Dec 132017
FILBIN is a configurable string translation facility for binary files. The translations are given in a separate translation table file, which you can customize.
File TSFLTB13.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
FILBIN is a configurable string translation facility for binary files. The translations are given in a separate translation table file, which you can customize.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DEMOTXT.XLT 1145 592 deflated
FILBIN.EXE 29872 14994 deflated
FILTXT.EXE 30784 15134 deflated
LOWER.XLT 804 379 deflated
NOEOF.XLT 155 136 deflated
PC2UNIX.XLT 101 92 deflated
SIMUL8.XLT 2627 837 deflated
STRIP.XLT 2646 945 deflated
TOASC.XLT 372 238 deflated
TOIBM.XLT 194 148 deflated
TSFLTB.INF 5839 2224 deflated
TSPROG.INF 3641 1743 deflated
UNIX2PC.XLT 102 92 deflated
UPPER.XLT 804 391 deflated
VAASA.INF 2584 1223 deflated

Download File TSFLTB13.ZIP Here

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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