Category : Word Processors
Archive   : WP5-KEY.ZIP
Filename : SHOFKEYS.A

Output of file : SHOFKEYS.A contained in archive : WP5-KEY.ZIP

;ShoFKeys -- help display line for WordPerfect (uses nth line of display)
; 12/5/87 by Davidson Corry
; 4610 SW Lander
; Seattle, WA 98116
; (206) 935-0244
; This program is released to the public domain by its author.
; Please feel free to use it, distribute it and (especially)
; improve it in any way you feel appropriate.
; Money contributions are neither required nor expected. If you like
; the program and want to express your gratitude, do one of the following:
; 1) Write some useful program and upload it to your favorite BBS'es
; 2) Help support your local BBS with money, time or interest
; 3) Teach someone something about programming
; 4) Do the dishes tonight
; 5) Don't tell your lover you've heard that old joke (n) times before
; ...or some other public service. Hope you find it useful. --Davidson

; shift status bits from BIOS call
alt equ 00001000b
ctrl equ 00000100b
lshift equ 00000010b
rshift equ 00000001b
shifts equ lshift or rshift
my_hotshift equ ctrl or lshift ;hot key is CTRL-LEFTSHIFT-F
my_hotkey equ 33

ega equ 1
not_ega equ 0

;Colors/attributes for display attributes
blink equ 10000000b
intense equ 00001000b
black equ 0
blue equ 1
green equ 2
cyan equ 3
red equ 4
magenta equ 5
brown equ 6
grey equ 7
yellow equ intense or brown
white equ intense or grey
underline equ blue

; key/function color selections for a color monitor. Choose your own.
; Use OR rather than + to turn bits in the attribute byte on.
; Background colors occupy the high nibble: (BACKCOLOR SHL 4)
; Foreground colors occupy the low nibble: FORECOLOR

;KEY EQU INTENSE OR RED OR (CYAN SHL 4) ;"hot red" on cyan
;FNX EQU GREY OR (BLUE SHL 4) ;grey on blue

; key/function "color" selections for a monochrome monitor.
; These will work well on both color monitors (bright blue keynumber, grey words)
; and on monochrome monitors (keynumber underlined and bright, grey words)

key equ intense or underline ;"hot blue" on black
fnx equ grey ;grey on black

in_keypress equ 1
inactivated equ 10h

_text segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:_text, ds:_text, es:_text, ss:_text
org 100h
public begin
jmp initialize

public users_ss, users_sp, local_stack

users_ss dw 0
users_sp dw 0
dw 20 dup(0)
local_stack label word

public activity, adapter_type, old_keypress, last_shiftstate, video_seg

activity db inactivated ;comes up "dormant" at load time

adapter_type db 0

old_keypress dd 0

last_shiftstate db 0

video_seg dw 0

public new_keypress, not_our_hotkey, which_keyset

push ax ;save AX register, we're going to use it
in al,60h ;get scancode of key just pressed
.if ,e ;it's our base hotkey, see if shiftbits are right
mov ah,2
int 16h ;get shiftbits through BIOS
and al,0fh ;shiftbits only
.if ,e ;it's our hotkey!! toggle ACTIVATION bit of ACTIVITY byte
in al,61h ;These instructions reset
mov ah,al ; the keyboard. "Forgets" the hotkey
or al,80h
out 61h,al
mov al,ah
jmp short $+2 ;I/O delay for fast AT's
out 61h,al
cli ;Disable interrupts and
mov al,20h ;reset the int controller
out 20h,al
sti ;Allow interrupts
xor cs:activity,inactivated ;toggle the ACTIVATED bit in activity flag byte
pop ax ;restore the AX register saved at entry to hotkey test
iret ;and return to caller
pop ax ;restore AX register saved above


;do nothing if already in the FUNCTION KEY DISPLAY or
; if the TSR is in the "inactivated" state
.if ,nz
jmp cs:old_keypress

;active and flying, show the function keys appropriate to the shift state
or cs:activity,in_keypress ;flag "showing function keys"
pushf ;simulate a INT to process the key just pressed/released
call cs:old_keypress

push ax ;save AX and SI registers, they get local values on shiftstatus
push si
mov ah,2
int 16h ;get shiftstatus
.if ,nz ;ALT is on, show ALT function keyset
mov al,alt
mov si,offset altfunx
.elseif ,nz ;ALT not on but CTRL is, CTRL keyset
mov al,ctrl
mov si,offset ctrlfunx
.elseif ,nz ;ALT and CTRL not on but a SHIFT key is, show SHIFT keyset
mov al,shifts
mov si,offset shiftfunx
.else ;ALT CTRL SHIFT all off, show "NORMAL" keyset
xor al,al
mov si,offset normfunx

.if ,ne ;display keyset ONLY if this is a change from last shown
call show_new_shiftkeys

pop si ;restore the registers used testing shiftstatus
pop ax
and cs:activity,not in_keypress ;flag "not displaying keysets"
iret ;and return to caller

public show_new_shiftkeys
mov cs:last_shiftstate,al
cli ;disable interrupts while diddling stack
mov cs:users_sp,sp ;save old stack
mov cs:users_ss,ss
mov sp,cs ;establish local stack instead
mov ss,sp
mov sp,offset local_stack
sti ;new stack context installed, re-enable interrupts
push ds ;save user registers, we need 'em
push es
push di
push cx
mov ax,cs ;get local datasegment context
mov ds,ax
mov cx,24 ;assume 25 rows on display, funxkeys shown on #24
.if ,e ;EGA, may be using 43 rows
mov ax,0040h
mov es,ax
mov cl,es:84h ;number of last row in use
mov ax,80*2 ;number of bytes per display row (byte char + byte attribute)
mul cl ;byte*byte = word, doesn't disturb DX
mov di,ax ;offset of last row on display
mov ax,video_seg ;base of video display memory
mov es,ax
mov cx,80
rep movsw ;copy keyset databytes directly to video memory
pop cx ;restore user's registers
pop di
pop es
pop ds
cli ;disable interrupts while restoring user's stack context
mov ss,cs:users_ss
mov sp,cs:users_sp
sti ;user's stack restored, enable interrupts

; text (char+attribute) for function-key display lines

public normfunx, altfunx, shiftfunx, ctrlfunx

normfunx db '1',key
db 'c',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '2',key
db 's',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db '-',fnx
db '>',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '3',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'p',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '4',key
db '>',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 'd',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 't',fnx
db '5',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'f',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 's',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '6',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'b',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'd',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '7',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'x',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 't',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '8',key
db 'u',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 'd',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db '9',key
db 'm',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'g',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'R',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '0',key
db ' ',fnx
db 's',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'v',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db ' ',fnx

shiftfunx db '1',key
db 's',fnx
db 'u',fnx
db 'p',fnx
db '/',fnx
db 's',fnx
db 'u',fnx
db 'b',fnx
db '2',key
db '<',fnx
db '-',fnx
db 's',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '3',key
db 's',fnx
db 'w',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 't',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '4',key
db '>',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 'd',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 't',fnx
db '<',fnx
db '5',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'd',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 't',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '6',key
db 'c',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 't',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '7',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'P',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 't',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '8',key
db 'L',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'F',fnx
db 'm',fnx
db 't',fnx
db '9',key
db 'm',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'g',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'E',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '0',key
db 'r',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 't',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'i',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'v',fnx

ctrlfunx db '1',key
db ' ',fnx
db 's',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '2',key
db ' ',fnx
db 's',fnx
db 'p',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '3',key
db 's',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '4',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'm',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'v',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '5',key
db 'T',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'x',fnx
db 't',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db 'I',fnx
db 'O',fnx
db '6',key
db 'T',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'b',fnx
db 'A',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'g',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db '7',key
db 'f',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 't',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 't',fnx
db '8',key
db 'P',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'n',fnx
db 't',fnx
db 'F',fnx
db 'm',fnx
db 't',fnx
db '9',key
db 'M',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'g',fnx
db 'S',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 't',fnx
db '0',key
db 'D',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'f',fnx
db 'M',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'r',fnx

altfunx db '1',key
db 't',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db 's',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'u',fnx
db 's',fnx
db '2',key
db 'r',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'p',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db '3',key
db 'S',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'C',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'd',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db '4',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'b',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'k',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '5',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'm',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'k',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db ' ',fnx
db '6',key
db 'F',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db 'u',fnx
db 's',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db 'R',fnx
db 't',fnx
db '7',key
db 'M',fnx
db 't',fnx
db 'h',fnx
db '+',fnx
db 'C',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'l',fnx
db '8',key
db 'P',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'g',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db 'F',fnx
db 'm',fnx
db 't',fnx
db '9',key
db 'M',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'g',fnx
db 'C',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db 'd',fnx
db 'e',fnx
db '0',key
db ' ',fnx
db 'M',fnx
db 'a',fnx
db 'c',fnx
db 'r',fnx
db 'o',fnx
db ' ',fnx

public initialize

; Deallocate the copy of the environment loaded with the program.

mov ax,word ptr ds:[2ch] ;Address of environment
mov es,ax ;In ES register
mov ah,49h ;Release allocated memory
int 21h ;Thru DOS

;what kind of video adapter are we using??
mov adapter_type,not_ega
mov ax,0040h ;BIOS data segment
mov es,ax
mov ah,12h ;see if EGA is present
mov bl,10h
int 10h
.if ,ne ;EGA. Assume it's active.
mov ax,0b800h
mov adapter_type,ega
.elseif ,nz ;CGA
mov ax,0b800h
.else ;MDA
mov ax,0b000h
mov video_seg,ax ;base segment for video display memory

;grab the "keypress" interrupt (9)
mov ax,3509h
int 21h
mov word ptr old_keypress[0],bx
mov word ptr old_keypress[2],es
mov dx,offset new_keypress
mov ax,2509h
int 21h

;say how to use the program
mov dx,offset usagemsg
mov ah,9
int 21h

;exit retaining resident portion of code
mov dx,(offset initialize - offset _text + 15)/16
mov ax,3100h
int 21h

usagemsg db 'CTRL-LEFTSHIFT-F toggles WordPerfect function key list on last display line$'

_text ends
end begin

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : WP5-KEY.ZIP
Filename : SHOFKEYS.A

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: