which allows you
to design your documents in color and save them to compressed files which
will subsequently be read by your audience via the README.EXE program which
un-compresses the files and allows the reader to scroll and page thru the

Rather than have only white space, positioning and characters such as the
* and - to highlight portions of the document, you can now add color, boxes,
lines and blinking characters.......easily.

The WriteMeSystem was NOT designed to produce "manuals on disc". Extensive
manuals gain their value only after having been sent to the printer. For
those short little files that DEMAND the users first attention, however, The
WriteMe System will allow the recipents of your discs to immediately zero in
on the points which you would like make foremost.

For all practical purposes, WRITEME is an easy to use text editor. The only
real difference is that editing can be done in color. With some exceptions,
most keys on your keyboard will perform as expected and outline below:

Insert Engages Insert mode if you are currently in Overstrike.
Engages Overstrike mode if you are currently in Insert.
Unlike other text editors, characters pushed off the page
when in Insert mode are lost.

Delete Deletes the character under the cursor and moves the
following text, on the current line, one position to the

Home Moves the cursor to the first column.

End Moves the cursor to the end of the line of text.

Ctrl + Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.

PageUp Displays the previous 24 lines of the document.

PageDown Displays the next 24 lines of the document.

Back Space When not at column 1, Deletes the character preceding the
cursor, moves one position to the left and moves the
following text one position to the left.

When in Column 1 and the previous line is EMPTY; moves the
current line up one line.

When in Column 1 and the previous line is NOT EMPTY; appends
the current line to the tail of the previous line. If
there is no room on the previous line for the first word of
the current line, no action will take place. Back spacing
will process characters following the cursor until a colon,
period, exclamation point or question mark is encountered.

ENTER Inserts a blank line below the current line and moves the
text under and following the cursor down to the newly
created line. The last line of the document is lost when
pressing ENTER. Keep several empty lines at the end of the
document to prevent text loss.

TAB In Insert mode, pushes text under and following the cursor
5 space to the right. Any characters which fall off the
page are lost. The cursor moves 5 spaces to the right.

In the Overstrike mode, moves the cursor 5 spaces to the

Cursor keys Moves the cursor within the document, scrolling vertically
when appropriate.

There are a number of special keystrokes unique to the WRITEME program.
Press while in the program to review the keystrokes. The following
information pertains to the special keystrokes recognized by WRITEME.
Where a + appears in the keystroke, it means you press the key for the
character following the + while holding down the key preceeding the +.

Alt + C Color select. Presents a moving arrow which you move with
the cursor keys and point to the color you wish to be the
Current Color. Press enter to establish the current color.
All characters typed will be displayed in the current
color. Some color selections are not allowed. A panel at
the screen bottom displays a variety of characters so you
can see what they will look like in the various colors.

Each time you select a new color, it is added to a list of
colors previously selected during the editing session. You
may scroll through this list, stoping on the color you wish
to become the current color.

Shift + CursorRight or Cursor Left

Paints the character under the cursor the current color.
This key is useful when you wish to recolor a few words of

Alt + E Paints the entire current line with the current color.

Alt + B Changes to a blinking foreground mode. All characters
typed will be in the current color, but blinking. Blinking
text will blink when read by README.

Causes the current color to automatically assume the color
under the cursor regardless of what color that may be.

Alt + A Displays a chart of the extended ASCII characters which you
may use in your document. The chart is reproduced in the
rear of the manual. To enter an extended ASCII character,
such as , hold down the Alt key and enter the number of
the character desired on the NUMERIC KEYPAD on the right
side of your keyboard. For example, to enter , hold down
Alt and press 1 then 7 then 1 and release the Alt key.
You may not use this process to enter a character below 32
except for the Form Feed character 12.

Alt + T Takes the text on the current line and centers it.

Alt + R Removes all leading spaces from a line and shift text to
the left.

Alt + K Blacks out the screen. Any keypress restores it to normal.

Alt + P Engages and disengages the box protect mode which disallows
certain keystrokes when the cursor is on a box character or
within a box. When Box Protection is engaged, a small box
appears to the left of the Help prompt in the lower
right of the screen.

Shift + Delete Clears the screen from the cursor to the end of the line in
the current color.

Control + R Repeats the last character typed in. Continue holding R if
you wish many repeated characters. This is handy for
drawing horizontal lines. You must be in Overstrike mode.

Alt + L Activates the box drawing and painting features. You are
presented with a small default box. The following key-
strokes now apply:

K Cycles through the box border types.

Alt + C Selects box border color.

P Paints area defined by box sides to that
color selected for the border.

B Re-establishes the box mode.

F Fills area defined by box sides with spaces.

S Adds a shadow.

ENTER Accepts the layout and makes it permanent.

Exits drawing/painting procedure and returns
to main editor.

Alt + M Activates the block marking procedure. During the block
marking procedure, blinking characters will temporarily
change color as a consequence of the colors chosen to mark
blocks. Blinking colors will be properly restored upon
exiting the procedure.

The following keys apply to the block marking procedure:

S Marks the beginning of the block that is to
be deleted, copied or moved.

E Marks the end of the block that is to be
deleted, copied or moved.

C Captures but does not delete block.

Shift + C Captures and deletes the block.

D Deletes but do not capture the block.

P Places captured block with the upper left
corner at the current cursor position.

Exits block procedure.

Box drawing, painting and block procedures are limited to the displayed
portion of the document.

Activate the file menu. You may perform the following by
highlighting the procedure and pressing enter.

1> Removes the current file from memory and begin writing
a new file. Save your current file first.

2> Loads a previously written and compressed file. Only
files with a .CMP extension will be presented for menu

3> Loads an ASCII text file for conversion to a README
file. Only files with a .DOC extension will be
presented for menu selection. An ASCII text file is
characterized by a CR LF at the end of each line.
Lines may not contain more than 80 characters. The
loadable file size is limited to 190 lines. All
characters above ASCII 223 will be replaced with a "".

4> Saves the currently loaded file as a compressed README
file. Reading README.CMP files requires the README.EXE
program. If you wish to distribute your document as
a .COM file, select menu choice 6.

5> Saves the currently loaded file as an ASCII text file.
If you want the file viewable by the DOS Type command,
do not put characters in the 80th column.

6> Makes a README.COM file by appending the compressed
document to a copy of the MASTER.RMC file. This will
probably be the method preferred by most as the
README.EXE file need not be on the distribution disc.

7> Sends the currently loaded file to printer port 1.

8> Shells to DOS

9> Exits WRITEME.


Creating a Box

Box drawing is confined to the area of your document which is currently
on the screen.

1. Scroll the document so that the area you wish to enbox is approximately
in the center of the screen.

2. Press Alt + L to establish the box/painting mode.

3. Use the Cursor and Shift + Cursor keys until the box is the desired
size and shape and at the desired location.

4. Press Alt + C to select the color of the box.

5. Press K until you get the box style you wish.

6. If you wish to paint the box contents, press P to establish the painting
mode, press to capture the paint job and press B to re-establish
the box mode. If you wanted to paint ONLY, you would now press to
return to the main editor.

7. If you wish to have a shadow, press S

8. Press to capture the box.

9. Press to return to the main editor.

You can make boxes larger than that which will fit on one screen by making
two boxes, one below the other, changing the characters at the joints to
ASCII 179 and then removing the horizontal lines that divide the box.

Block Operations

Block Capturing and Deleting is confined to the area of your document which
is currently on the screen. You may, however, Put a captured block anywhere
in your document.

1. Scroll the document so that the block to be defined is approximately
in the center of the screen.

2. Press Alt + M to establish block operations.

3. Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the block you wish to define,
press S to mark the beginning, move the cursor to the lower right corner
of the block and press E. The entire block will be highlit.

4. To capture but not delete the block, press C.

5. To capture & delete the block, press Shift + C.

6. To delete but not capture the block press D.

7. To put the captured block on the same screen, move the cursor to the
upper left corner of where you would like the block and press P. If
the block will not fit, nothing will happen.

8. To put the captured block in a different area of your document, press
, scroll to new area, press Alt + M, locate the cursor and press

9. Press to return to the main editor.


README.EXE only processes files named README. When you are through composing
your file in WRITEME, rename the README.CMP file to README. If you wish to
re-edit the file it must be renamed README.CMP.

README can determine what kind of video card is in use but it cannot see
through the card and determine what kind of monitor is attached to it. For
this reason it is necessary for the program to ask about the monitor. This
procedure is necessary because monochrome monitors are often attached to
color cards. README will translate the colors you have assigned to the
document to colors which are visible on monochrome monitors if the person
reading the document tells the program that they have a monochrome monitor.

README.EXE recognizes the following keys:

CursorUp/CursorDown Scrolls forward and backward through the

PageUp/PageDown Pages forward and backward through the

Sends the file to printer port #1.

Exits the program.

Of course, README.EXE may be placed in a batch file.


Compressed README files are often shorter than an equivalent monochrome ASCII
text only file. A color document and the README.EXE file may take up only
slightly more disc space than just plain text files.

Due to the nature of the compression algorithm used you cannot have more
than 230 consecutive characters which are the same or more than 230
consecutive spaces in your document. If you require 3 or 4 blank lines in
your document, you should break up the space with a - or other character
which seems suitable.


In most cases, the preferred choice will be to save your document as a
.COM file. README.COM files have the document reader and the compressed
document combined into a single file. If you know the document recipient
already has README.EXE and you are down to the last byte of floppy disc
space, send the compressed document only; otherwise send a README.COM file.
You cannot rename README.COM to anything else.

ASCII chart

12 FormFeed

32 33 ! 34 " 35 # 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 '
40 ( 41 ) 42 * 43 + 44 , 45 - 46 . 47 /
48 0 49 1 50 2 51 3 52 4 53 5 54 6 55 7
56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ; 60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ?
64 @ 65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F 71 G
72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O

80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W
88 X 89 Y 90 Z 91 [ 92 \ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _
96 ` 97 a 98 b 99 c 100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g
104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o
112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w
120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 } 126 ~ 127

Character representations for the following ASCII values will not print
correctly on your printer unless it is set for the IBM mode.

128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

176 177 178 179 | 180 + 181 182 183

184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191

192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199

200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207

208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215

216 217 + 218 + 219 220 221 222 223

Characters above 223 are not available for use with The WriteMe System.



Fine tune your diet for health and longevity. Create
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MicroMacroBat $35.00

A batch file enhancement program which provides for many
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screen coloring, vertical printing, sound, highlighted bar
menuing and much more. Includes a small text editor for
writing batch files.


Helps to locate your loudspeakers and listening position
to avoid standing waves and prevent severe dips caused by
nearby room boundaries. Not for full range electrostatics.

WS-OFFSET $34.95

Regardless of what the manufacturer of you sub-woofer/
satellite loudspeaker system states, the sub-woofer
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displays the resulting response/phase curves which
result when the woofers and satellites are at different
distances from the listener.

WISP (Whole Instruction Serial Processor) $45.00

A new language interpreter and programming environment
developed for creating disc based catalogs, tutorials,
testing, etc.

G'DAY MATE $35.00

Daily diary, record keeping and a whole lot more.
Text files can do math for home inventory, checkbook
balancing, etc.

LMP (Loudspeaker Modeling Program) $49.50

Includes a passive filter design program. LMP predicts the
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QuickBox (Loudspeaker Enclosure Design) $34.95

An easy to use program for determining the proper enclosure
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A-FILTER $30.00

A companion to the ACTIVE FILTER COOKBOOK by Don Lancaster.
Designs op-amp based active filter networks to the 8th order.

Batch Effects $25.00

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We are looking for program ideas. If you have need for software to do
a particular job and cannot find it, let us know. If your idea has
possibilities we will consider writing it.

| REMIT TO: Sitting Duck Software PO Box 130 Veneta, OR 97487 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Your PO Number: Date of order: |
| 1 | The Listening Room | | 34.95| |
| | | | | |
| 2 | Loudspeaker Modeling Program | | 49.50| |
| | | | | |
| 3 | MicroMacroBat | | 35.00| |
| | | | | |
| 4 | Your Personal Nutritionist | | 39.00| |
| | | | | |
| 5 | WISP (Whole Instruction Serial Proc) | | 45.00| |
| | | | | |
| 6 | The WriteMe System | | 45.00| |
| | | | | |
| 7 | G'Day Mate | | 35.00| |
| | | | | |
| 8 | A-Filter | | 30.00| |
| | | | | |
| 9 | P-Filter | | 25.00| |
| | | | | |
|10 | Woofer/Satellite Offset | | 34.95| |
| | | | | |
|11 | Batch Effects | | 25.00| |
| | | | | |
|12 | QuickBox | | 34.95| |
| | | | | |
|13 | | | | |
| Media size desired: [ ] 5 [ ] 3 |
| Subtotal | |
Add $6 for OVERSEAS AIR shipment. ---+ +--------------+---------+
Add $3 for UPS GROUND shipment. +-----} |Extra shipping| |
Add $6 for UPS AIR shipment. ---+ +--------------+---------+
| Total | |
Tendered: [ ] Cash [ ] Check [ ] M.O. +--------------+---------+

Sorry, we cannot accept credit card orders or checks drawn on other than
U.S. banks.

If this form is in a spiral bound manual, you may gently tear it out.

| REMIT TO: Sitting Duck Software PO Box 130 Veneta, OR 97487 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Your PO Number: Date of order: |
| 1 | The Listening Room | | 34.95| |
| | | | | |
| 2 | Loudspeaker Modeling Program | | 49.50| |
| | | | | |
| 3 | MicroMacroBat | | 35.00| |
| | | | | |
| 4 | Your Personal Nutritionist | | 39.00| |
| | | | | |
| 5 | WISP (Whole Instruction Serial Proc) | | 45.00| |
| | | | | |
| 6 | The WriteMe System | | 45.00| |
| | | | | |
| 7 | G'Day Mate | | 35.00| |
| | | | | |
| 8 | A-Filter | | 30.00| |
| | | | | |
| 9 | P-Filter | | 25.00| |
| | | | | |
|10 | Woofer/Satellite Offset | | 34.95| |
| | | | | |
|11 | Batch Effects | | 25.00| |
| | | | | |
|12 | QuickBox | | 34.95| |
| | | | | |
|13 | | | | |
| Media size desired: [ ] 5 [ ] 3 |
| Subtotal | |
Add $6 for OVERSEAS AIR shipment. ---+ +--------------+---------+
Add $3 for UPS GROUND shipment. +-----> |Extra shipping| |
Add $6 for UPS AIR shipment. ---+ +--------------+---------+
| Total | |
Tendered: [ ] Cash [ ] Check [ ] M.O. +--------------+---------+

Sorry, we cannot accept credit card orders or checks drawn on other than
U.S. banks.

If this form is in a spiral bound manual, you may gently tear it out.

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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