Category : Word Processors
Archive   : TSFLTB13.ZIP
Filename : TSFLTB.INF

Output of file : TSFLTB.INF contained in archive : TSFLTB13.ZIP
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31st August, 1989

About TSFLTB in General

TSFLTB first release (1.0) was distributed under the name of TS2FLT.

This package may be used and distributed freely for NON-COMMERCIAL,
NON-INSTITUTIONAL, PRIVATE purposes, provided it is not changed in any way.
For ANY other usage contact the author for registration.

The programs are under development. Comments and contacts are solicited. If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to use electronic mail for
InterNet address: [email protected] (preferred)
Funet address: VAKK::SALMI
Bitnet address: SALMI@FINFUN
FidoNet address: 2:515/1 (Micro Maniacs Opus, To: Timo Salmi)

The author shall not be liable to the user for any direct, indirect or
consequential loss arising from the use of, or inability to use, any program
or file howsoever caused. No warranty is given that the programs will work
under all circumstances.

Timo Salmi
Professor of Accounting and Business Finance
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa
P.O. BOX 297, SF-65101 Vaasa, Finland

Timo Salmi FiLTers set B, release 1.3 (TSFLTB13) includes the following
* * * ** * * *
utility-type programs and files:

Searching Archive: TSFLTB13.ARC - Build your own filters, T.Salmi

Filename Comment Date Time
-------- -------------------------------- ---- ----
DEMOTXT.XLT How to build a translation table 08-05-89 12:16:36
FILBIN.EXE General filter for binary files 08-05-89 11:55:32
FILTXT.EXE General filter for text files 08-05-89 12:01:28
LOWER.XLT To lowercase, also foreign chars 03-25-89 15:52:24
NOEOF.XLT Enables reading text past eof 08-05-89 12:21:32
PC2UNIX.XLT PC newlines to Unix newlines 08-05-89 09:07:22
SIMUL8.XLT 8-bit to look-alike 7-bit chars 07-04-89 23:55:02
STRIP.XLT Strip the high bit of 8bit chars 07-04-89 21:20:48
TOASC.XLT Scandinavian IBM to ASCII 03-23-89 18:39:22
TOIBM.XLT Scandinavian ASCII to IBM 03-23-89 18:41:34
TSFLTB.INF Document 08-31-89 20:30:00
TSPROG.INF List of programs from T.Salmi 08-30-89 15:44:34
UNIX2PC.XLT Unix newlines to PC newlines 08-05-89 09:08:08
UPPER.XLT To uppercase, also foreign chars 03-25-89 15:45:46
VAASA.INF Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa 06-23-89 08:30:20

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DETAB (Expand tabs properly into blanks) has been transferred to the
TSFLTC package.

FILBIN (Ver. 1.2) General user-configurable filter for binary files

Usage: FILBIN SourceFile DestinationFile [translation table]
[/m(ore)] [/p(ause)] [/s(how translation table)]

FILBIN is a configurable string translation facility for binary files. The
translations are given in a separate translation table file, which you can
customize. See demotxt.xlt for the format of the translation table. If you
omit the name of the translation table, it defaults to filbin.xlt

E.g. translation
means converting the carriage return of the source binary-file into line
feeds. The maximum number of different translations is 256.

The /m /p and /s parameters in the brackets [] are optional. If you are
working with a single disk drive, /p allows to change the disk by pausing
after your have loaded FILBIN and the translation table. If you direct the
output to the screen (that is to CON), the /m option causes pause at the end
of each screen. Parameter /s shows you the translation table. If you select
/s, the translation is not made, only the table is shown.

Release notes: Version 1.2:
1) Translations such as
13 10
are now allowed. That is, a character can be converted into a string even if
the source file is a binary file. 2) Deleting characters is also possible in
the updated version. In other words you can have, for example,

to delete the eof characters. 3) The translation table separators (blank,
comma, nul) now also include tab. 4) Introduced two translation tables (.xlt
files) for PC <--> Unix conversions.

FILTXT (Ver. 1.2) General user-configurable filter for text files

Usage: FILTXT SourceFile DestinationFile [translation table]
[/m(ore)] [/n(o crt)] [/p(ause)] [/s(how translation table)]

FILTXT is a configurable string translation facility for text files. The
translations are given in a separate translation table file, which you can
customize. See demotxt.xlt for the format of the translation table. If you
omit the name of the translation table, it defaults to filtxt.xlt

The maximum number of different translations is 512. The maximum number of
characters in a translation string is 25. E.g. the translation
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
means converting the tabs of the source text-file into eight blanks.

The /m /n /p and /s parameters in the brackets [] are optional. If you are
working with a single disk drive, /p allows to change the disk by pausing
after your have loaded FILTXT and the translation table. If you direct the
output to the screen (that is to CON), the /m option causes pause at the end
of each screen. Parameter /s shows you the translation table. If you select
/s, the translation is not made, only the table is shown. For the /n switch
see the description of DETAB is the TSFLTC package.

Release notes: Version 1.2: The essential upgrade in tsfltb12 occurs in
filbin.exe. The other program has been recompiled with smaller maximum heap
size and some minor changes.

Release 1.3: DETAB.EXE has been transferred to the TSFLTC package.

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : TSFLTB13.ZIP
Filename : TSFLTB.INF

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: