Category : Word Processors
Archive   : UED19D.ZIP
Filename : README.UED

Output of file : README.UED contained in archive : UED19D.ZIP

The programs and documentation in this archive are
Copyright (c) 1989-1992 by Useful Software


Useful Editor (Ued) is a small (about 35K), fast, ASCII editor that is
suitable for a wide variety of text manipulation tasks. Some of Ued's
features include:

- ability to edit up to 9 files in memory at once
- files as large as 1000 characters wide and 10,000 lines long
- file size is only limited by available memory
- split screen editing
- typeover and insert mode editing
- search and replace (both case sensitive and insensitive)
- cut and paste (three modes: line, range, and block)
- escape to DOS
- can load "piped" files
- wildcard expansion of command line arguments
- word wrap and paragraph reformat
- smart indentation
- easy to use consistent interface
- user configurable preferences

This Archive

You should find the following files in this archive:

ued.exe - Useful Editor.
uedcfg.exe - Useful Editor Configurator.
ued.cfg - Useful Editor configuration file.
ued.doc - Documentation for Useful Editor.
readme.ued - This "read me" file.


Ued is a shareware editor. This means that you only pay for it if you
decide to continue using it. If you don't think that it is worth the
asking price, delete the program, or better yet give it to someone who
might find it useful. However if you do decide to keep Ued after a 2
week trial period, please send $20 (see REGISTRATION FORM on next
page) to:

Useful Software
340 Dale Crescent
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada, N2J 3Y3

The shareware fee pays for unlimited use of Ued by a single person.
You are allowed (and encouraged) to give away copies of Ued with the
understanding that each person receiving a copy is under the same
obligation as you are to send in the shareware fee if they decide to
keep it. You can upload Ued to other computer systems, either free or
commercial, as long as this archive remains intact, with the copyright
and shareware notices unchanged.

Useful Editor can be installed on LANS. In such situations we ask
only that the LAN Administrator estimate the maximum number of people
that will be making "simultaneous" use of Ued and pay the shareware
fee based on that estimate. We do not expect that the limit be
closely monitored or enforced (we appreciate how much trouble that
would be), but we do expect that the estimate will be revised (and
additional fees paid) should a substantial increase in the number of
nodes on the LAN and Ued usage occur.

No guarantee is made as to the functionality of this software; however
it has been tested quite thoroughly by a large number of people. If
it doesn't do what you want, don't keep it and send no money.

Please support the shareware concept. Shareware means useful programs
at a fraction of the cost you might pay for them commercially. You
can try-before-you-buy, and you are not subjected to copy protection
or other atrocities that many software vendors inflict on their
customers. Software updates can also be distributed much faster than
is possible through normal channels.

Any questions, suggestions, or bug reports, can be mailed to the above
address, or send electronic mail to:

CompuServe: 70242,3102


Useful Software

Registration Information (What do I get if I register!)

All registered users of Useful Editor will receive one update with the
most recent version of the program. Subsequent updates are available
for $3.00 shipping and handling on request. In addition you will
receive the latest versions of other Useful Software products for your

Registered users will have access to the Useful Software Support BBS,
and telephone support.

Discounts are available if you register Useful Editor along with other
Useful Software products (see "Bundled" price schedule below). If you
are already a registered user of another Useful Software product,
remit only the difference in price between what you have already paid
and the "Bundled" price. (For instance if you own 1 copy of Useful
Notes at $20, you pay only $10 for the registration of 1 copy of
Useful Editor).

Useful Editor Price Schedule

1-9 copies - $20 per copy
10-49 copies - $15 per copy
50-99 copies - $10 per copy
100+ copies - One time fee of $1000

Useful Editor/Notes Bundled Price Schedule

1-9 copies - $30 per bundle
10-49 copies - $25 per bundle
50-99 copies - $15 per bundle
100+ copies - One time fee of $1500

Useful Macros Price Schedule

1-99 copies - $10 per copy
100+ copies - One time fee of $1000

With each purchased copy of Useful Editor or Useful Notes, the price
for a copy of Useful Macros is only $5.00.

Printed Documentation

Printed copies of the documentation are available for all Useful
Software products at a cost of $5.00/copy.



Useful Software Name: ___________________________________
340 Dale Crescent
Waterloo, Ontario (Company): ___________________________________
Canada, N2J 3Y3
(Title): ___________________________________

Address: ___________________________________

City,State: ___________________________________

Telephone: ___________________________________


Useful Editor Version ___.___

Useful Notes Version ___.___

Useful Macros Version ___.___


____ copies of Useful Editor V1.9d X $______ per copy = $________

____ copies of Useful Notes V1.4 X $______ per copy = $________

____ copies of Useful Macros V1.1 X $______ per copy = $________


____ printed copies of the Editor documentation X $5.00 = $________

____ printed copies of the Notes documentation X $5.00 = $________

____ printed copies of the Macros documentation X $5.00 = $________


Signature: ____________________________________

Update Log

The following changes were made in Version 1.1

- fixed shift left/right display bug
- altered load routine to convert 0s to spaces on input
- added 43/50 line support
- files with no CR/LF on last line now handled properly
- config will no longer let you pick fore/background colours the
- you can now use ^ in search strings

The following changes were made in Version 1.2

- fixed delete word bug (would not delete if you were on the first
letter of a word)
- modified Text Set/Enter Right Margin command to automatically
turn on word wrap

The following change was made in Version 1.3

- added wild card expansion of file names on command line

The following changes were made in version 1.4

- a warning is now issued if a file is changed when loaded (Ued
will substitute a space for any null (0) character found and/or
split lines that are too long (>999 characters))
- Ued now uses the DOS interrupt 21 console I/O routine (function
6) to fetch keystrokes (this should facilitate the use DOS key
remappers) (removed in version 1.6 - BIOS interrupt 16 used)
- a bug when word wrapping lines >80 columns was fixed
- a display error when reading zero length files was fixed
- editing of filenames and search patterns has been improved and in
addition the last filename or pattern can be recalled by pressing
the  key
- added the option of creating backup files when saving

The following changes were made in version 1.5

- added configuration support to allow Ued to start up in word wrap
- Ued now allows you to edit while a file is being loaded (removed
in version 1.6)
- changed Ued to load "piped" files in BINARY mode (thus ignoring
EOF characters in the file)

The following changes were made in version 1.6

- added the Back/Next Workspace commands under the Cursor menu
- when a new pattern is entered the replacement string is no longer
automatically cleared
- the first file name entered on the command line is now copied to
the "Previous Filename" buffer
- the field for entering the default word wrap column in uedcfg has
been increased to 3 characters
- the performance when loading and saving files has been improved
- a low pitch beep has been added when invalid keys are pressed
within commands

The following changes were made in version 1.7

- support for VGA 28 line mode added
- the "archive" bit is now being set correctly when saving
- Ued now recognizes lines beginning with a '.' or a ':' as being
the equivalent of a blank line when reformatting paragraphs
- Alt-x can be used as an alternate to F10 (Quit)
- empty workspaces can now be saved creating a 0 length file

The following changes were made in version 1.8

- extended characters (with ASCII values > 127) can now be typed
into Patterns and Replacements
- at the Filename? prompt when loading you can get a list of files
by typing in a file specification with the standard DOS wildcard
characters (*,?) or by pressing Enter with no file name for all

The following changes were made in version 1.9

- a problem with the keyboard on some systems (PS/2 Model 60, old
XTs and others) misreading the function keys unless NumLock was
on has been corrected
- the Text/Set right margin command will now leave a space at the
end of the longest line of text in all instances
- you can now have keys "automatically" typed into Ued (say via a
TSR or the Window's 3.0 clipboard) at a much higher rate
- Uedcfg will now generate a "ued.cfg" file or can be forced to by
typing "uedcfg /s" and will restore an older configuration with
the command "uedcfg /r"
- you cannot save to a "Read Only" file when automatic backups are
on any more (Ued used to make the .bak file Read Only then save
the file)

The following changes were made in version 1.9c

- when you reach the left or right edge of the screen, the window
shifts 20 columns so that you can see more context
- optimized memory management so that larger files could be loaded
- also added a /l command line argument so that even larger files
can be loaded

The following changes were made in version 1.9d

- a new set of memory allocation routines were added making memory
usage even more efficient
- Passive video mode was added to the configuration which will use
whatever video mode is in effect when the editor loads (and not
reset the mode on exit)
- the window now shifts 20 columns only if you are entering text
(and not when scrolling)

Planned Enhancements
- when remembering the previous file, if the filaname had wild card
characters then remember the pattern
- remember more patterns and replacements
- copy patterns to replacement
- hide main command menu
- add internal macro support
- read only should not let user's type or change document
- support the command line arguments - might be
> /tnn - set tabs
> /wnn - toggle word wrap set ww column
> /i - toggle insert mode
> /25 /28 /43 /50 - set line mode
> /l - large files
> /r - read only
> /pn - printer port
- printer stuff
> allow user to configure the printer port
> option to send a formfeed when done the workspace
- make clear workspace a configurable option
- allow #0 and #1 in patterns and replacements to represent
the ascii characters 0 and 1
- add the beginning and end of line character #b #e to patterns
- let the user define what the space characters are
- make remove spaces from ends of lines configurable
- record rows and restore video mode accordingly on exit
- option to turn off smart indent
- select colour/attributes of cursor
- ctrl up/down scroll file while leaving cursor in place
- ctrl-ins (cut) shift-ins (paste)
- include trailing blank lines in cut buffer
- show more context when searching

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : UED19D.ZIP
Filename : README.UED

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: