Dec 182017
Adds underlining to Word Perfect when using an EGA.
File UNDERLN.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
Adds underlining to Word Perfect when using an EGA.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
UNDERLN.COM 244 204 deflated
UNDERLN.DOC 947 510 deflated

Download File UNDERLN.ZIP Here

Contents of the UNDERLN.DOC file


This program will permit on screen underlining with an EGA
board/monitor when using Word Perfect 4.2. It may work with other
software, but has not been tested by this user. The program was
found on a BBS without any copyright data.

To start up: Before loading WP at the DOS prompt enter:


To uninstall underlining: at the DOS prompt enter:


For Word Perfect 4.2 any screen foreground colors selected from
the highlighted colors (colors above H on the color selection
screen) will have an underscore including the "space bar"
character. You will have a choice of 8 colors including
bachground. The color selection menu is reached by the Ctrl-F3, 4
key sequence. You would chose 1 for color monitor and probably N
for no on screen snow. This also works with the Zenith RBGI
monochrome monitor used with the Z-248 EGA board in EGA modes.

End of documentation.

 December 18, 2017  Add comments

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